vice president

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Newt Gingrich Out at Fox Thanks to VP Speculation

Meanwhile, here's who Hillary is vetting

(Newser) - Fox News says it is suspending its contributor agreement with Newt Gingrich "due to the intense media speculation" about him as a potential vice presidential candidate of Republican Donald Trump. Jay Wallace, executive vice president of news at Fox, said Tuesday the network thought it was best to stop...

Being Trump&#39;s VP Would Make Sense for Pence
Being Trump's VP Would Make Sense for Pence

Being Trump's VP Would Make Sense for Pence

For one thing, it gets him out of a tough re-election fight

(Newser) - People who bet money on such things say Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is the big favorite to be Donald Trump's running mate, reports MarketWatch . And Pence will be with Trump Tuesday at a campaign stop in the state, notes the Indianapolis Star . At the National Review , Eliana Johnson gets...

If Clinton Wants to Be Bold, This VP Pick Would Do It

Columnist makes the case for Sheryl Sandberg

(Newser) - The smart money is on Hillary Clinton making a predictable pick for her running mate—think Tim Kaine or Sherrod Brown, or perhaps Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, or Julian Castro, writes William Whalen at RealClearPolitics . But Whalen suggests another name that doesn't appear on the regular short lists: Facebook...

Warren Plans to Endorse Clinton, Hasn't Ruled Out Vice President

And Clinton is open to an all-woman ticket

(Newser) - Sen. Elizabeth Warren—notably the only female senator not to endorse Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders—plans to officially back Clinton in the coming weeks, Reuters reports. An endorsement from Warren, who is popular with progressives, could bring Sanders' supporters over to Clinton's side. Reuters cites sources close to...

Fiorina Was Briefest VP Candidate in Modern History

She didn't even last as long as the guy receiving electroshock therapy

(Newser) - After Tuesday's Indiana primary, Carly Fiorina may not ever be vice president. But she does get to hold a slightly more ignominious title: briefest vice presidential candidate in modern US history. Fiorina was named Ted Cruz's pick for VP last Wednesday. On Tuesday, Cruz dropped out of the...

Gingrich for Trump&#39;s VP?
 Gingrich for Trump's VP? 

Gingrich for Trump's VP?

He's open to it, and on lots of short lists

(Newser) - With Donald Trump adding the title of "presumptive nominee" to his resume, the chatter about a potential running mate is increasing. Chris Christie, Ben Carson, and even MSNBC's Joe Scarborough are among the names popping up, but one in particular seems to be on most short lists: Newt...

Jeb on His VP: 'She Will Be a Great Partner'

Followed quickly by, 'did I say that out loud?'

(Newser) - A "did I just say that out loud?" moment in politics usually means someone's foot has been deftly inserted in someone's mouth, but in Jeb Bush's case, it may be a harbinger of a more gender-balanced campaign. Appearing at a town hall in Waterloo, Iowa, on...

Window 'Closed': Joe Biden Won't Run

Vice president finally announces his decision

(Newser) - The speculation is over: Joe Biden is NOT running for president. The vice president announced his decision at an afternoon press conference in the Rose Garden, with President Obama and wife Jill by his side, reports the Hill . "The window has closed," Biden said of his opportunity to...

What Really Happened When Reagan Got Shot

Secretary of State Al Haig said he was 'in control', but was he?

(Newser) - When President Reagan got shot, Secretary of State Al Haig stunned the nation by saying he was "in control"—but really someone else was about to be, the Dallas Morning News reports. Relying on White House tapes and interviews with people involved, the Morning News describes a "...

How About Obama as Hillary&#39;s VP?
 How About Obama 
 as Hillary's VP? 

How About Obama as Hillary's VP?

Brian Beutler of the 'New Republic' lays out his 'modest proposal'

(Newser) - It may be tongue in cheek, but it sure is a talker: Brian Beutler of the New Republic lays out his Swiftian "modest proposal" that Hillary Clinton should make Barack Obama her running mate. The idea is that it would help a white woman pushing 70 attract the young...

Why Joe Biden&#39;s 2016 Comments Were Smart
Why Joe Biden's 2016 Comments Were Smart

Why Joe Biden's 2016 Comments Were Smart

He sent clear message to rivals that if Hillary's out, he's No. 1

(Newser) - Joe Biden took some grief this week after telling CNN that "there's no obvious reason why I think I should not run" in 2016. To which the world of pundits replied, hasn't this guy heard of Hillary Clinton? (A poll by ABC and the Washington Post gives...

Biden Buys Lunch—After Borrowing 10 Bucks

VP comes up a little short at DC sandwich shop

(Newser) - When the vice president makes a surprise stop at a sandwich shop to buy lunch, it's sure to make a few headlines. When said VP comes up short on cash and needs to borrow $10 from an aide, it's sure to make a lot more headlines. Such is...

Rolling Stone Interviewer: Biden's Serious About 2016

Douglas Brinkley thinks a run makes sense, whatever Hillary Clinton does

(Newser) - Rolling Stone is out with an interview of Joe Biden in which the VP talks about everything from gun laws (he's confident on background checks), his relationship with President Obama (close—"I spend an average of four to five hours a day with him, every single day"...

Biden: No Plans to Return Part of Salary

VP drawing attention for not joining DC's give-back parade

(Newser) - Sequester politics have taken a weird turn. Joe Biden is now the subject of a spate of negative-sounding headlines because he isn't returning part of his salary in solidarity with federal workers about to be furloughed. (See this headline at CBS News or this one at Reuters .) President...

Biden in 2016? He Sure Looks Interested
 Biden in 2016? He 
 Sure Looks Interested 

Biden in 2016? He Sure Looks Interested

Recent moves suggest he's already plotting a run, say analysts

(Newser) - So let's see: Joe Biden met with delegates from the Democratic Party behind closed doors today, dropped by the Iowa State Society's inaugural ball on Saturday, invited New Hampshire's governor to his own private swearing-in, and hammed it up on Pennsylvania Avenue during the inaugural parade something...

Syria VP: No One Can Win This War

Fighting approaches central Damascus

(Newser) - With fighting rattling Damascus, a leading voice in Syria says Bashar al-Assad can't win the war. But neither side will see a victory, says Farouk al-Sharaa, who has kept a low profile in the conflict and isn't involved in running the government's efforts. Sharaa's comments came...

Debate's Big Buzz: Biden's Smiles, Smirks

Vice president's laugh becomes an instant meme

(Newser) - Joe Biden must think Paul Ryan is hilarious, because he was constantly smiling, smirking, or laughing outright at his opponent during last night's vice-presidential debate. It didn't go unnoticed. Twitter lit up with posts about the smile strategy, Politico reports, and it even spawned two, count them two,...

As VP Debate Looms, Biden Buckles Down

Vice president preps feverishly after weak Obama performance

(Newser) - After President Obama faltered in his own debate, it falls to his gaffe-happy second-in-command to put things back on track—and Joe Biden isn't taking this one lightly, the New York Times reports. What he's doing to prepare:
  • Biden has holed himself up in a Delaware hotel to

VP Nomination Is Really a Curse
 VP Nomination 
 Is Really a Curse 


VP Nomination Is Really a Curse

And Paul Ryan is already experiencing its effects

(Newser) - The best way to ruin your reputation? Get nominated for the vice presidency. Frank Bruni details the VP "hex," which has now fallen on Paul Ryan, in the New York Times : "One minute, you’re a largely respected, minimally dissected public servant sitting on some harmless commission...

Why Christie Nixed VP Job: Fear of Loss
 Why Christie 
 Nixed VP Job: 
 Fear of Loss 
says 'ny post'

Why Christie Nixed VP Job: Fear of Loss

Would have had to relinquish governorship to run

(Newser) - Had Chris Christie joined Mitt Romney's ticket, he would have had to quit as New Jersey governor—and he just didn't have the confidence in a GOP victory to justify that sacrifice, reports the New York Post in an exclusive. Christie "felt, at one point, that (President)...

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