
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

DC's Beloved Panda Headed for China

Capital glum as Tai Shan's time runs out

(Newser) - The panda bear once called Washington's most important citizen by its mayor will soon be departing the capital for a homeland he's never seen. Tai Shan, born at the National Zoo in 2005, has always been Chinese property, and zoo officials are expected to announce his imminent return to China...

Tai Shan Turns 4
 Tai Shan Turns 4  
birthday slideshow

Tai Shan Turns 4

(Newser) - Tai Shan, the giant panda who captivated the world as a cub, turned 4 today and celebrated with a huge birthday cake only an animal could love. The three-tiered concoction was a frozen medley of water, beet juice, shredded beets, and bamboo, WTOP reports. Tai Shan, who is now considered...

Thai Elephants Pose as Pandas
 Thai Elephants Pose as Pandas 

Thai Elephants Pose as Pandas

Zoo staff reminds countrymen that elephants, too, need love

(Newser) - A $20 million house for a newborn female panda and family at a Thailand zoo has rankled the staff of Ayutthaya Elephant Kraal, who are sick of the nation's panda obsession, reports the Bangkok Post. Concerned that the panda craze has diverted resources from Thailand’s national symbol, they've painted...

Red Panda Has Rare Triplets in Fargo

(Newser) - Red panda mom Shan Tou has surprised zoo keepers in Fargo, ND, by giving birth to triplets, InForum reports. “This is huge," a Red River Zoo executive said. Red pandas, an endangered species, often have one or two cubs, but triplets are rare. "It’s been 10...

National Zoo Panda Not Pregnant

(Newser) - Giant panda Mei Xiang, whose first cub became an international superstar, is not pregnant, National Zoo officials said today. The panda, who was artificially inseminated in January, experienced her third false pregnancy in as many years, the Washington Post reports. Four-year-old Tai Shan, Mei Xiang's only cub to survive infancy,...

Pandas Haven't Bounced Back From China Quake

Sichuan disaster presents lasting difficulties for breeders

(Newser) - China’s efforts to save the giant panda from extinction haven’t recovered from last year’s earthquake in Sichuan province, AFP reports. The temblor swallowed up whole groves of bamboo, causing a food shortage just as breeding centers, whose efforts have caused a recent panda “baby boom,”...

Pandas: Better at Crowd Pleasing Than Breeding

For so many reasons, these cute bears should probably never have survived

(Newser) - Pandas have a lot working against them when it comes to to making babies: a once-yearly ovulation cycle, genetic inbreeding due to a limited captive population, and, apparently, some degree of ineptness at copulation itself. Zoo officials frequently see their excitement crushed by what turn out to be pseudopregnancies, and...

Panda Lovin' Leaves DC Zoo Wanting
Panda Lovin' Leaves DC Zoo Wanting

Panda Lovin' Leaves DC Zoo Wanting

Bears fail again at 'competent mating'; keepers help out

(Newser) - A romantic day in the park amid inaugural hubbub wasn’t enough to propagate the genes of two famous pandas at Washington’s National Zoo, the Washington Post reports. The pair had given mating calls, prompting hopes for the conception of a new member of the endangered species, which is...

National Zoo Pleads for Bamboo
National Zoo Pleads for Bamboo 

National Zoo Pleads for Bamboo

Own harvest has failed; may not have enough to get through winter

(Newser) - The National Zoo is appealing for donations from landowners in the Washington area who may have stands of green crunchy bamboo stalks, reports the Washington Post. The zoo's own harvest of bamboo has failed and with the zoo's giant pandas, red pandas, elephants and gorillas eating 75,000 pounds of...

Panda Bites Beijing Zoo Visitor, Again

Man jumped barrier to Gu Gu's enclosure to retrieve son's toy

(Newser) - Gu Gu the panda has struck again, biting a third visitor at the Beijing zoo. A Chinese tourist went over a 4-foot barrier surrounding the panda's outdoor exercise area yesterday to get a toy dropped by his son; the 240-pound Gu Gu bit his legs and refused to let go...

China Dispatches Furry Ambassadors to Taiwan

Bears names—Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan—spell "reunification"

(Newser) - China is sending a pair of pandas to Taiwan today, a peace offering that’s been in the making for 4 years, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. The nations, not known for being warm or cuddly toward each other, appear to be making amends. Last week, after a 60-year stalemate,...

Panda Bites Hand, Er, Leg, That Feeds It

Visitor to Hong Kong zoo captures attack on tape

(Newser) - A giant panda bit the left leg of a Hong Kong zookeeper while he was laying bamboo leaves in the animal's pen, reports the AP. The keeper was recovering well after the panda attack, which was partially captured and posted on YouTube by a zoo visitor. The panda—a male...

Panda Bites Student Who Tries to Cuddle

Frightened bear bites man who scales wall at China zoo

(Newser) - A student who tried to hug a panda in China yesterday got some tough love instead, BBC reports. Officials say the man, 20, climbed into the pen of Yang Yang at the Qixing Park zoo to cuddle. But the frightened bear bit him on the arms and legs. "Yang...

China Offers Chicken Soup for Pandas' Stressed Souls

Wuhan zoo's star attractions get boost ahead of winter

(Newser) - Even pandas need tender love and chicken soup: Chinese zoo officials have been feeding two 3-year-old cubs the hearty stock to reduce their stress. “Hope” and “Greatness” have been worn out by thousands of tourists clamoring for their attention in central Wuhan during China’s weeklong holiday. “...

It's Raining Baby Pandas in China

Four born in 14 hours in Sichuan province

(Newser) - Four giant pandas were born within 14 hours of each other at a Chinese breeding center over the weekend, giving a much-needed population boost to the endangered species. Nine-year-old Qiyuan gave birth to twins, and two other 8-year-old pandas each gave birth to a cub in Sichuan province, BBC reports....

Chinese Artist Sues Over 'Insulting' Panda

Says Dreamwork disrespected national icon

(Newser) - Kung Fu Panda may not seem very controversial, but it sure offended Zhao Bandi, a Chinese performance artist who is renowned for using panda images in his work. Zhao is suing Dreamworks for the film’s “insulting” portrayal of China’s national icon, the Independent reports. “Designing the...

Tabby Adopts Red Panda Cub
 Tabby Adopts Red Panda Cub 

Tabby Adopts Red Panda Cub

Dutch zookeeper's cat lets abandoned panda join her litter

(Newser) - A newborn red panda rejected by its mother has been adopted by a zookeeper's cat, the BBC reports. The panda and its sibling were first put on an incubator at the Dutch zoo but the tabby cat, who had recently given birth, proved willing to take the kitten-sized panda cubs...

National Zoo's Panda Preggers?
 National Zoo's Panda Preggers? 

National Zoo's Panda Preggers?

Hormone levels suggest Mei Xiang may be expecting

(Newser) - The National Zoo in DC says panda mother Mei Xiang is showing a spike in hormone levels, a sign that she might be pregnant again. Mei Xiang was artificially inseminated in March with semen from Tian Tian, the zoo's male giant panda. Hormone test results indicate Mei Xiang will either...

Quake Pandas Delight Beijing
 Quake Pandas Delight Beijing 

Quake Pandas Delight Beijing

Olympic bears take up residence in city's zoo

(Newser) - Eight giant pandas shaken by last month's earthquake made their first appearance at the Beijing Zoo yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reports. Huge crowds visited the pandas, who seemed none the worse for wear from the move, planned before the quake to coincide with the Olympics. The zoo expects daily...

Quake-Rattled Pandas Get Hugs, Bamboo

Bears recovering with help from keepers

(Newser) - Zookeepers are helping pandas traumatized by the Sichuan earthquake get back to normal with hugs and games, the Guardian reports. Eight young pandas have been sent to Beijing Zoo and 47 more remain at the Wolong reserve, where the deputy chief said the animals' appetites are back to normal, but...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>