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For King Charles' Birthday Honors, a Beheaded Statue

Monument in Australian city of Melbourne is now headless on King's Birthday holiday after vandalism

(Newser) - King Charles III was born in November, but on the second Monday of June, many states in Australia celebrate King's Birthday to pay tribute to the monarch's arrival on Earth. The celebration in Melbourne, however, got off to a bit of a dark start, after someone vandalized a...

Judge Wants Hearing Before Arlington Statue Comes Down

Republican lawmakers object to removal of Confederate monument

(Newser) - This file has been updated with the judge's order. A temporary restraining order is blocking the removal of a monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery, at least until a court hearing considers the issue. US District Judge Rossie D. Alston Jr. made the decision Monday in...

'America's Stonehenge' Demolished After Bombing

Mysterious granite structure was damaged early Wednesday

(Newser) - Early Wednesday, a bomb destroyed part of the mysterious Georgia Guidestones monument in a rural area in the state's northeast. Later in the day, authorities finished the job. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation tweeted a photo of the destroyed granite monument, saying that "for safety reasons, the structure...

Bomb Destroys Mysterious Georgia Guidestone

Conservative Christians have called the monument satanic

(Newser) - A rural Georgia monument that some conservative Christians have criticized as satanic was bombed before dawn on Wednesday, damaging one of four granite panels that some people dubbed "America's Stonehenge." The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said the Georgia Guidestones monument near Elberton was damaged by an explosive...

Group: Hang Our Banner, or Monument Becomes a Toilet

White Lies Matter makes a demand of the United Daughters of the Confederacy

(Newser) - "We took their toy, and we don't feel guilty about it." So reads an email sent to from a group calling itself White Lies Matter. The "toy" they claim to have taken is the Jefferson Davis Memorial Chair, a 3-foot-tall stone monument worth $500,...

Washington Monument Reopens After 3 Years
Washington Monument
Finally Reopens

Washington Monument Finally Reopens

It was closed for 3 years for repairs

(Newser) - After a three-year closure, the Washington Monument is reopening to the public. The 555-foot stone obelisk was closed in Sept. 2016 in order to replace the aging elevator and upgrade security systems. The monument will reopen to the public at noon Thursday, and first lady Melania Trump is expected to...

SCOTUS: 40-Foot Cross on Public Land Can Stay

Thursday opinion cites war monument's historical significance

(Newser) - A 40-foot cross on public land in a Washington, DC, suburb is staying put, thanks to a 7-2 ruling by the Supreme Court. The Maryland Peace Cross in Bladensburg, Md., erected with private funds in 1925 to honor 49 area servicemen killed in World War I, doesn't stand in...

Here Are Your 5 New National Monuments

They tell of disaster, division, dinos

(Newser) - President Trump signed a bipartisan public lands bill Tuesday that will protect 1.3 million acres from California to Kentucky and establish five national monuments. But it's the lack of action on ex-Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's recommendations in a review of 27 national monuments that's drawing attention....

'Ancient' Stone Circle Turns Out to Be '90s Replica

Scottish farmer fooled archaeologists

(Newser) - An "ancient" stone circle in Scotland turned out to be as authentic a Neolithic relic as Spinal Tap's stage props. After the owner of a farm in Leochel-Cushnie, Aberdeenshire, contacted authorities about a stone circle on his property, archaeologists investigated the site and concluded that it was an...

Leaning Tower of Pisa's Lean Has Changed

Pisa's landmark still holding strong after 800 years

(Newser) - No need to rush to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa before it falls. The famous Italian tower is doing just fine more than 800 years after it first started tilting during construction, according to a group that's been monitoring the 190-foot Tuscan monument since 2001. It's in...

Man Arrested for Smearing Ketchup on 'Father of Gynecology'

He performed skit at controversial Alabama monument

(Newser) - The "father of modern gynecology" is a man some people would now prefer to forget—but police in Alabama still won't let you smear ketchup on his statue. A 74-year-old activist was arrested on Confederate Memorial Day—that's April 23—for "criminal tampering" after leaving the...

Russia's Kalashnikov Statue Had Embarrassing Error

Workers have to remove part of Moscow monument just days after it was unveiled

(Newser) - Just days after a monument honoring AK-47 designer Mikhail Kalashnikov was unveiled in Moscow , workers have removed a part of it that showed a German weapon that many believe inspired the renowned assault rifle. The monument features a towering statue of Kalashnikov and an adjacent sculpture of St. George fighting...

Alabama Unveils a New Confederate Monument

Other states are tearing down tributes to Dixie

(Newser) - Alabama just got a new Confederate memorial, even as similar monuments have sparked protests and violence elsewhere. reports that more than 200 people attended the unveiling Sunday of a stone dedicated to "Unknown [Alabama] Soldiers" with the Confederacy at Confederate Veterans Memorial Park in Crenshaw County. "...

Down With Confederate Monument, Up With Missy Elliott Statue?

If 25K petitioners have their way, yes

(Newser) - The more than 25,000 people who've signed a viral online petition so far don't just want a Confederate monument in Portsmouth, Virginia, removed—they want it replaced with a monument to Missy Elliott. The idea isn't as random as it might seem; the iconic rapper hails...

More Confederate Monuments Are Coming Down
More Confederate
Monuments Are
Coming Down

More Confederate Monuments Are Coming Down

Nobody wants to be the next Charlottesville

(Newser) - Cities across America, fearing that they could become the site of the next Charlottesville-style confrontation between white supremacists and their opponents, are stepping up efforts to get rid of Confederate monuments. Four monuments were taken down in Baltimore overnight Tuesday in a surprise move ordered by the mayor, and cities...

In Overnight Move, Baltimore Removes Confederate Statues

Four come down, with mayor saying it's in the name of safety

(Newser) - Four Confederate monuments that stood in Baltimore on Tuesday morning were no longer there as of Wednesday morning. The city undertook a surprise overnight operation to remove them, with crews starting about 11:30pm and working until the early morning, reports the Baltimore Sun . (See video .) "They needed...

Arkansas' Ten Commandments Monument Stood for Only a Day

Michael Reed accused of knocking it over with his car

(Newser) - A controversial Ten Commandments monument didn't even last a day on the grounds of the Arkansas Capitol before it was knocked to the ground early Wednesday, reportedly by a man accused of damaging a similar monument in another state. Michael Tate Reed, 32, appears to have done little to...

Confederate Monument No. 3 Down, but 4th Won't Be So Easy

General Robert E. Lee statue still stands in New Orleans

(Newser) - Workers in New Orleans took down a Confederate monument to Gen. PGT Beauregard shortly after 3am Wednesday, the third of four such monuments to come down in the city as part of a removal process that has been anything but easy. "While we must honor our history, we will...

New Orleans Starts Taking Down 'Aberration'

Mayor says Confederate statues don't represent city

(Newser) - Workers in New Orleans began removing the first of four prominent Confederate monuments early Monday, making it the latest Southern city to sever itself from symbols viewed by many as representing racism and white supremacy. Trucks arrived to begin removing the first memorial, one that commemorates whites who tried to...

Thou Shalt Not Erect Religious Monuments on City Grounds: Court

Ten Commandments structure in Bloomfield, NM, declared unconstitutional

(Newser) - Much like those "rapid-fire warnings at the end of prescription drug commercials," a disclaimer on a Ten Commandments monument in New Mexico might require "a reasonable observer … to get on his knees" to read it, an appeals declared this week. That was one of the factors...

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