
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Surprise! Panda Actually Gave Birth to Twins

Mei Xiang pulls a fast one on the National Zoo

(Newser) - The National Zoo's blessed event yesterday has multiplied by two, with the unexpected addition of a second panda cub, reports the Washington Post . Zoo officials were still celebrating the birth of Mei Xiang's first cub yesterday at 5:34pm—with a rep crowing that the zoo was "...

Guy Wins $83K Over Panda Bite

Officials chased a wild bear onto man's lawn in northwestern China

(Newser) - Pandas may prefer their meals in the form of bamboo, but that doesn't mean their bite is toothless. A man in China recently received a harsh reminder of that after a wild panda bit his leg after authorities pursued the critter onto his lawn, reports AFP via Yahoo . The...

Circus 'Pandas' Were Really Painted Dogs

Chow chow pups were being used in traveling circus

(Newser) - With more paint and a couple of horses, they could have had zebras, too: A pair of chow chow puppies dyed black and white looked enough like pandas to fool visitors to a traveling circus near Milan, officials in Italy say. Forestry officials—who investigate many animal cases in Italy—...

Even Giant Pandas Need Dental Work

Bai Yun's chipped lower canine was repaired on Wednesday

(Newser) - One of the most reproductively successful pandas in captivity is no longer stuck with a chipped tooth. On Wednesday, the San Diego Zoo's giant female panda Bai Yun underwent a procedure to fix a chipped lower canine tooth that could have seriously cut down her bamboo consumption, the Los ...

Panda Faked Pregnancy for Extra Bamboo

Research center calls off birth broadcast

(Newser) - A panda research center in China called off what would have been the first-ever live broadcast of a panda birth after determining that panda Ai Hin wasn't pregnant—just crafty. Pregnant pandas at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding get special treatment, and while "phantom pregnancies"...

Baby Panda, Meet Your Mom
 Baby Panda, 
 Meet Your Mom 

Baby Panda, Meet Your Mom

Yuan Yuan gets acquainted with Yuan Zai for first time

(Newser) - Having a rough day? Allow little Yuan Zai to help. A video from the Taipei Zoo shows the panda cub being reunited with mom Yuan Yuan for the first time since his birth on July 7, reports . The Huffington Post has more photos. (The UK is on...

Red Panda Escapes From National Zoo

Rusty found in DC neighborhood, thanks to Twitter

(Newser) - A red panda from the National Zoo in DC went missing last night, sparking a social media-driven panda-hunt after the zoo tweeted , "We are looking for a missing red panda, a male named Rusty. He was last seen at 6 p.m. last night." @NationalZoo continued to provide...

China Welcomes 2013's 1st Panda Cubs

Twins born to Haizi

(Newser) - China has two little bundles of giant panda joy on the ground, twin cubs who were born yesterday to Haizi at the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan province. One cub is female, notes the AP , and weighs in at a not-so-hefty 2.79 ounces....

Superbug Weapon: Panda Blood?
 Superbug Weapon: 
 Panda Blood? 
in case you missed it

Superbug Weapon: Panda Blood?

And, good news, scientists can produce synthetic version

(Newser) - Our latest weapon in the battle against superbugs comes from ... giant pandas? Apparently. Scientists have discovered a potent antibiotic called cathelicidin-AM in the animal's blood. It's released by immune cells there, and Chinese researchers now think it could be used to develop treatments for human diseases—including drug-resistant...

Liver Problem Killed Baby Panda: Zoo

Mother Mei Xiang reportedly improving

(Newser) - A National Zoo veterinarian says a liver problem was indeed to blame for the death last month of a 6-day-old giant panda cub. Chief veterinarian Suzan Murray told a news conference today that the cub's cause of death was liver necrosis, or the death of liver cells. Murray says...

Liver Defect May Have Killed Panda Cub

Mei Xiang didn't crush baby girl; zoo 'devastated'

(Newser) - Mei Xiang, the giant panda at Washington's National Zoo who lost her cub yesterday , "was a good mom who protected her cub and did not crush her," says the zoo’s chief veterinarian today. Preliminary necropsy findings did not reveal a cause of death, but did indicate...

World&#39;s Priciest Tea Made Using Truly Gross Ingredient
World's Priciest Tea Made Using Truly Gross Ingredient
hint: it involves pandas

World's Priciest Tea Made Using Truly Gross Ingredient

Wildlife expert plans to use panda poo to make $36K-per-pound tea

(Newser) - If you thought the world's most expensive coffee was disgustingly weird, you haven't seen anything yet: A wildlife expert in China is trying to make the world's priciest tea. The costly ingredient? Panda poop. An Yanshi plans to use the feces he has collected from a panda...

Meet Atlanta's Baby Giant Panda

One-month-old will be named when he's 100 days

(Newser) - About one month old, a new giant panda cub at Zoo Atlanta is still smaller than a house cat, but he is healthy and growing fast, veterinarians said yesterday after a weekly medical exam. The cub, who will be named when he is 100 days old following Chinese tradition, will...

China-Japan Relations Strained By ...Dead Panda?

Japan over-anesthesized China's male days after fishing boat incident

(Newser) - The death of a panda is worsening already-strained diplomatic relations between China and Japan. China loaned Xing Xing, a 14-year-old male, to a Japanese zoo, and he died last week after being anesthetized so zoo workers could collect his sperm for use in artificial insemination. Chinese officials believe the animal...

Beloved Panda Killed by Accidental Gassing: China

Quan Quan, mother of 7, inhaled chlorine and carbon monoxide

(Newser) - The death of one of China's most beloved panda bears has been blamed on poison gas resulting from a careless cleaning operation at the Jinan Zoo, the LA TImes reports. Quan Quan, a 21-year-old panda who'd given birth to 7 cubs, inhaled carbon monoxide and chlorine, both of which were...

Mama Panda Crushes Baby
 Mama Panda Crushes Baby 

Mama Panda Crushes Baby

Abandoned twin cub survives

(Newser) - The birth of twin pandas at the Beijing Zoo last week gave way to tragedy when the mother abandoned one and accidentally killed the other. Eight-year-old Yinghua delivered two female cubs, but “twins are rare and all mothers take only the first cub as their own,” the zoo...

DC Panda's Pregnancy a Fake
 DC Panda's Pregnancy a Fake 

DC Panda's Pregnancy a Fake

Mei Xiang not expecting after all, National Zoo says

(Newser) - Mei Xiang's latest pregnancy has turned out to be another fake, disappointed zookeepers at the National Zoo say. The panda showed all the signs of pregnancy—including elevated hormone levels, building bamboo nests, and cradling objects as if they were cubs—but tests have revealed that she isn't really pregnant,...

Chinese Automaker 'Adopts' Panda Tai Shan

Chinese car company will pay $150K for DC treasure

(Newser) - Giant panda Tai Shan arrived in China today after nearly 5 years in Washington, DC, and found a nice surprise waiting for him: a corporate sponsorship. Sichuan Auto Industry Group will pay $150,000 for a lifelong claim to Tai Shan, along with $90,000 annually for his food and...

National Zoo's Panda Cub Heads to China

Washington's Tai Shan and Atlanta's Mei Lan moving to China to breed

(Newser) - Washington will bid its favorite panda adieu on Feb. 4, when Tai Shan leaves for China to breed, accompanied by Zoo Atlanta's Mei Lan. “It's like sending off your own child to college,” Tai Shan's fan club founder tells the Post , adding that fan club members have raised...

Panda Moms Worn Out By Baby Boom

Chinese institute boasts just four births this year

(Newser) - The breeding program at China's Chengdu panda institute has produced just four pandas this year. Researchers say the panda mothers are mostly too exhausted to conceive more babies after last year's record 18 births, the Times of London reports. This year's births included twins Wen Li and Ya L, born...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>