military coup

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Poll: 29% of Americans Could Back US Military Coup

That rises to 43% among Republicans

(Newser) - Americans in general trust their military—and 29% of them trust so much that they can imagine supporting a military takeover of the government, according to a YouGov poll. That rose to 43% among Republicans, while just 20% of Democrats said they could envision supporting a military coup in the...

General Says Burundi Coup Underway, Prez Says No

Conflicting reports emerge as witnesses note gunfire in capital of Bujumbura

(Newser) - As police in Bujumbura's main business district today tried to ward off street protesters with water cannons and tear gas—one cop even fired five times at demonstrators, an AP journalist on the scene says—a military general prepared to make an announcement in the Burundi capital: that President...

US Vet Tries to Overthrow Gambian President

Papa Faal faces charges for violating the Neutrality Act

(Newser) - Papa Faal, code name "Fox," is a Gambian and US citizen, married father, ITT Tech instructor, and US veteran. And last month, he allegedly tried and failed to overthrow Gambia President Yahya Jammeh, the Daily Beast reports. Yesterday, Faal, 46, faced Neutrality Act violation charges in a Minnesota...

Hunger Games Salute Now a Real Form of Resistance

Junta crackdown inspires creative protests in Thailand

(Newser) - With elections 15 months away at a minimum and the ruling military junta cracking down hard on dissent, Thais opposed to the military coup are getting creative. Public gatherings of more than five people are banned and protesting the military takeover is now a crime, but flash mobs of dozens...

Coup Leader to Thais: Don't Criticize

King is on my side, general says

(Newser) - Bolstered by a royal endorsement to run the country after last week's coup, Thailand's junta leader has warned against mounting opposition to the takeover, ordering Thais not to cause trouble, not to criticize, not to protest—or else face a return to the "old days" of street...

Thai Coup Leaders Free Ousted PM —Sort of

Yingluck Shinawatra reportedly under house arrest

(Newser) - Deposed Thai prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra has been released from military detention by coup leaders, reports CNN , two days after she was ordered to surrender. Her situation isn't entirely clear, however, with a source telling the AP that while Yingluck is no longer being held in an army camp,...

Thais to Army: Your Music Stinks

US condemns coup as military tightens grip

(Newser) - With Thailand's military now firmly in control of the country after yesterday's coup , more than 150 politicians and activists have been detained and banned from leaving the country. Among them was ousted Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who was summoned for talks with army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha today along...

Thai Army: OK, Now It&#39;s a Coup

 Thai Army: 
 OK, Now 
 It's a Coup 


Thai Army: OK, Now It's a Coup

Army chief ends 2 days of meetings, grabs control

(Newser) - Two days after Thailand's military instituted martial law in what it said was decidedly not a coup , the army chief took to national television today to announce that now it's staging a coup d'etat. The move abruptly ended two days of meetings between political rivals that had...

Thailand's Army Takes Over, but It's 'Not a Coup'

Move comes after months of anti-government protests

(Newser) - Thailand's army declared martial law in a surprise announcement before dawn that it said was aimed at keeping the country stable after six months of sometimes violent political unrest. The military, however, denied a coup d'etat was underway. The move effectively places the army in charge of public...

What&#39;s a 4-Letter Word for Military Ouster?
What's a 4-Letter Word
for Military Ouster?

What's a 4-Letter Word for Military Ouster?

You won't catch the White House saying 'coup': Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Here are some of the words the White House has used to describe the situation in Egypt, as rounded up by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post : incredibly complex, uncertain, polarized, challenging, transitional, and fluid. And here's the one word the administration keeps avoiding: coup. Because if it's...

Interim Leader Takes Over in Egypt

Adli Mansour lauds military

(Newser) - With Mohamed Morsi under house arrest , Egypt has a new leader, at least for now: Adli Mansour, the boss of the country's constitutional court. He was appointed chief justice just four days ago and was sworn in this morning for that job, the BBC notes; afterward, he was sworn...

Morsi Camp: Coup Is On

 Egypt Army: 
 Morsi is Out 

Egypt Army: Morsi is Out

Military names interim leader, calls new elections

(Newser) - Mohamed Morsi is no longer the president of Egypt, the military declared today. The army's commander also said that the nation's constitution has been suspended and that an interim leader will take command until new elections take place, reports AP . Earlier, Morsi's camp declared via tweet that...

Mali PM Resigns After Arrest, Coup

Coup leaders force out civilian government

(Newser) - Mali's prime minister resigned on state television early today, hours after soldiers who led a recent coup burst into his home, arrested him, and drove him to a military barracks. Prime Minister Cheikh Modibo Diarra addressed the nation, saying: "Our country is living through a period of crisis....

Egypt Primed for Revolution Again After 'Soft Coup'

Demonstrations called for after ruling hands power to military

(Newser) - All eyes are on Egypt today, after its Supreme Constitutional Court dissolved parliament , handing the military power in what many are calling a "soft" or "smooth" coup. "The court is not neutral," one Council on Foreign Relations scholar tells CNN . "It is very much part...

Mali President Resigns; West Africa Sighs With Relief

Amadou Toumani Toure steps down after military coup

(Newser) - A military coup in Mali is becoming a more orderly transfer of power and drawing support from the nation's rather nervous West African neighbors, Al Jazeera reports. About two weeks after a military coup , President Amadou Toumani Toure has agreed to step aside for parliament speaker Diouncounda Traore to...

Rebels Announce New State, Break From Mali

But 'Azawad' faces long odds of success

(Newser) - Tuareg rebels in Mali yesterday announced the creation of their own state called Azawad in the country's vast desert hinterland, reports the BBC , but with the African Union and neighboring countries firmly opposed to breaking up its member states, the chances of Azawad succeeding are "slim," notes...

Coup a 'Significant Setback for Mali'

The world weighs in, and it's none too pleased

(Newser) - The world is strongly condemning the mutinous soldiers in Mali who ousted the president and took control of the west African country, reports the BBC . The World Bank, African Development Bank, and France are all suspending all their aid programs to Mali for now, and the UN Security Council called...

Army Mutiny Shakes Mali

 Mutinous Soldiers Seize Mali 

Mutinous Soldiers Seize Mali

Renegade soldiers attack presidential palace

(Newser) - A military coup is under way in Mali, as renegade soldiers stormed the presidential palace in the capital of Bamako today, and soon afterward appeared on state TV to announce that they had booted the president and taken over the country, the BBC reports. The soldiers said they were suspending...

Maldives Ex-President: I Was Ousted at Gunpoint

Protests erupt after Mohamed Nasheed's speech

(Newser) - Protests erupted in Maldives today after Mohamed Nasheed said he'd been forced to resign the presidency at gunpoint. Nasheed stepped down yesterday , handing power to VP Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik, saying he was "not a person who wishes to rule with the use of power." But today...

Zardari Leaves Pakistan, Sparking Coup Rumors

Supposedly he's in Dubai due to a health condition

(Newser) - Is Pakistan in the midst of a coup? Speculation is running wild that it is, after President Asif Ali Zardari left the country yesterday, flying to Dubai for unclear health reasons—a government adviser says he had a "minor heart attack," but a Zardari spokesman says he's...

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