vice president

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Cheney Calls Palin VP Pick 'a Mistake'

So Mitt Romney should choose better, presumably

(Newser) - Dick Cheney's advice to Mitt Romney: Don't go with another Caribou Barbie. In an ABC News interview, the former VP said John McCain's decision to run with Sarah Palin was simply "a mistake." He added that "the test to get on that small list...

Condi Could Save This Dull Election
 Condi Could 
 Save This 
 Dull Election 

peggy noonan

Condi Could Save This Dull Election

In a crucial year, neither candidate has inspired: Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - We're in the middle of "a crisis election like 1932 or 1980," yet supporters of both candidates can't seem to muster much enthusiasm. We need to inject some inspiration and excitement into this race, and Condoleezza Rice could be just the person to do it, writes...

Biden to NAACP: GOP Attacks Civil Rights

Veep: 'This ain't your father's Republican party'

(Newser) - Joe Biden's reception at Houston's NAACP convention was a far cry from Mitt Romney's . Amid much audience enthusiasm, Biden warned the crowd that today's GOP is threatening the very thing the NAACP was created to protect: civil rights. "Remember what this (group), at its core,...

Don't Dismiss Romney-Rice Ticket Just Yet

If he is considering a woman, she's probably the one: Bill Kristol

(Newser) - The smart money is still on Mitt Romney picking someone from the Ryan-Rubio-Portman-Pawlenty camp as his VP, but yesterday's tease from Ann Romney that a woman is under consideration prompted Bill Kristol to rethink the prospects of Condoleezza Rice. Sure, Sen. Kelly Ayotte or New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez...

Romney: Rubio Is Being Vetted for VP

He dismisses reports that Florida senator is out of the running

(Newser) - Mitt Romney doesn't like to talk about his VP short list, but this morning's reports suggesting that Marco Rubio is out of the running caused him to make an exception today. "I can't imagine who such people are," he said, referring to the anonymous advisers...

Marco Rubio as Romney VP? All Signs Point to No

Two months into search, he hasn't been asked to hand over any info: sources

(Newser) - Marco Rubio is not being vetted to be Mitt Romney's VP. Or so "knowledgeable Republican" sources tell ABC News' Jonathan Karl. They're apparently basing their conclusion on the fact that two months into Beth Myers' reign as head of Romney's search committee, Rubio still has not...

Biden Apologized to Obama on Gay Marriage

White House: VP said he didn't mean to overstep boundaries

(Newser) - Skeptics may think Joe Biden's public comments on gay marriage were carefully orchestrated, but the White House insists it was just Joe being Joe. In fact, Biden apologized to the president the first time the two spoke afterward, reports the New York Times and Washington Post . (Both cite anonymous...

Joe Biden Suddenly a Liberal Hero

His gay-marriage comments 'sped up history': Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Liberals are celebrating a hero in the White House, and his name is ... Joe Biden. The vice president's comments on Sunday in support of gay marriage clearly "sped up history," writes Steve Kornacki at Salon , and gave President Obama "no choice but to say what he’...

VP Candidates Don't Deliver Big Home-State Boost

Nate Silver: It's worth a few percentage points at best

(Newser) - We've heard that as running mates, Rob Portman of Ohio and Marco Rubio of Florida could help Mitt Romney in their battleground home states—but statistics wiz Nate Silver isn't so sure. In the New York Times , he evaluates the performances of presidential tickets in the VP nominee'...

Was Dick Cheney Too Old for a Heart Transplant?

It's health, not age, that matters most: experts

(Newser) - Heart transplant recipients of Dick Cheney's age—that would be 71—"don't generally do so well" after the surgery, a leading cardiologist tells USA Today —but the former VP is by no means the oldest patient to undergo the procedure, experts say. In this case,...

Dick Cheney Has Heart Transplant

Former VP recuperating from surgery today

(Newser) - Dick Cheney had a heart transplant today and is recovering at a Virginia hospital, his office said. An aide to Cheney disclosed that the 71-year-old, who has had a long history of cardiovascular trouble, had been waiting for a transplant for more than 20 months. Cheney was recovering at the...

VP Candidates Can Expect Vetting Palin Never Got
VP Candidates Can Expect Vetting Palin Never Got

VP Candidates Can Expect Vetting Palin Never Got

And New Mexico's Susana Martinez may be too similar

(Newser) - The Republican Party may be suffering from an enthusiasm gap this election cycle, but don't expect a game-changing VP this time around, writes Richard Stevenson at the New York Times . Someone like New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez might look ideal, for instance—female, Hispanic, Tea Party-friendly, handgun fan, bipartisan...

Smart Pick for GOP VP: Puerto Rico's Luis Fortuño

He's a strong conservative, and a demographic win: William McGurn

(Newser) - Hey, Republican strategists, interested in a young, dynamic, Latino vice presidential nominee? Then William McGurn has a name for you, "And he's not Marco Rubio." Instead, the Wall Street Journal columnist suggests the less-famed Luis Fortuño, governor of Puerto Rico, who's "part of a...

Mitt Romney Names Kelly Ayotte as Possible Vice-Presidential Pick
 Romney: Ayotte Could Be VP 

Romney: Ayotte Could Be VP

NH senator 'one of 15 names,' he says

(Newser) - Asked if he had anybody in mind for VP if he won the Republican nomination, Mitt Romney said "I have no names for you, it’s presumptuous, I’m not the nominee," before naming one name: Kelly Ayotte. Romney said the senator from New Hampshire, who endorsed him...

Elder Bush Considered Clint Eastwood for VP

Instead, he picked Dan Quayle

(Newser) - Vice President Clint Eastwood? It was at least a possibility in 1988 when George HW Bush was considering running mates, reports the Note blog at ABC News. Two factors helped: Eastwood at the time was the Republican mayor of Carmel, California, and Bush was getting clobbered in the polls by...

Cheney Profiting From His Crimes

 Cheney Profiting 
 From His Crimes 
Glenn Greenwald

Cheney Profiting From His Crimes

Obama administration should have prosecuted him, Glenn Greenwald suggests

(Newser) - Lots of countries have laws preventing criminals from profiting from their crimes. “By rather stark contrast, Dick Cheney will prance around the next several weeks in the nation's largest media venues,” touting his new book and debating “whether he was right to invade other countries, torture,...

Biden: I Didn't Go to China to 'Explain a Damn Thing'

Point of Asia trip was not to soothe financial fears, he explains

(Newser) - Joe Biden's nine-day Asia trip ended on an, ahem, colorful note. After explaining on Monday that he "fully understands" China's much criticized one-child policy, he ended the tour today by giving what the Los Angeles Times calls a "pep talk" to US troops in Japan ... where...

Dick Cheney: Heart Attack Helped Me Politically

Former VP grants rare interview to Journal about health problems

(Newser) - Heart disease has been the curse of Dick Cheney's life since he had the first of five heart attacks more than 30 years ago, but he sees a silver lining. That first heart attack came during his 1978 run for Congress in a tight race. "As I looked...

Bin Laden to al-Qaeda: No Point in Killing Joe Biden

Veep doesn't wield enough power to be worth assassinating

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden wanted to assassinate President Obama—but Joe Biden? No point in bothering with him, the al-Qaeda leader told his followers. Amongst bin Laden’s records, “there is a note indicating that the vice president is not an important target because that position has less weight,”...

Biden Appears to Nod Off During Obama Speech

Vice president takes a ribbing as video takes off

(Newser) - Only Joe Biden knows for certain, but it sure looks like he nodded off today during President Obama's big budget speech . Either way, the VP is taking a ribbing as the video makes the rounds: See ABC , Politico , Mediaite , and the Daily Caller .

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