federal prison

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Madoff Sentence a Massive Waste: Alec Baldwin

(Newser) - Alec Baldwin throws water on the general celebration of Bernie Madoff's prison sentence, arguing that the 150-year term handed down to the fraudster Monday was a wasted opportunity. "I want to suggest, as I am confident others have, that Madoff be given a reduced sentence in exchange for answering...

No Cushy 'Camp Fed' for Madoff
 No Cushy 'Camp Fed' for Madoff 

No Cushy 'Camp Fed' for Madoff

(Newser) - Bernard Madoff’s high profile and long sentence will likely land him in a medium- or high-security prison, Bloomberg reports. Though previous white-collar criminals have spent terms at federal prison “camps,” any sentence longer than 10 years makes an inmate ineligible for that cushy treatment. Insiders also say...

How Will Ruth Madoff Survive on Just $2.5M?

With $125K to spend yearly, time to trade in the pair of Mercedes

(Newser) - With just $2.5 million at her disposal as her husband heads to jail, Ruth Madoff won't exactly be sentenced to penury, but she'll have to cut her annual expenses to the low six figures if she wants it to last her lifetime, reports Brett Arends of the Wall Street ...

Governors Unwilling to Take Gitmo Detainees

(Newser) - Governors are more than a little reluctant to house Guantanamo Bay detainees in their state prisons, the Washington Times reports. The paper asked a variety of governors’ offices if they’d be willing to take the prisoners, including those from states whose congressmen support the idea of shutting Gitmo. Almost...

Colorado Town Would Welcome Gitmo Inmates

Supermax is already home to Unabomber, '20th hijacker'

(Newser) - Members of Congress have protested President Obama's efforts to move Guantanamo inmates to US prisons, but residents of Florence, Colo., say they wouldn't mind taking in a few enemy combatants. The supermax prison near town already holds some of the world's most infamous terrorists: a 1993 World Trade Center assailant,...

Supermax Neighbors Fear Gitmo Influx

Townspeople worry that transfer will make them a target for terrorists

(Newser) - People who live near some of America's most notorious killers fear closing Guantanamo Bay will wreck their neighborhood, the New York Times reports. Residents of Cañon City, Colo., close to the Florence "Supermax" prison, worry the detainees will be transferred there, making them a target for terrorists and...

Vick May Do PSAs for PETA
 Vick May Do PSAs for PETA 

Vick May Do PSAs for PETA

(Newser) - As he seeks to scrub his sullied image, disgraced NFL quarterback Michael Vick is in talks appear in public-service ads for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Advertising Age reports. “We want him to discourage people from taking part in dogfighting,” a PETA rep said of charges...

Madoff Kin Seek Advice on Life Behind Bars

Bernie's relatives look into former inmate's 'Fedtime 101' course

(Newser) - Two of Bernie Madoff’s family members have contacted a consultant who teaches a class on life in the slammer, the New York Post reports. Madoff’s niece, a compliance officer at his firm, is “concerned about her safety,” a source told the Post. Shana called a former...

Madoff Jail Won't Be as Bad as Shawshank: Expert

(Newser) - The next big question for Bernie Madoff: Just how bad will prison be? It’s unlikely the disgraced financier will get cushy Club Fed accommodations, CNNMoney reports. Ed Bales, a consultant who prepares inmates for jail, says such facilities were shut down years ago. But Madoff can take heart, he...

Warrant Out for Convict in Levy Killing

(Newser) - A Salvadoran immigrant in prison for attacking two women joggers in the park where Chandra Levy's remains were found is named in an arrest warrant issued today in connection with her death. Investigators questioned Ingmar Guandique—now in federal prison in Adelanto, Calif.—in 2002 about Levy's slaying after...

Feds Prepare to Spring Vick

 Feds Prepare 
 to Spring Vick 

Feds Prepare to Spring Vick

(Newser) - Michael Vick has been approved for release to home confinement, a government official said today. The disgraced NFL quarterback's lawyers have said they expect him to be moved any day into a halfway house in Newport News, Va. But the official says there's no bed space, so Vick could be...

Beware of Man: Michael Vick Bound for Halfway House

Dogfighting QB prepares to leave prison

(Newser) - Disgraced NFL quarterback Michael Vick could be out of prison and in a Virginia halfway house as soon as next week, the Daily Press of Newport News reports. Vick, who is serving 23 months on dogfighting charges in the federal prison in Leavenworth, Kan., could be sprung "any day,...

Judge Tosses Cheney, Gonzales Indictments

Case alleged responsibility for federal prison abuse

(Newser) - A judge has dismissed indictments against Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzales, telling the Texas prosecutor who brought the case to exercise caution as his term in office ends. Juan Angel Guerra had accused the political heads of responsibility for abuse in privately-held federal prisons—in which the Vanguard Group that...

Holy Mackerel! Fish Cans Grease Prison Black Market

Smoking ban leads to fishy dealings at federal prisons

(Newser) - Stacks of macks have replaced packs of smokes in the underground economies of federal prisons, the Wall Street Journal reports. Inmates, barred from using cash, use cans of mackerel from the prison commissary for everything from gambling to buying hooch to paying for legal papers. The going rate for a...

NBA Ref Starts Prison Term for Gambling

Scandal fallout continues to batter league

(Newser) - The NBA referee who admitted gambling on basketball begins his 15-month federal prison sentence today, reports USA Today. The conviction of referee Tim Donaghy, 41, has rocked the NBA, even though officials determined he didn't bet on the specific games he worked. An NBA-sponsored investigation into gambling and referees is...

SC Teen Faces WMD Charge, Life Sentence

'New Columbine' plan is federal case

(Newser) - Ryan Schallenberger, the South Carolina teenager whose Columbine-style attack police say they foiled yesterday, will be charged with a federal count of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, the AP reports. The charge, stemming from the 10 pounds of explosives discovered by Schallenberger’s parents yesterday, carries a...

Vick Back on Gridiron—in Prison

Falcons owner Blank says disgraced QB 'sounds good' in letters from Leavenworth

(Newser) - Michael Vick is said to be doing well in prison, washing pots and pans for 12 cents an hour and playing football à la The Longest Yard, the New York Daily News reports. Vick has been in touch by letter with Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank, who says the former...

Freed Former Ala. Governor Targets Rove

Siegelman, out on appeal, says politics put him in prison

(Newser) - Former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, who walked out of a Louisiana federal prison on an appeal bond yesterday, told the New York Times in his first interview that "abuse of power" put him behind bars—and accused Karl Rove of being behind it all. “It’s going to...

Marion Jones Reports to Jail
Marion Jones Reports to Jail

Marion Jones Reports to Jail

Former Olympic medalist starts 6-month sentence

(Newser) - Marion Jones has entered a federal prison in Texas, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports. The disgraced former sprinter is beginning a 6-month sentence for lying to investigators about her use of performance-enhancing drugs and about her role in a check-fraud scam. She has already returned her Olympic gold medals and...

Feds: Vick Should Pay $1M for Dogs
Feds: Vick Should Pay
$1M for Dogs

Feds: Vick Should Pay $1M for Dogs

Prosecutors hope to beat creditors to NFL star's assets

(Newser) - The feds want Michael Vick to pick up the nearly $1-million tab for the 48 pit bulls they seized from his home. Prosecutors say the Atlanta Falcon, who surrendered to authorities yesterday to begin serving his time, should pay for the seizure, care, and adoption of the dogs, which they...

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