
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Petra's Secret Found 'Hiding in Plain Sight'

Archaeologists find unusual structure buried in sand

(Newser) - The sandstone Monastery and Treasury Building of Petra, carved by the Nabataeans nearly 2,000 years ago, astonish hundreds of thousands of tourists who visit southern Jordan each year. Unbeknownst to them, another enormous monument has been "hiding in plain sight" half a mile away. Satellite and drone imagery...

Artist Giving Away Life-Size 'Foamhenge'

He has to move Virginia monument to make way for park

(Newser) - "Foamhenge," a life-size plastic foam replica of England's famous Stonehenge monument in Natural Bridge, Va., has made appearances in TV shows and attracted curious visitors from around the world. Artist Mark Cline must move the monument before Aug. 1 because it sits on property that will become...

Big News for the 'Oldest Monument Known to Mankind'

Göbekli Tepe in Turkey is the oldest monument ever found

(Newser) - US archaeologists surveying the site of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey's southeastern Anatolia region in the 1960s deemed it unremarkable. Three decades later, the late German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt opted to investigate anyway. What he found beneath the earth was astounding: towering T-shape and spiked limestone pillars with animals...

A Man Once Bought Stonehenge 'on a Whim'

Cecil Chubb bought Stonehenge 100 years ago, then gave it away

(Newser) - One of history's more grand misplaced romantic gestures involves a British wife who was hoping for new curtains and instead got a bunch of rocks. A century ago, on Sept. 21, 1915, Cecil Chubb set off for an auction "and came back with something rather different" than the...

Huge Stone Monument Found Buried Near Stonehenge

One researcher calls the find of 90 large stones 'archaeology on steroids'

(Newser) - An English "super-henge" just became more super. Durrington Walls, one of the largest known henges and located less than 2 miles from Stonehenge, was believed to have been built in the Neolithic period around 4,500 years ago, and the way it aligns to the solstices like Stonehenge led...

Okla. Gov to Court: Ten Commandments Monument Stays

Mary Fallin rejects state Supreme Court ruling to remove monument

(Newser) - Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has no plans to take down the 6-foot-tall stone Ten Commandments monument from state Capitol grounds—despite a state Supreme Court ruling ordering just that, reports Reuters . Fallin says her attorney general is asking the high court to reconsider its 7-2 ruling, saying, per Tulsa World ...

Lenin&#39;s Giant Head Is Missing
 Lenin's Giant 
 Head Is Missing 

Lenin's Giant Head Is Missing

Nearly 4-ton object was buried in a forest, now can't be found

(Newser) - Where's the 3.86-ton head of former Russian leader Vladimir Lenin? Um, lost in a forest, apparently. The giant head, made of Ukrainian red granite, was part of a statue that stood some 62 feet tall in East Berlin's Lenin Square before it was broken into 129 pieces...

At 10 Commandments Shrine, Atheists Build ... a Bench?

Because, they say, it's practical

(Newser) - Thou shalt not believe? A group of atheists are holding a sit-down—quite literally—at a monument to the 10 Commandments outside a Florida courthouse. As a testament to their non-belief and a protest to the granite slab they sought to remove, American Atheists unveiled their own monument yesterday: A...

US Creates 5 New National Monuments

GOP not happy about Antiquities Act move

(Newser) - President Obama has used his executive authority to create five new national monuments despite Republican opposition, the Washington Post reports. The five sites now off-limits to development "honor the pioneering heroes, spectacular landscapes, and rich history that have shaped our extraordinary country," the president said. The chair of...

10 Misleading Words to Be Wiped From MLK Memorial

At a cost of as much as $900K

(Newser) - The truncated quote on the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial that made the civil rights leader sound like, in Maya Angelou's words, " an arrogant twit ," will be removed. Officials initially said that the quote—"I was a drum major for justice, peace, and righteousness"—would...

Rome's Storied Trevi Fountain Crumbling

Budget cuts endangering city's ancient heritage

(Newser) - If Rome's famous Trevi fountain could chuck a coin into itself and make a wish, it would probably ask for some TLC. The 280-year-old monument's stucco reliefs are crumbling and a gargoyle's head came tumbling down on the weekend, reports the Guardian . Officials blame the damage on...

7 Little-Known National Parks
 7 Little-Known 
 National Parks 

7 Little-Known National Parks

Want to stay off the beaten path? Start here

(Newser) - If you’ve seen enough of Old Faithful and the Grand Canyon, CNN has an idea for you: Why not visit another of the country’s 397 national parks and monuments, like one of these seven you’ve probably never heard of?
  • Dry Tortugas: You have to seriously want to

Architect: MLK Inscription on Monument Is Staying

It's not wrong, it's just 'succinct,' he says

(Newser) - Those who think the truncated quote attributed to Martin Luther King on his new DC memorial do a disservice to the man are just going to have to deal with it. The chief architect defends the quotation and says he has no plans to tweak it, reports the Washington Post...

Tomb May Hold Key to Shakespeare

Sarcophagus may hold manuscripts tying Bard to another writer

(Newser) - A 17th-century tomb might hold the key to the enduring mystery of William Shakespeare's identity, the Daily Telegraph reports, and researchers are hoping to take a peek inside. A scan found that the ornate sarcophagus, built at an English church by Shakespeare contemporary and fellow scribe Fulke Greville, contains three...

7 Odd Facts About Lady Liberty
 7 Odd Facts About Lady Liberty 

7 Odd Facts About Lady Liberty

(Newser) - The crown of the Statue of Liberty will be open for business again July 4, the first time since 9/11. NPR collected a few facts about Lady Liberty you might not know:
  • The 7 spikes: Liberty's crown does not symbolize the 7 continents or seas, as even the National Parks

Vandals Rip Lenin a New One
 Vandals Rip Lenin a New One 

Vandals Rip Lenin a New One

(Newser) - A bomb exploded this morning at a St. Petersburg tribute to Vladimir Lenin, opening a gaping hole in the statue's backside, the BBC reports. “As a result of the explosion a crater of 31-39 inches appeared on the monument,” a Russian official said. The motive for the attack...

Supreme Court Rules Against Utah Sect

Monument won't fly; public statues are 'government speech'

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today denied a Utah sect the right to erect a monument in a public park, settling a case that had serious implications for free speech and freedom of religion, the New York Times reports. Members of the Summum religion are free to espouse their beliefs in the...

Flight 93 Families Want 'Sacred Ground' Seized

Groups battle landowner for control of Pa. crash site

(Newser) - Families seeking a permanent memorial for Flight 93 victims are asking President Bush to seize the land where the hijacked plane went down on Sept. 11, the Washington Post reports. An advocacy group initially tried to buy the land, but ran into conflict with the owner. "What was left...

As Tomb Cracks, Army Mulls New Monument to Unknowns

Repeated patching leaves Arlington marker 'shabby,' but replacement may dim symbolism

(Newser) - The US Army’s proposal to build a replica of the cracked marble monument atop the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery is reigniting controversy, USA Today reports. “It is important to have the authentic tomb that was there when the first remains were interred,” said...

Dowd: Bring in Obama's Cleaning Crew
 Dowd: Bring in 
 Obama's Cleaning Crew 

Dowd: Bring in Obama's Cleaning Crew

Obama can restore the capital's brilliance, writes Times columnist

(Newser) - For Maureen Dowd, the election of Barack Obama means more than just an end to the Bush years; it's a chance for Washington itself to regain its moral standing. Outside the White House on election night—"there was no U-Haul in the driveway"—the New York Times columnist...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>