Joe Biden 2024

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Trump Repeats Familiar &#39;Falsehoods&#39; in Super Tuesday Speech
Trump at Mar-a-Lago:
'This Was an Amazing Night'
super tuesday

Trump at Mar-a-Lago: 'This Was an Amazing Night'

Trump ripped Biden, Biden ripped Trump, Haley said little

(Newser) - After dominating Republican contests on Super Tuesday, Donald Trump attended a packed victory party at his Mar-a-Lago estate, the AP reports. Among those attending were staff and supporters, including the rapper Forgiato Blow and former North Carolina Rep. Madison Cawthorn. The crowd erupted as Fox News, playing on screens around...

Biden Loses in ... American Samoa?
Loses in ...
super tuesday

Biden Loses in ... American Samoa

Entrepreneur Jason Palmer defeats him in the territory's caucuses

(Newser) - President Biden didn't make it through Super Tuesday without a defeat—though it wasn't a place on the radar of many pundits. Entrepreneur Jason Palmer defeated him in the Democratic caucuses in the US territory of American Samoa, the AP reports. Palmer scored 51 votes to Biden's...

What to Know Heading Into Super Tuesday
What to Watch
on This Super Tuesday
the rundown

What to Watch on This Super Tuesday

Huge portion of delegates up for grabs as 15 states, one territory vote

(Newser) - Another Super Tuesday is upon us. Fifteen states and one US territory vote on this, the biggest voting day of the 2024 presidential primary season, and while the overall picture of what's to come is fairly predictable—President Biden and former President Trump will most likely continue what appears...

For Biden and Trump, 'Serious Concerns' Out of Michigan

Both see a sizable chunk of voters withholding support

(Newser) - President Biden and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump cruised to lopsided victories in Michigan primaries on Tuesday, but "a glance under the hood of the results reveals serious concerns for both campaigns," per CNN . For Biden, it's a sizable group of Democrats protesting his administration's support...

Poll: 67% of Voters Think Biden Is Too Old for a Second Term

But he still has a 4-point lead over Trump in latest Quinnipiac University poll

(Newser) - A large majority of voters think President Biden is too old to effectively serve another term, but they still prefer him to Donald Trump by a 4-point margin, according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll . The poll put Biden, 81, ahead of the 77-year-old Trump 49% to 45% in a...

Economic 'Vibes' May Be Tilting Toward Biden

The all-important consumer sentiment continues to rise

(Newser) - President Biden has been dogged for much of the past year by what the Economist calls an "emotional disconnect" on the economy. Growth has been strong, but Americans have remained in a lousy mood about money, thanks largely to high prices across the board. Now, however, a closely watched...

Biden or Trump? Putin Makes His Pick

Russian president says he prefers 'more experienced' Biden, mocks Tucker Carlson again

(Newser) - During Tucker Carlson's much-ballyhooed sit-down with Vladimir Putin earlier this month, the Russian president had a bit of fun at the former Fox News host's expense, needling him for being a history major and for not being accepted into the CIA. Turns out Putin wasn't done poking...

Poll: 86% of Americans Say Biden Is Too Old to Run

Smaller majority of 62% feel the same about Trump, per ABC/Ipsos survey

(Newser) - The age-old question of "how old is too old for a presidential candidate?" has taken on increasing urgency as we barrel toward November with two frontrunners who are getting up there in years. Now, according to a new poll, an "overwhelming majority" of Americans say that the incumbent,...

Haley, the Only Major Candidate in Nevada Primary, Loses

The primary was symbolic, awarding no delegates

(Newser) - The "none of these candidates" option has won in Nevada's symbolic Republican presidential primary contest , an embarrassing result for Nikki Haley, who was the only major candidate on the ballot, the AP reports. The former UN ambassador opted to compete in the state-run primary election Tuesday instead of...

Trump Nomination Once Seemed 'Untenable,' Now Inevitable

Former president's win in New Hampshire primary suggests he's a shoo-in for 2024 general

(Newser) - The New Hampshire primary results came in quickly Tuesday, with the AP calling the GOP race for Donald Trump as soon as the polls closed. The former president's main contender, ex-South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, vowed she's not dropping out yet, but Zeeshan Aleem writes for MSNBC that...

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