campaign fundraising

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Obama Raises $25M in a Single Day
Obama Raises $25M
in a Single Day

Obama Raises $25M in a Single Day

Candidates' financial strategies illustrate different approaches

(Newser) - Barack Obama brought in more donations on the last day of June than John McCain did in the entire month, Politico reports. The unprecedented $25 million day accounted for nearly half of Obama’s $54 million total. It was one of five days on which the campaign brought in more...

McCain's Elite Fundraisers Trump Obama's

But that could change when Barack matches his rival's disclosures

(Newser) - John McCain appears to be more reliant on funds bundled by elite supporters than Barack Obama, USA Today reports. More than half of the Republican candidate’s receipts, or more than $75 million, came from donations assembled by about 500 top supporters. In contrast, Obama’s top 500 pulled in...

Obama Campaign Insular, Arrogant, Hill Dems Complain

Lawmakers cite lack of coordination with presidential candidate

(Newser) - Some Congressional Democrats say they're not feeling the love from Barack Obama's campaign, Politico reports, with the candidate inattentive to broader election strategy and his camp uncommunicative on the day-to-day message blitz. "They think they know what’s right and everyone else is wrong on everything,” one senior...

Obama Raises $30M in June, Below Expecations
Obama Raises $30M in June, Below Expecations

Obama Raises $30M in June, Below Expecations

It's still more than McCain's $22M, but far below record months

(Newser) - Insiders say that Barack Obama raised about $30 million in June, which, by the campaign's own lofty standards, is a bit lackluster, reports the Wall Street Journal. Obama hopes to have raised $300 million by mid-October, with an additional $180 million for the DNC, bringing his record budget to nearly...

McCain's $22M June Is Best Month to Date

Mac, RNC have $95M on hand

(Newser) - June was John McCain's best fundraising month yet, the AP reports, with the Republican bringing in $22 million; the perennially poorer candidate now has $27 million on hand. The Republican National Committee also had a good month, bringing in $26 million; the two camps together have $95 million in the...

Obama Yet to Win Clinton's Big Donors
 Obama Yet to Win
 Clinton's Big Donors 

Obama Yet to Win Clinton's Big Donors

'Hillraisers' slow to line up behind Dems' candidate—and McCain's in pursuit, too

(Newser) - Big-money supporters of Hillary Clinton angry over her treatment during the Democratic primaries are slow to back presumptive nominee Barack Obama, the Wall Street Journal reports. A recent poll shows only 54% of Clinton voters plan to support Obama; recent analysis of donors who gave $1,000 or more to...

McCain Pockets $70K From Swift Boaters

Against '04 ads, he's now using veteran who appeared in them

(Newser) - John McCain has taken nearly $70,000 in donations from top funders of the notorious Swift Boat Vets for Truth, the group that assaulted John Kerry’s military record in 2004—prompting censure from McCain at the time as “dishonest and dishonorable.” A rep was coy in response,...

Rising New Money Class Powers Obama
Rising New
Money Class Powers Obama

Rising New Money Class Powers Obama

Brooks cites recent shift to 'information age analysts'

(Newser) - Barack Obama likes to tout his small-donor network, as though a wave of inspired regular folk came out of the woodwork just for him. In reality, Obama is mining a money class that Democrats have been cultivating for years, writes David Brooks in the New York Times—"the rising...

Romney Takes Lead in VP Derby
 Romney Takes Lead
 in VP Derby 

Romney Takes Lead in VP Derby

Insiders excited about Romney's fundraising talents, conservative cred

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is today's top candidate to fill out John McCain’s ticket, Politico reports. The ex-Massachusetts governor has conservative cred, Michigan roots, fundraising chops—and not much chemistry with McCain. McCain hopes to wait out Barack Obama and see the Democratic ticket before announcing his choice, a play one...

McCain, Obama Raise $21M Each
McCain, Obama Raise $21M Each

McCain, Obama Raise $21M Each

Dem suffers slowest fundraising month of the year, campaigns with Clinton next week

(Newser) - John McCain nearly matched Barack Obama’s fundraising intake last month, granting the presumptive Republican presidential nominee “a level of parity that would have been unimaginable just a few months ago,” MSNBC says. McCain scored $21.5 million while Obama, whose fundraising slumped to its lowest levels of...

Forget the Small-Donor Myth: Big Money Still Rules

Big money men still Obama and McCain's bread and butter

(Newser) - Barack Obama often talks about how much money he’s raised from small donors, even describing it as “a parallel public financing system.” But while Obama has indeed raised record sums from little guys, big donors have kept pace, writes Jay Mandle of the Washington Post, predicting that...

Dr. Obama and Mr. Hyde
 Dr. Obama and Mr. Hyde 

Dr. Obama and Mr. Hyde

'High-minded' candidate is also cutthroat political animal

(Newser) - Barack Obama has two faces: there’s the "high-minded" liberal “Dr. Barack” and the politically calculating, win at-all-costs “Fast Eddie Obama,” writes David Brooks in the New York Times. The split personality clearly emerged in Obama’s announcement that he won’t accept public financing—a...

Short On Cash, Democrats Trim Convention

Long primary slows Denver fundraising; having nominee helps

(Newser) - Democrats are scaling back their national convention plans in the face of fundraising shortfalls, the AP reports. The Denver host committee has just $29 million of the $40.6 million it promised to deliver by yesterday. The committee says it’s confident it’ll get the money before the convention...

Giuliani Will Stump for GOP, for a Price

Rudy wants a cut of fundraising proceeds to pay off campaign debt

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has offered to appear at fundraisers for cash-strapped Republican candidates but with strings attached, the New York Times reports. The former New York mayor wants a cut of the proceeds to go towards paying off his presidential campaign's $3.6-million debt. The debt includes a $500,000 personal...

Dems Work to Fuse Fundraising Machines

Two campaigns set to become one as Clinton bows out

(Newser) - The Obama and Clinton campaigns have been working to merge their fundraising machines as Clinton prepares her swan song today, the Wall Street Journal reports. Clinton made a call to her top 50 fundraisers, urging them to get behind Obama and promising a private meeting with the presumed nominee. The...

Obama Wallet Strikes Fear in GOP Hearts

He's already shown he knows how to spend

(Newser) - Republicans not used to worrying about money are sweating pennies, given John McCain's relatively inept fundraising in the face of an unprecedented Democratic war chest. Barack Obama, by conservative estimates, will have $300 million to McCain’s federal cap of $85 million for the general-election campaign, Politico reports—and with...

Obama Willing to Help Bail Clinton Out of $20M Debt

Peace offering from victorious Dem could help come November, too

(Newser) - Barack Obama might ask his supporters to help Hillary Clinton pay off her campaign debt, Bloomberg reports. Clinton has accrued more than $20 million, $11.4 million of which she personally contributed. Under a campaign-finance law (co-sponsored by John McCain) she has until August's Democratic convention to raise money to...

Obama Moves to Clean Up DNC Money Machine

Opens fundraisers to press; lobby groups barred from giving

(Newser) - Barack Obama moved today to make his campaign more transparent, in keeping with his theme of bringing change to Washington. Obama will open all his fundraisers to the press, Politico reports. He’s also cleaning up his party’s fundraising efforts; starting today, the Democratic National Committee, like Obama’s...

Democrats Can't Find Cash for Convention

$15M short, Denver fundraisers hawking political access

(Newser) - Democrats aren’t just wringing their hands over who they’ll nominate at their national convention—they’re also wondering who's going to pick up the tab. The Denver host committee has raised just $25 million of the $40.6 million it needs by June 16, the New York Times ...

McCain Can't Afford, Literally, to Ignore Bush

'Radioactive' president can raise money, talk to GOP's right wing

(Newser) - Though he may be “absolutely radioactive” for Republican candidates (in the words of one GOP legislator), Bloomberg reports, President Bush is no easy hurdle for John McCain, who must build distance with the historically unpopular incumbent while using him to raise money and build conservative bona fides. Hence tonight's...

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