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Sorry Liberals, Conservative Politicians Are More Attractive

And voters reward them for it, says study

(Newser) - Beautiful people enjoy a range of benefits in life above and beyond the sheer joy of looking in the mirror. Previous research has found that beauty influences popularity, grades in school, and salary, reports the Washington Post . So it might not be too far a stretch to suggest that beauty...

Level of Wealth in Trump Administration 'Unprecedented'

His cabinet is worth more than one-third of US households combined

(Newser) - With many Americans wondering where all the money is, they might want to check the pockets of the new Trump cabinet. Quartz reports the 17 people Donald Trump has selected for his cabinet or cabinet-level posts have a combined wealth of more than $9.5 billion. That's more money...

Trump Stacking His Team With Billionaires, Millionaires

His administration could be richest ever—worth up to $35B

(Newser) - Donald Trump ran on a "drain the swamp" platform in which he positioned himself as a man of the people. Which is why eyebrows are being raised at him tapping ex-Goldman Sachs bigwig Steve Mnuchin for Treasury secretary , billionaire investor Wilbur Ross for commerce secretary , and a handful of...

The World&#39;s 10 Richest Countries
The World's 10
Richest Countries

The World's 10 Richest Countries

The US just makes the list

(Newser) - While some countries are rich in culture and history, others are actually rich. 24/7 Wall St. has compiled a list of the world's 25 wealthiest countries based on gross national income, which it says is a "more useful measure of national wealth" than gross domestic product. The site...

Meet the Billionaire Heirs to the Red Bull Fortune

Chaleo Yoovidhya left his family a $22B fortune

(Newser) - Among the richest humans on the planet when he died, Red Bull founder Chaleo Yoovidhya was a quiet-to-the-point-of-reclusive Thai entrepreneur who preferred duck farming to the trappings of wealth. And since the devout Buddhist's death in 2012, 11 of his family members have inherited his vast fortune, which Bloomberg...

Commuters' Study Reveals an Advantage for the Rich

Study finds that wealthy people get to sleep later

(Newser) - Chalk up one more health advantage for the rich over the poor: more sleep. Researchers in Colombia crunched data about the movement of residents in Medellin and Manizales and found some interesting patterns, they report in Royal Society Open Science . For instance, rich and poor people traveled longer distances to...

America&#39;s 10 Wealthiest Presidents
America's 10
Wealthiest Presidents

America's 10 Wealthiest Presidents

The first president was also the wealthiest: 24/7 Wall Street

(Newser) - It's not clear what Donald Trump's net worth is, but low estimates have it at about $3 billion, per 24/7 Wall St . If accurate, he would become the richest president in history by far. Still, Hillary Clinton's net worth of $75 million (with husband Bill) would put...

5 Richest and Poorest States
5 Richest and
Poorest States

5 Richest and Poorest States

Maryland is top, Mississippi is bottom

(Newser) - The median income in Maryland is a far cry from the median income in Mississippi, according to 24/7 Wall St . Its new ranking (based on this new 2015 Census Bureau data ) shows the richest and poorest states in the country, based on median household income in 2015. The top...

10 Wealthiest US Counties
 10 Wealthiest 
 US Counties 

10 Wealthiest US Counties

Enjoy the spoils, Virginia

(Newser) - It pays to reside in the DC area if you're a) into the political scene or b) looking for bragging rights to living in one of the wealthiest counties in the nation. The Code Black Group checked out median household incomes across the country and found Virginia and Maryland...

5 US Areas With the Largest Upper Class

Midland, Texas, is top

(Newser) - If you'd rather your beater car not stand out in a sea of sports cars, stay clear of Midland, Texas. The metro area has the highest share of upper-class residents in the country, according to a Pew Research report, which found the share of upper-income adults increased in 75%...

The 10 Richest Self-Made Women in America

The top spot goes to ... a roofer

(Newser) - As USA Today puts it, "the richest self-made woman in America is a roofer." Diane Hendricks, who owns America's largest wholesale roofing and siding distributor, tops Forbes ' second annual list of the country's richest self-made women—meaning they earned rather than inherited their cash. The...

Here's How Much It Takes to Be 'Wealthy' in Bay Area

Hint: It's a lot

(Newser) - Residents of the Bay Area in California think it takes more than twice as much money to be considered wealthy there than in the rest of the country, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. A survey of 1,000 residents by Charles Schwab found you need to be worth more than...

10 Best US Cities to Build Your Wealth

Surprise: Detroit outranks New York City

(Newser) - Want to get rich quick? Good luck with that. Buf if you're looking to live in a city that at least makes it easier to build up your savings, Bankrate has crunched some numbers. Taking into account factors such as the job market, the housing market, access to financial...

Only 5 People Are Richer Than Zuckerberg Now

His fortune surpassed the Koch brothers' on Thursday

(Newser) - Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg returned from paternity leave this week, NBC News reports. As a welcome-back gift, he officially became the world's sixth-richest person on Thursday. According to Bloomberg , his net worth increased by $6 billion on the stock market Thursday, lifting him past the Koch brothers. The 31-year-old...

Answer to a Whole Nation's Poverty? Its Richest Person

Top billionaire could end poverty in 3 countries, make inroads in others

(Newser) - As the world's richest and most powerful people leave the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, there was growing discussion about the impact the world's wealthiest could have, single-handedly, on the poverty rates of entire nations. One analyst at the Brookings Institution crunched some numbers and found that,...

Walmart Heir Is Way Less Rich Than Anyone Knew

But still not, you know, poor poor

(Newser) - It turns out the woman once thought to be America's richest female isn't all that rich after all. But don't feel too bad for her; she still has more money than most of us will ever see. It was long assumed Christy Walton was worth approximately $32...

This Is the Best City to Live In If You Want to Get Rich

Houston? Really?

(Newser) - Want to get rich? Consider moving to ... Houston. Yes, the Texas city tops a new Bankrate.com study of the best US cities in which to accumulate wealth, according to US News & World Report . Bankrate looked at 18 of the biggest metropolitan areas in the country—and even a...

Meet the 158 Families Funding the 2016 Election

They've given $176 million to candidates from both parties so far

(Newser) - "Not since before Watergate have so few people and businesses provided so much early money in a campaign, most of it through channels legalized by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision five years ago," the New York Times states. In an impressive investigative report, the Times looks...

Here Are the 5 Richest Millennials

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is the one who has the most to smile about

(Newser) - Members of Generation "Y Do We Always Get a Bad Rap?" (aka millennials) take great umbrage at being labeled unmotivated slackers, and Wealth-X's list of the 20 richest people under the age of 35 may help put that stereotype to rest. MarketWatch points out some of them share...

Only 1 Living Person Cracks List of History's 10 Richest

It's the guy behind Microsoft

(Newser) - It's relatively easy to rank the richest people in the world at any one time, but what about comparing them through history? Or as MONEY puts it, "Who had more money, John D. Rockefeller or Genghis Khan?" Rockefeller, as it turns out, according to Time's assessment of...

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