
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Fire in Saudi Maternity Ward Kills at Least 24

'We could hear the women screaming'

(Newser) - At least 24 people are dead—including one child—after a fire tore through the maternity and neonatal intensive care unit of a hospital in Saudi Arabia early Thursday, Reuters reports. The fire—which one witness says spread through the hospital in only minutes—occurred in the city of Jazan,...

Woman Dies While Begging to Be Readmitted to Hospital

Barbara Dawson had been kicked out, arrested before she collapsed

(Newser) - A Florida woman collapsed while begging to be readmitted to a Blountstown hospital she had just been kicked out of, and ended up dead hours later, the Tallahassee Democrat reports. Barbara Dawson, 57, was taken to Calhoun Liberty Hospital via ambulance Sunday night after experiencing stomach pain; the AP says...

Daughter Weds in Hospital So Dad Can Give Her Away

It was the family's 2nd hospital wedding in a week

(Newser) - Jubal Early Kirby, 49, is terminally ill with a lung disease called pulmonary fibrosis and has spent three weeks in a hospital in Charlotte, NC. So Kaila Kirby, the younger of his two daughters, decided to move her July 2016 wedding up a bit—to Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving,...

How Hospital Workers Easily Spread Infections

Culprit is their protective gowns and gloves

(Newser) - A startling number of hospital workers are putting themselves and patients at risk of infection simply because they aren't putting on or taking off protective gear properly, according to a new study. Researchers asked hundreds of medical personnel in the Cleveland area, including many doctors and nurses, to touch...

Newborn's Remains Go Missing From Hospital

Nearby landfill in Cincinnati being searched

(Newser) - Two weeks after a baby boy died shortly after birth at a Cincinnati hospital, crews were combing through the hospital's medical waste and laundry at a nearby landfill in hopes of locating the newborn's remains to return to his grieving parents, WKRC reports. And explanations from the University...

Mold in ICU May Have Killed 2

UPMC Presbyterian still investigating after mold found in walls

(Newser) - A Pittsburgh hospital says it is in the midst of "a very active investigation" after two patients died in its cardiothoracic intensive care unit, which was later found to contain mold. UPMC Presbyterian Hospital's quality control chief Tami Minnier says a fungal infection first appeared on the leg...

After Mom Rushes Kid to ER, Strangers Swarm, Save Car
After Mom Rushes Kid to ER, Strangers Swarm, Save Car
in case you missed it

After Mom Rushes Kid to ER, Strangers Swarm, Save Car

Women respond to Facebook plea, feed meter, offer coffee and moral support

(Newser) - When ultrasounds and X-rays revealed the cause of her 6-week-old son's two-hour screaming fits, Kaylee Goemans was told to get baby Dominic to the ER immediately to treat a loop in his bowels filled with air and fluid. But the mom of three, who'd lost her job when...

Veteran Nurse Drops Newborn, Fracturing Skull

He was immediately airlifted to Pittsburgh

(Newser) - Shortly after dawn Tuesday, just hours after baby Eli was born, a veteran nurse at Uniontown Hospital in rural Pennsylvania dropped him. The nurse, a 30-year veteran, allegedly fell asleep while holding Eli and he slipped out of her arms, reports the New York Daily News . After a full battery...

These Hospitals Give Care That Costs $100, Charge $1K
These Hospitals Give Care That Costs $100, Charge $1K
in case you missed it

These Hospitals Give Care That Costs $100, Charge $1K

Study identifies the 50 worst price-gougers

(Newser) - Hospital pricing is a murky business, and a study published in Health Affairs this week tries bring clarity to an ugly part of it: "price-gouging," as study co-author Gerard Anderson puts it. Of our 5,000 hospitals, researchers identified the 50 with the highest markups, ones that charge...

Man Sues When Amputated Leg Turns Up in Trash

The Florida hospital isn't saying why the leg wasn't incinerated instead

(Newser) - John Timiriasieff didn't think much about the whereabouts of his leg after it was amputated just below the knee last fall. Until homicide detectives came knocking, asking the 50-something man in Key Largo, Fla., what it was doing in the garbage—name tag and all. No one at Doctors...

Mass Grave Found Under Paris Supermarket

'We expected it to have a few bones,' says Monoprix manager

(Newser) - Good thing shoppers didn't know about this: Archaeologists digging under a Paris supermarket have found more than 200 skeletons, most of them buried neatly in a mass grave, France 24 reports. Management at the Monoprix supermarket wanted the basement cleared for redevelopment, but little did they know: "We...

Blast Collapses Part of Maternity Hospital

At least 7 dead, many children injured

(Newser) - "We have ... many children trapped in the ruins." Tragedy in Mexico City today, where a gas tank truck explosion left part of a maternity and children's hospital in ruins. CNN reports three adults and four children have been confirmed dead, and another 54—22 of them children—...

Mom Told She's Pregnant, Gives Birth an Hour Later

Katherine Kropas says baby girl came entirely by surprise

(Newser) - Katherine Kropas had quite a day this week: On Tuesday morning, she went to the hospital with stomach pains. By midnight, she'd given birth to a 10-pound, 2-ounce baby girl, USA Today reports. "I noticed my ankles were swollen and there was a bit of blood," she...

Wisconsin Hunter Shoots Deer, She Strikes Back

72-year-old bow hunter wounded a doe and she struck his leg with her head

(Newser) - Sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted, as a 72-year-old bow hunter in Wisconsin recently found out when the doe he struck with his arrow apparently had enough. After the man injured her and attempted to track her, she turned on him. "Apparently the man was going through some thick...

George HW Bush Leaves Hospital

Bush 41 'now resting at home': spokesman

(Newser) - George HW Bush has left the building known as Methodist Hospital in Houston a week after he was hospitalized for shortness of breath . "He is now resting at home, grateful to the doctors and nurses for their superb care," says a spokesman, as per ABC News . At 90,...

How Copper Could Save Hospital Patients' Lives

Surfaces made from the metal can kill dangerous germs

(Newser) - One in 25 patients in US hospitals gets a new infection at the facility, according to the federal health department, and the numbers are three times that in non-industrialized countries, a Chilean researcher tells NPR . Healthcare-acquired infections, as they're known, can lead to longer hospital stays, increased treatment costs,...

Experts: Brain-Dead Girl May Not Be 'Alive'

Doctors want another assessment in unique US case

(Newser) - Brain-dead or not brain-dead? The question of Jahi McMath's health status has drifted into unknown territory now that she's been hooked up to machines for nearly eleven months, the San Jose Mercury News reports. Jahi, declared brain dead after a disastrous tonsillectomy in December, was found by five...

Hospital Worker Exposed 700 Babies to TB

Texas woman was undiagnosed for nearly a year

(Newser) - A Texas woman with undiagnosed tuberculosis worked at a nursery in an El Paso hospital for nearly a year before she was diagnosed, potentially exposing 706 babies and 43 co-workers to the disease, reports Reuters . Calling TB "serious but treatable," El Paso's Department of Public Health is...

Parents Who Yanked Son From Hospital in UK Arrested

Ashya King, 5, suffers from brain cancer

(Newser) - When Brett and Naghmeh King pulled their 5-year-old son, Ashya , who is suffering from brain cancer, out of a British hospital, international authorities launched a hunt for the family. This weekend, the parents were arrested in Malaga, Spain, CNN reports; their charges may include cruelty. They headed to France with...

Why Fist Bumps Trump Handshakes
Why Fist Bumps
Trump Handshakes

Why Fist Bumps Trump Handshakes

Handshakes spread 20 times more germs, study says

(Newser) - A good, firm handshake is a great way to spread germs, according to researchers who say infections could be reduced if people adopted fist bumps instead. The researchers dipped gloved hands in bacteria and then shook hands with, high-fived, or fist-bumped sterile-gloved counterparts, the Los Angeles Times reports. They found...

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