campaign fundraising

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Obama Raised a Record $750M
 Obama Raised a Record $750M 

Obama Raised a Record $750M

Dem's haul of $750 million dwarfs McCain funds, historical precedent

(Newser) - Barack Obama literally raised more money for his campaign than he knew what to do with. He hauled in a record $750 million over the course of the campaign cycle, reports the New York Times. When the race ended, $30 million remained unspent. By comparison, John McCain raised $220 million...

GOP Donors Pour Millions Into Ga. Race

'Unbelievable' sum of money fuels runoff for Senate seat

(Newser) - With Democrats just two seats away from mounting a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, GOP donors are injecting millions into Georgia’s runoff election, USA Today reports. Republican incumbent Saxby Chambliss raised $1.6 million in large contributions in about a week, compared to $462,000 for Democrat Jim Martin....

His Fundraising Machine Turns to Transition, Inaugural

But watchers holding Obama to transparency

(Newser) - Barack Obama is in fundraising mode again, this time for his transition and inauguration, CNN reports; many hope he will honor his promise to steer clear of special interests and big corporate donors. Though there is almost $10 million in public funds available for transition spending, experts say that’s...

You Said You Wanted (Campaign) Revolution ...
You Said You Wanted (Campaign) Revolution ...

You Said You Wanted (Campaign) Revolution ...

2008 changes US elections forever

(Newser) - Campaign drama has overshadowed the fact that 2008 has permanently changed the way elections are fought in America, the New York Times reports. From now on, supporters will be organized in new ways and funds will be raised differently, due primarily to brave new media worlds. With the help of...

Best, Worst Financial Decisions of Candidates

Candidates have spent a bundle on campaign, but didn't always do it wisely

(Newser) - The next president faces the daunting task of fixing a crippled economy—all the more reason to look at the candidates' best and worst financial decisions during the campaigns. Politico's Jeanne Cummings does the tally:
  • Obama's Best: His decision to hire Facebook's founder, whose interactive Internet fundraising included billboards in

Obama's Haul Spurs Concern About Faceless Donors

But it paves way for new standard in political fundraising system

(Newser) - The huge success of Barack Obama’s Internet fundraising campaign has sparked concerns about the regulation of campaign finance. Some worry that the faceless system allows for easy abuse, particularly in light of donations from anonymous or clearly fake names such as "Osama bin Laden," the Washington Post...

Obama Shatters Records With $150M Sept.

Brings total to more than $600M

(Newser) - Barack Obama scored $150 million in September, he said today, a monthly record that brings his fundraising total to another record topping $600 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. The previous monthly record was Obama’s $66 million in August. Those figures give the Democrat a big leg up in...

Hillary Raises Big Money for Obama
Hillary Raises Big Money
for Obama

Hillary Raises Big Money for Obama

Clinton draws $8M for former rival, despite own campaign debts

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has raised more than $8 million since July for Barack Obama, USA Today reports, and has hit 40 Obama campaign events in the past 2 months. She’ll headline two more Obama fundraisers this month, plus 11 events for other Democratic candidates. But while she’s raising money...

Palin Pumps Up Funding for Both Sides

Candidate inspires conservatives, scares liberals

(Newser) - Political action groups have spent far less on ads during this presidential election than they did in 2004, but Sarah Palin’s entry into the race has begun to push that number up, reports the Wall Street Journal. Groups like Planned Parenthood have seen an uptick in donations from “...

Virginians Pour Record Dollars Into Election

State's newfound battleground status sparks funding fervor

(Newser) - With their home state up for grabs for the first time in decades, Virginians—particularly Democrats from the northern part of the state—are pouring money into the presidential race, the Washington Post reports. Thus far, locals have given a record $25.3 million to various candidates throughout the election...

Despite $66M August, Obama Needs Money
Despite $66M August, Obama Needs Money

Despite $66M August, Obama Needs Money

Campaign must raise $3M per day to reach $200M target

(Newser) - Barack Obama raised more money in August than any presidential candidate ever, but he’s still desperate for cash, reports Politico. Obama has $77 million in the bank, close to the $85 million John McCain has to spend this general election. But McCain will benefit from outside “independent” groups...

Obama Pulls in Record $66M in August

(Newser) - Barack Obama raised more than $66 million in August, besting his past fundraising record and pulling in the best monthly tally in US political history, says an aide. Topping February's $55 million, the take "demonstrates how the increasingly heated, nasty race has energized Obama's fundraising," writes Ben Smith...

McCain Raised $47M in Aug.
 McCain Raised $47M in Aug.

McCain Raised $47M in Aug.

With $10M since bringing Palin on board, GOP looking amply financed

(Newser) - John McCain’s presidential campaign raised $47 million in August, its biggest monthly take yet, the AP reports. The campaign has apparently received $10 million in donations since McCain announced Friday that Sarah Palin would be his running mate. Officials say the total Republican general-election chest will be at least...

Lawmakers Get Most Funding From Outside Districts
Lawmakers Get Most Funding From Outside Districts

Lawmakers Get Most Funding From Outside Districts

'Nonresident contributors donate for expressive purposes,' study shows

(Newser) - Candidates running for Congress are increasingly using affluent ZIP codes outside their own districts as "political ATM machines" to fund their campaigns, a new study finds. In the majority of House races in 2004, almost three-quarters of contributions came from donors outside a lawmaker's district—often from Hollywood, Manhattan's...

Top Black Donors Emerge as New Force

Business leaders see parallel of their own rise in Obama

(Newser) - Barack Obama's rise to the top of the Democratic Party has a special resonance for one group: African-American business leaders who, like the candidate, were among the first blacks to enter into all-white industries. As the New York Times reports, black lawyers, bankers, and corporate titans see in Obama an...

Obama Raises $51M in July
 Obama Raises
 $51M in July 

Obama Raises $51M in July

No cash worries for vacationing Senator

(Newser) - Barack Obama raked in $51 million last month, not quite a record for the Illinois senator but still formidable, the Washington Post reports. He ends the month with $65.8 million in the bank, a major advantage over John McCain, who has just $21 million, despite raising a personal-best $27...

Big 'Bundlers' Help Fuel Both Campaigns

New type of fundraising is quickly becoming lucrative cash stream

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain have racked up nearly 100 “bundler” donors between them who have gathered at least $500,000 each from friends and co-workers to support their chosen candidates, the Wall Street Journal reports. The candidates’ spending suggests the fundraisers are breaking bundling records set during the...

McCain Ad Angers Hollywood
 McCain Ad Angers Hollywood 

McCain Ad Angers Hollywood

"Celebrity" ad offends linguists, stars, Paris Hilton's parents

(Newser) - Tinseltown is ticked over John McCain’s recent ad likening Barack Obama to Britney Spears—and to Paris Hilton, whose parents have donated the maximum to the senator's campaign. The problem isn't just looking ungrateful, reports the LA Times, but the fine distinction between a mere “celebrity” and a...

Comically Simple Ploy Pays Big for Kansas Candidate

Cartoon brings flood of donation, but Dem's bid for state legislature hardly done deal

(Newser) - A cash-strapped candidate for the Kansas legislature has turned around his fortunes in the flash of a few thousand mouse-clicks: Before circulating sassy online cartoon strips, Sean Tevis had $1,525 in his campaign coffers; in less than two weeks, he’s raised nearly $100,000 more. The episode is...

Virginia Is Not for Gilmore Lovers
Virginia Is Not for Gilmore Lovers

Virginia Is Not for Gilmore Lovers

Despite GOP strength, broke ex-gov's Senate bid a 'laughingstock'

(Newser) - Jim Gilmore may be a former governor, RNC chair, and presidential candidate running for Senate in a historically red state, but the Virginian has become Campaign 2008’s “laughingstock,” Politico reports. Virginia is regularly ranked first among Senate seats likely to flip this November, as Gilmore trails hugely...

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