
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Churches Counsel Porn-Addicted Women

In new frontier for evangelicals, women pray to resist porn

(Newser) - "Every time I'm tempted" to look at porn, says Kelsie, 17, "I'll just let everything out to God." Kelsie is a member of a support group for women addicted to pornography that meets at an evangelical megachurch in Kansas. While churches have long offered men Christian counseling...

Millennials Are 'Mushy' Christians
Are 'Mushy' Christians

Millennials Are 'Mushy' Christians

Young adults avoid church, are 'more spiritual than religious'

(Newser) - Devoted Christians are hard to find among young adults: a new survey found that 72% of 18- to 29-year-olds describe themselves as "more spiritual than religious." Though 65% describe themselves as Christian, most never or rarely go to church, pray with others, or read the Bible. While Christianity...

FBI Raids Christian Militia, Arrests 7

Group has 'issue' with federal firearms regulators: FBI

(Newser) - An anti-terrorism joint task force arrested seven people today connected to a Christian militia group. FBI agents plan to unseal charges today against the individuals connected to the Hutaree, a group of self-described "Christian soldiers" preparing to battle the anti-Christ. The Hutaree are active in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana....

Elton John Lost Lover to Suicide

Former beau couldn't reconcile Christianity, homosexuality

(Newser) - Saying it’s “the right timing,” Elton John and husband David Furnish have revealed that one of the singer’s past lovers committed suicide because he could not reconcile his strong Christian faith with his homosexuality. "I had absolutely no idea in the world he was going...

Duggar Critics See Fringe Cult
 Duggar Critics See Fringe Cult 
19 kids & counting

Duggar Critics See Fringe Cult

Enquirer notes link with group that wants to overthrow government

(Newser) - If the National Enquirer is to be believed, the Duggars don’t have 19 children simply because they love kids: No, it’s because they belong to a cult that plans to take over the US government. Jim Bob and Michelle, stars of TLC’s 19 Kids & Counting, are...

A Call for Separation of Church and Sports

 A Call for Separation 
 of Church and Sports 

A Call for Separation of Church and Sports

Football players leave much to be desired as Christian role models

(Newser) - Christian evangelicals must be pretty amped up by the high profile of their religion in professional sports, David Gibson writes, but the "cozy coupling" of church and sport has its dark side. First, there’s what commentator Shirl James Hoffman recently called the “cheap grace” of athletic faith....

Air Force Builds Wiccan Center; Someone Erects a Cross

So much for efforts to boost religious tolerance at academy

(Newser) - The Air Force Academy's newly opened outdoor worship area for Wiccans was supposed to signal a new era of religious tolerance at an institution long plagued by complaints of Christian bias. Until, that is, a cross was planted in the middle of it two weeks ago. Now angry religious freedom...

I Want Tim Tebow to Fail: Jeff Pearlman

Florida QB would throw non-Christians 'into the lake of fire'

(Newser) - "A famous Tim Tebow is a dangerous Tim Tebow," Jeff Pearlman writes on his website , and that's why Pearlman has a special wish for the anti-abortion quarterback: "I want him to fail in the NFL." Tebow plays football not for the love of the game, Pearlman...

Churches Ask Men to Fight Like Jesus

The latest trend combines Christianity with mixed martial arts

(Newser) - Jesus just too wimpy for you? Fear not: A new crop of churches that combine religion with mixed martial arts could solve all your spiritual problems. "Compassion and love—we agree with all that stuff, too," one pastor tells the New York Times , "but what led me...

Voodoo High Priest: Christians Hogging Haiti Aid

Robertson 'devil pact' slur reflects 200 years of prejudice

(Newser) - Evangelical Christians are blocking much-needed aid from reaching Haiti's many voodoo practitioners, says the religion's top leader. "The evangelicals are in control and they take everything for themselves," high priest Max Beauvoir tells the Daily Telegraph as he points to the first aid shipment to arrive in his...

Book: John Paul II Whipped, Starved Himself

Pope self-flagellated in pursuit of 'Christian perfection,' says author

(Newser) - Pope John Paul II whipped himself with a belt, even on vacation, slept on the floor, and frequently denied himself food as acts of penitence, says a new book by the Polish prelate spearheading his sainthood case. The book Why He's a Saint also includes previously unpublished speeches and documents,...

Pat Robertson Fallout Shows Hypocrisy of Christianity
Pat Robertson Fallout Shows Hypocrisy of Christianity
Richard Dawkins

Pat Robertson Fallout Shows Hypocrisy of Christianity

If you blast him, you blast the whole faith

(Newser) - Christians who try to distance themselves from Pat Robertson’s assertion that the recent earthquake is payback for a pact with the devil are practicing the height of hypocrisy, Richard Dawkins writes. “Dear modern, enlightened, theologically sophisticated Christian, your entire religion is founded on an obsession with 'sin', with...

43% of Americans Report Bias Against Muslims

Muslims face worst prejudice, most unfavorable view

(Newser) - A whopping 43% of Americans report at least “a little” bias against Muslims, and a majority, 53%, have an unfavorable view of the religion, according to a Gallup poll released today. That makes Islam far and away the most reviled religion in the country; Only 18% reported some prejudice...

600 Audio Bibles Sent to Haiti
 600 Audio Bibles Sent to Haiti 

600 Audio Bibles Sent to Haiti

'The Proclaimer' speaks Haitian Creole and is powered by the sun

(Newser) - A New Mexico ministry has sent 600 talking, solar-powered Bibles to Haiti to bring disaster victims the “hope and comfort that comes from knowing God has not forgotten them through this tragedy.” The “Proclaimer,” Reuters reports, reads the good book aloud in Haitian Creole and is...

'Jesus Rifles' Draw Fire
 'Jesus Rifles' Draw Fire 

'Jesus Rifles' Draw Fire

US military firearms with coded messages raise issue of 'crusade'

(Newser) - A rifle scope commonly used by the US military is inscribed with references to the Bible. The scopes, made by Trijicon of Michigan, bear codes that refer to verses glorifying God and Jesus—even though the military, leery of being accused of waging a Crusade, bans proselytizing in Iraq and...

Brit Hume Attackers Are Ignorant and Intolerant

Religious advice to Tiger Woods should be protected, respected

(Newser) - Sneering attacks on Brit Hume for suggesting that Tiger Woods should embrace Christianity are off base, writes Michael Gerson, and show his critics to be as ignorant and sanctimonious as they accuse him of being. The Fox host—despite his denials—was definitely proselytizing, but religious liberty in America means...

Brit Hume: Tiger Woods Advice 'Not Proselytizing'
 Brit Hume: Tiger Woods 
 Advice 'Not Proselytizing' 

Brit Hume: Tiger Woods Advice 'Not Proselytizing'

He defends comments on Buddhism, Christianity to Bill O'Reilly

(Newser) - Tiger Woods “needs something that Christianity especially provides and gives and offers, and that is redemption and forgiveness,” Brit Hume told Bill O’Reilly last night—while adamantly denying his Sunday night exhortation to the golfer was proselytizing. Even so, if Woods were to convert, it “would...

Hume to Tiger Woods: It's Time to Find Christ
 Hume to Tiger Woods: 
 It's Time to Find Christ 
ditch the buddhism

Hume to Tiger Woods: It's Time to Find Christ

Hume says golfer needs Christianity to win redemption

(Newser) - Tiger Woods' Buddhist faith just isn't good enough if the troubled golfer wants to make a "total recovery" from the sex scandal plaguing him, Brit Hume said last night on Fox and Friends. Buddhism, Hume claims, can't offer "forgiveness and redemption," so Woods should "turn to...

Found in Nazareth: A House Like Jesus'

Archaeologists discover home from biblical time

(Newser) - For the first time, archaeologists have found a house from the time of Jesus in the town of Nazareth. The small house, which consists of two rooms, a courtyard, and a cistern for water, is considered a typical home for the inhabitants of Nazareth, were Jesus is believed to have...

How to Be Oh-So-Sensitive to Jews at Christmas
How to Be Oh-So-Sensitive
to Jews at Christmas

How to Be Oh-So-Sensitive to Jews at Christmas

If you watch White Christmas , be considerate: also watch Munich

(Newser) - "Just because anyone with half a brain celebrates Christmas," Paul Rudnick writes in that bastion of traditional Christianity, the New Yorker , that's no reason to alienate your yarmulke-wearing friends. Some tips:
  • Calling Jesus "Our Savior" might seem gauche. Just call him "the Jew that got away.

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>