
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Walmart Heir Is Way Less Rich Than Anyone Knew

But still not, you know, poor poor

(Newser) - It turns out the woman once thought to be America's richest female isn't all that rich after all. But don't feel too bad for her; she still has more money than most of us will ever see. It was long assumed Christy Walton was worth approximately $32...

This Is the Best City to Live In If You Want to Get Rich

Houston? Really?

(Newser) - Want to get rich? Consider moving to ... Houston. Yes, the Texas city tops a new Bankrate.com study of the best US cities in which to accumulate wealth, according to US News & World Report . Bankrate looked at 18 of the biggest metropolitan areas in the country—and even a...

Meet the 158 Families Funding the 2016 Election

They've given $176 million to candidates from both parties so far

(Newser) - "Not since before Watergate have so few people and businesses provided so much early money in a campaign, most of it through channels legalized by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision five years ago," the New York Times states. In an impressive investigative report, the Times looks...

Here Are the 5 Richest Millennials

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is the one who has the most to smile about

(Newser) - Members of Generation "Y Do We Always Get a Bad Rap?" (aka millennials) take great umbrage at being labeled unmotivated slackers, and Wealth-X's list of the 20 richest people under the age of 35 may help put that stereotype to rest. MarketWatch points out some of them share...

Only 1 Living Person Cracks List of History's 10 Richest

It's the guy behind Microsoft

(Newser) - It's relatively easy to rank the richest people in the world at any one time, but what about comparing them through history? Or as MONEY puts it, "Who had more money, John D. Rockefeller or Genghis Khan?" Rockefeller, as it turns out, according to Time's assessment of...

96% of Millionaires: Us, Rich? Nope

In their eyes, they're your average middle-class Joe Schmoes

(Newser) - Wealth denial: It's real and it's rampant, according to a new CNBC poll. Conducted in March, the network's third Millionaire Survey of 750 Americans with a net worth of at least $1 million shows 84% believe they belong to the middle or upper middle class, though they...

The Richest US Cities —and the Salaries They Require

San Francisco tops the rich list

(Newser) - To live comfortably in America's richest city, you'll need $124,561 a year. That's according to a CheatSheet analysis, which defines the wealthiest cities as those with the highest percentage of people making more than $150,000 per year, the Washington Post reports. The analysis also reveals...

Here&#39;s What Millionaires Have in Common
 Here's What Millionaires 
 Have in Common 
in case you missed it

Here's What Millionaires Have in Common

Step one: You might want to quit working for 'The Man'

(Newser) - Hoping to become a millionaire? Well, if you have these four traits, you may have a better shot than most. The authors of two books on millionaires surveyed 700 of 'em to find out what they all have in common, Time reports:
  • Most are self-employed: If you're making

Hoffman Left His Kids Out of Will

Longtime girlfriend trusted to keep them from being 'trust fund' kids

(Newser) - Philip Seymour Hoffman left behind a $35 million estate, but not a penny to his three children. The late actor apparently worried that Cooper, 10, Tallulah, 7, and Willa, 5, would be "trust fund" kids, the New York Post reports. Hoffman also stipulated in his will—written before his...

1% Even Richer Than Thought
 1% Even Richer Than Thought

1% Even Richer Than Thought

Richest Americans control up to 37% of wealth

(Newser) - Just how rich are the super-rich? Apparently a lot of them are too rich to bother responding to surveys asking them how rich they are, and economist Philip Vermeulen believes that has led to their wealth being underestimated. In a new analysis, the senior European Central Bank economist estimates that...

21% of US Is Rich—at Some Point in Their Lives

Rich being defined as making $250K or more

(Newser) - It turns out 21% of working-age adults are rich for at least a year by the time they turn 60. That proportion has more than doubled since 1979, and it's an income group the AP calls America's fastest-growing, based on take-home pay. Made up largely of older professionals,...

Silicon Valley: Where America's Middle Class Died

Behind Google and Apple, there's a stark class divide: Charlotte Allen

(Newser) - Silicon Valley is home to creative thinkers, green cars, and cool cafes—right? True enough, but it's also a place where rich entrepreneurs live in one part of town and their poor Hispanic maids and gardeners live in another. And tech workers cluster in apartments because houses are too...

People Who Have Sex 4 Times Weekly Earn More
People Who Have Sex
4 Times Weekly Earn More
study says

People Who Have Sex 4 Times Weekly Earn More

And those who have no sex earn the least: study

(Newser) - Have an active sex life? You're probably earning more money than people who think beds are for sleeping, according to a new study . A close look at 7,500 people in Greece, aged 26 to 50, shows that those having sex at least four times a week earn 5%...

The Economy Is Just Like a Plane: Coach Sucks
The Economy Is Just Like
a Plane: Coach Sucks

The Economy Is Just Like a Plane: Coach Sucks

And first class is constantly getting nicer

(Newser) - Take a good look at first class on the way to your cramped coach seat the next time you take a flight, because "airline seating may be the best concrete expression of what's happened to the economy in recent decades," writes Harold Meyerson at the Washington Post...

Wealth Isn&#39;t Helping the US Anymore

 Wealth Isn't Helping 
 the US Anymore 

Wealth Isn't Helping the US Anymore

Robert Samuelson believes the recession killed the wealth effect

(Newser) - Normally, when Americans' net worth goes up—say, because the value of their house or their stocks goes up—they spend more money, stimulating the economy. Economists call it the "wealth effect," and it might just have suffered an untimely death as a concept, observes Robert Samuelson at...

Household Wealth Hasn't Recovered From Recession

Fed says average household has gotten back only 45% of money lost

(Newser) - The average US household has a long way to go to recover the wealth it lost to the Great Recession, a report by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis concluded today. The typical household has regained less than half its wealth, the analysis found. Household wealth plunged $16 trillion...

The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On
The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On
surveys say

The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On

Surveys show most of us believe in God, are OK with birth control

(Newser) - What can nine out of 10 Americans agree on? Survey says: not much. That's partly because the big polls such as Pew, Gallup, and the General Social Survey are designed to explore differences, not to document what unites the United States. Still, a few questions discover 90% agreement, or...

Buffett Drops Out of Forbes Top 3 Billionaires

Carlos Slim still richest guy in the world

(Newser) - Forbes' annual list of billionaires is out—and for the first time since 2000, Warren Buffett didn't make the top three. The list has again expanded; now it contains 1,426 names who boast a total net worth of $5.4 trillion, compared to $4.6 trillion last year....

Chinese Leader's Family Is Now Very, Very Rich

New York Times says Wen Jiabao's family worth $2.7B

(Newser) - It's good to be the king, or at least the prime minister. A New York Times investigation pegs the worth of Chinese leader Wen Jiabao's family at $2.7 billion. The family amassed the wealth after Wen's rise to power, thanks to investments and byzantine financial deals...

We Need New Fixes for Inequality
 We Need New Fixes 
 for Inequality 

We Need New Fixes for Inequality

The economists think the right and left are both out of ideas

(Newser) - Wealth inequality is a growing problem around the globe, but when politicians debate it "it mostly produces heat, not light," grumbles the Economist in a new op-ed. "At the core, there is a failure of ideas." Conservatives don't think inequality matters, and liberals think raising...

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