Narendra Modi

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India to Prosecute Novelist Over 14-Year-Old Remark

Booker Prize-winning author Arundhati Roy argued for Kashmir independence in 2010

(Newser) - A top Indian official has approved the prosecution of Arundhati Roy, one of India's most celebrated writers, over a comment she made 14 years ago. Roy, winner of the 1997 Booker Prize, gave a speech in 2010 in which she said the disputed territory of Kashmir, claimed by India...

Modi Begins Third Term, This Time Needing a Coalition
Weakened Modi Takes Oath

Weakened Modi Takes Oath

In his third term, prime minister will rely on a coalition for the first time

(Newser) - Narendra Modi was sworn in Sunday for a third term as India's prime minister, needing a coalition to rule this time after a strong showing by opposition parties in the general election . The ceremony at the presidential palace in New Delhi launches a new era for the country and...

Modi Wins Rare Third Term, but Gets a Rude Awakening

His BJP party performed well under expectations

(Newser) - In one sense, it's a day of triumph for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi: He has become only the second Indian leader to win three consecutive terms, reports the New York Times . On the other hand, his Bharatiya Janata Party won by a majority that fell way short of...

Indian Voting Ends With Polls Showing Modi in Control

Analysts caution the projections are not always reliable

(Newser) - India's six-week national election came to an end Saturday with most exit polls projecting Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to extend his decade in power with a third consecutive term. During the grueling, multiphase election, candidates crisscrossed the country, poll workers hiked to remote villages, and voters lined...

India Silences Its Critics— on US Soil
We May Be
a Dangerous
Slide in India

We May Be Overlooking a Dangerous Slide in India

Vox reports on how government silences critics in America through intimidation

(Newser) - When reporter Zack Beauchamp was speaking to an expert on India who lived in the US, the person mentioned they were afraid of being too critical for fear the government would go after relatives back in India. It sounded like a tactic you might hear in regard to China or...

Why It Will Take India 44 Days to Vote

Election officials will try to reach all 970M eligible voters—which is no easy feat

(Newser) - Nearly 970 million people, or over 10% of the global population, are eligible to vote in India's general elections that start Friday and last until June 1. The mammoth exercise is the biggest anywhere in the world and will take 44 days before results are announced on June 4,...

To Congress, Modi Stakes Claim to Democracy

Lawmakers welcome India's prime minister, who doesn't mention criticism

(Newser) - Facing criticism on his US visit over India's record on human rights, press freedom, and crackdowns on dissent, Prime Minister Narendra Modi assured Congress in an address Thursday that his nation considers itself "the mother of democracy." Modi received a warm welcome in the House chamber when...

Rights Concerns Overshadow India PM's State Visit to US
Biden Welcomes Leader of
World's Most Populous Country

Biden Welcomes Leader of World's Most Populous Country

But human rights concerns have overshadowed India PM's state visit

(Newser) - Some 18 years after the State Department denied him a visa to enter the US, Narendra Modi is in the country for a state visit as prime minister of India. Thousands gathered on the White House South Lawn for a welcoming ceremony Thursday, where President Biden praised a "relationship...

Police Shut Down Showings of Documentary on Modi

BBC film examines leader's role in fatal riots in 2002

(Newser) - Police in India forcefully prevented university screenings of a documentary about Prime Minister Narendra Modi, locking campus gates, detaining students, and shutting off electricity and internet access. The BBC film India: The Modi Question, looks at religious riots in the state of Gujarat in 2002, when Modi was chief minister...

Crews Search for Survivors of Bridge Collapse
Death Toll in
Bridge Collapse Hits 132

Death Toll in Bridge Collapse Hits 132

Many more were injured in India tragedy

(Newser) - Update: The death toll in India's bridge collapse has risen to at least 132, the AP reports. Authorities said the century-old cable suspension pedestrian bridge collapsed because it could not handle the weight of the large crowd, as the Hindu festival season drew hundreds of people to the recently...

New Year's Gathering at Shrine Turns Into 'Horrifying Sight'

At least 12 are dead, 15 injured after crowd surge at Hindu shrine in Kashmir

(Newser) - A crowd surge at a popular Hindu shrine in Indian-controlled Kashmir killed at least 12 people and injured 15 others on New Year's Day, officials said. Initial reports suggested an altercation between a group of devotees led to the crush early Saturday at the Mata Vaishno Devi shrine, where...

Record Deaths, Signs of 'Runaway Spread' in India

Experts believe true number of deaths, infections could be 10 times higher than reported

(Newser) - The number: 4,529. That's how many COVID-19 deaths India recorded on Tuesday—a new record for the hard-hit country. The New York Times describes this as "the pandemic's highest single known daily death toll in any country so far," though Reuters reports the US still...

India Keeps Setting Grimmer and Grimmer COVID Records
India Keeps Setting Grimmer
and Grimmer COVID Records
the rundown

India Keeps Setting Grimmer and Grimmer COVID Records

In one day, 414K new cases

(Newser) - India now has the grim designation of having recorded least 400,000 COVID infections three times in one month. The Washington Post reports the nation announced 414,188 new cases on Friday—a global record. CNBC looks at the data another way: In the past seven days, India has recorded...

India's COVID Catastrophe Is Only Getting Worse
India's COVID
Catastrophe Is
Only Getting Worse
the rundown

India's COVID Catastrophe Is Only Getting Worse

Nation sets another global record in cases, resorts to armed escorts for oxygen

(Newser) - India set the global record for daily COVID cases on Thursday, then broke the record on Friday with more than 332,000 new ones in a 24-hour span. The nation also recorded a national high 2,263 deaths in 24 hours, reports the BBC . The situation is bleak:
  • Hospitals across

One of These Men Nabs Time 'Most Influential' Cover

Fauci. Time 100 list also features Trump, Megan Thee Stallion, and more

(Newser) - President Trump will not like this : Dr. Anthony Fauci of the White House Coronavirus Task Force graces the cover of Time magazine as one of the year's 100 most influential people . (There will be eight worldwide covers in all, per Entertainment Weekly .) President Trump also made the list,...

Most Killed in Deadly Himalayan Clash Fell to Their Deaths

India and China fought for hours in almost total darkness

(Newser) - "I would like to assure the nation that the sacrifice of our jawans [troops] will not be in vain," said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his first public comments on Monday's deadly clash with China along the countries' disputed border. It was the first such confrontation...

World's Biggest Lockdown Is Going Into Place

India will try to keep 1.3B people at home

(Newser) - The most ambitious national lockdown yet goes into effect at midnight in India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation of 1.3 billion on Tuesday and declared that a 21-day shutdown was about to start, reports Bloomberg . India already had effectively shut down major cities because of the coronavirus,...

New Delhi Burns Amid Worst Riots in Decades

At least 20 killed as Hindus, Muslims clash

(Newser) - At least 20 people in New Delhi, including one police officer, have been killed in three days of clashes between Hindus and Muslims coinciding with President Trump's visit to India. Authorities say nearly 200 people have been injured and the death toll is expected to rise as hospitals continue...

Trump Greets His Largest Crowd Ever
Trump Greets His
Largest Crowd Ever

Trump Greets His Largest Crowd Ever

100K packed stadium during India visit

(Newser) - Basking in adulation from a massive, colorful crowd, President Trump and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi lavished each other with praise Monday in a reaffirmation of US-India ties as the subcontinent poured on the pageantry. More than 100,000 people packed into the world's largest cricket stadium in...

On This Trip, Trump Expects a King's Welcome

The president flies off to India

(Newser) - It was the Trumpiest of offers: A rally at one of the world's largest stadiums. President Trump's packed two-day visit to India promises the kind of welcome that has eluded him on many foreign trips, some of which have featured massive protests and icy handshakes from world leaders,...

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