Narendra Modi

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Some Displeasure After Wall Is Built Before Trump Visit

Residents of the India slum behind the wall aren't happy about it

(Newser) - A 1,640-foot brick wall has been hastily erected in India's Gujarat state ahead of a visit by President Trump, with critics saying it was built to block the view of a slum area inhabited by more than 2,000 people. Trump is visiting the city of Ahmedabad in...

New Law in India May Signal a Fundamental Change
New Law in India May
Signal a Fundamental Change
the rundown

New Law in India May Signal a Fundamental Change

Critics say citizenship legislation undermines nation's policy of secularism

(Newser) - A new citizenship bill is causing mass protests in India, and a big concern of critics is that India is on the path to abandoning its status as a secular nation because of the pro-Hindu policies put forward by the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Coverage:
  • Controversial law: The

She&#39;s the Most Admired Woman in the World
10 Most Admired
Men, Women in World

10 Most Admired Men, Women in World

Michelle Obama and Bill Gates lead their respective lists

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is not only the most admired woman in America , but also in the world, according to new poll. Market research firm YouGov asked 42,000 people in 41 countries to name the men and women they most look up to, and Obama's name came up a lot,...

The Big Worry About India's Surprising Election Results

Prime Minister Modi wins big, and minority groups are worried about Hindu-first policies

(Newser) - The final results are not in, but Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on track for what amounts to a landslide re-election win. The scope of the victory is a surprise, per the New York Times , with Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP, leading in 300 of parliament's...

The Planet's Largest-Ever Election Has Begun

India has 900M eligible voters

(Newser) - Voting has begun in the world's largest-ever election, though Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi won't learn his fate for more than a month. India's 900 million eligible voters, a number that exceeds that of the next five largest democracies combined, will vote over seven non-consecutive days before...

Pakistan Keeps Promise, Lets Indian Fighter Pilot Go

Abhinandan Varthaman upon returning to India: 'It is good to be back'

(Newser) - Imran Khan has kept his promise. On Thursday, Pakistan's prime minister vowed to release Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, who'd been captured after his MiG-21 jet was shot down Wednesday by a Pakistani fighter over the disputed Kashmir territory. And on Friday, Khan made good, with video showing the...

World&#39;s Tallest Statue Unveiled
World's Tallest Statue Unveiled

World's Tallest Statue Unveiled

India monument is twice as tall as Statue of Liberty

(Newser) - India's prime minister on Wednesday unveiled a towering bronze statue of Sardar Vallabbhai Patel, a key independence leader and the country's first home minister after British colonialists left in 1947. At 597 feet, the statue, built at a cost of $430 million, is the tallest in the world,...

India's 'Good Morning' Texts Have Become a Real Problem

The files are filling up everyone's phones

(Newser) - Two little words are causing a big headache for smartphone users in India: "good morning." That's because so many folks in the country of over 1.3 billion people are sending happy little photos that bear the message to so many of the people they care about....

India's New President Is an 'Untouchable'

Ram Nath Kovind is a member of lower-caste Dalit community

(Newser) - Members of the low-caste Dalit community in India were once known as "untouchables." How times have changed: Two just competed against each other for the largely ceremonial office of president, and 71-year-old Ram Nath Kovind came out on top, reports CNN . In India, the real power is with...

&#39;Complicated Tone&#39; Behind Trump, Modi Meeting
Tone' Behind
Trump, Modi

'Complicated Tone' Behind Trump, Modi Meeting

'Elephant in the room' between US, India: immigration and H-1B visa program

(Newser) - President Trump meets Indian PM Narendra Modi for the first time on Monday, and the world is watching the two politicians with striking similarities. MSNBC notes the "elephant in the room" is immigration, specifically regarding the H-1B visa program that allows Indian IT experts to make their way to...

Wall Collapse Kills Dozens of Wedding Guests

Police in India arrest building owner

(Newser) - India Prime Minister Narendra Modi says he is "pained beyond words" by a disaster that killed dozens of people at a wedding in Rajasthan state Wednesday. Authorities say at least 25 people were killed and nearly 30 others injured after a dust storm hit as hundreds of people were...

India Launches Record Number of Nano-Satellites Into Orbit

104 in single launch, to be exact—shattering previous record of 37 set in 2014 by Russia

(Newser) - India's space agency said it successfully launched more than 100 foreign nano-satellites into orbit Wednesday aboard a single rocket. The Indian Space Research Organization said the nano-satellites—those weighing less than 22 pounds—were sent into orbit from southern India, noting the launching of the 104 satellites was a...

3 Weeks After India's Rupee Ban, a 'Day of Rage'

Monday sees scattered protests

(Newser) - A surprise move earlier this month took India's two largest bank notes out of circulation, and on Monday scattered "day of rage" protests cropped up in various cities in response to the measure, the BBC reports. Although the ban on the 500- and 1,000-rupee notes was meant...

Indians Scratching Heads Over Trump's Ad in Hindi

Trump uses a Narendra Modi slogan, with his name swapped in, in 30-second spot

(Newser) - Less than a fortnight remains before Election Day, and Donald Trump is attempting an 11th-hour outreach to an entirely new demographic: Indian-Americans, reports the Washington Post . And so he's released a TV ad in which he attempts to speak Hindi (with a New York accent, the Post notes),...

10 Most Popular Leaders, According to Facebook

President Obama is the easy winner, but Queen Rania is in the top 10

(Newser) - Well, it's one way to measure world leaders: The PR firm Burson-Marsteller has taken a look at the Facebook pages of global bigwigs and provided a ranking based on their number of likes. Personal pages are counted separately from institutional pages, which is why President Obama's page and...

Indian Government Busted in Epic Photoshop Fail

The prime minister didn't really see that very clear flood image out his window

(Newser) - India's government likely hoped that sharing a photo of Prime Minister Narendra Modi visiting the site of intense flooding in Chennai would comfort victims. Instead it led to widespread mockery since it was obvious that the image was doctored. "We are all pained by the devastation in [Tamil...

2 Teens Arrested for Raping Toddler in India's Capital

In separate incident, 3 men are arrested for gang-rape of 5-year-old

(Newser) - Police arrested two teenagers Sunday for allegedly raping a toddler in New Delhi, the latest incident of sexual violence against a young child in the Indian capital. Police said they questioned more than 250 residents of the western Delhi neighborhood where the 2 1/2-year-old girl was raped and left bleeding...

Nun Who Succeeded Mother Teresa Dies
 Nun Who Succeeded 
 Mother Teresa Dies 

Nun Who Succeeded Mother Teresa Dies

Sister Nirmala Joshi died of unspecified ailment at 81

(Newser) - The Indian nun who replaced Mother Teresa as head of the Missionaries of Charity died early today, the organization says. Sister Nirmala Joshi was 81. Her health had been declining in recent days, the charity says, without specifying the cause of her death. She was selected to lead the Roman...

Confusion in Wake of Indian Farmer's Suicide at Rally

Supposed suicide note mentions poverty, but some say Gajendra Singh was egged on

(Newser) - A land-reform rally in India's capital went horribly awry yesterday when a farmer took his own life in front of attendees, the Independent reports. Gajendra Singh, said by the Hindustan Times to be a 43-year-old father of three, shocked onlookers at the Aam Aadmi Party gathering by climbing a...

Filmmaker to India: Don&#39;t Ban My Rape Documentary
India Bans Incendiary
Rape Documentary

India Bans Incendiary Rape Documentary

Leslee Udwin had appealed to PM Narendra Modi against 'kneejerk hysteria'

(Newser) - A rapist's utter lack of remorse provoked no small amount of controversy over a coming documentary, and India swiftly responded today by banning India's Daughter outright, reports the New York Times . India won't "allow any organization to leverage" the 2012 gang rape of a woman on...

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