Ted Cruz

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Gay Hotel Owner Apologizes for Hosting Ted Cruz

Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass face outrage over event

(Newser) - "I am shaken to my bones by the e-mails, texts, postings and phone calls of the past few days. I made a terrible mistake." These are the words of gay New York City hotelier Ian Reisner, who's taking no small amount of flak since hosting an unlikely...

Cruz Leads Charge Against Lynch, but Misses Vote

He's the only senator to do so

(Newser) - Today's vote in the Senate to make Loretta Lynch the next attorney general was 56-43. So who was the lone missing senator out of 100? Ted Cruz, which is generating some head scratches considering that he spoke for 10 minutes on the floor of the Senate prior to the...

Cruz Is Suddenly a Player, Thanks to Reclusive Backer

Millionaire Robert Mercer helps him raise an 'eye-popping' $31M right off the bat

(Newser) - If other GOP contenders shrugged off Ted Cruz's chances of winning the nomination, it's a safe bet they're reassessing things after four new super PACS announced they'd raised a staggering $31 million to support his new candidacy . "Even in the context of a presidential campaign...

Indiana Gov: Law Has Been 'Grossly Misconstrued'

Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz offer support for RFRA; 'Indy Star' editors want a fix

(Newser) - Indiana governor Mike Pence is setting the record straight: Though the Religious Freedom Restoration Act "has been grossly misconstrued as a 'license to discriminate,'" its stated purpose is to guarantee "that Indiana law will respect religious freedom," he writes at the Wall Street Journal...

Trump: I Thought of 'Make America Great Again'

Except, no, Ronald Reagan did

(Newser) - Donald Trump is making it difficult to take his latest possible presidential run seriously. His latest sound bite came this week in an interview with MyFox New York , during which he said, among other things, that actual presidential contender Ted Cruz ripped off one of his lines when he announced...

ObamaCare Critic Ted Cruz Must Enroll in ObamaCare

Was previously covered by wife's job, but she's taken a leave of absence

(Newser) - One of Ted Cruz's main themes as a new presidential candidate is to repeal ObamaCare in its entirety. But first, he's planning to sign up for it, because he needs health insurance. "We will presumably go on the exchange and sign up for health care and we'...

Ted Cruz's Chances: Zero to Slightly More Than Zero

Pundits weigh in

(Newser) - Ted Cruz officially announced yesterday he'll be running for president , and plenty of critics have announced their take on his candidacy since. "The most interesting question about Mr. Cruz's candidacy is whether he has a very small chance to win or no chance at all," is...

TedCruz.com Has Sad Message for Ted Cruz


(Newser) - The 2016 race may have started in a fairly tech-ish way— with a tweet , that is—but an Internet gaffe soon followed. It seems official candidate Ted Cruz did not register the TedCruz.com domain, and it's now being used to troll him. The black page simply instructs visitors...

Why Ted Cruz Threw His Hat In Now

Republican will make a speech in Virginia today

(Newser) - It begins: Ted Cruz, as widely predicted , became the only major candidate officially running for president shortly after midnight with a tweet announcing: "I'm running for President and I hope to earn your support!" The conservative Texas Republican will make a speech at Liberty University in Lynchburg,...

McCain: Obama, Get Over Israel &#39;Tantrum&#39;
 Obama, Get 
 Over Israel 

McCain: Obama, Get Over Israel 'Tantrum'

President's priorities 'so screwed up that it's unbelievable'

(Newser) - President Obama pulled no punches in his blunt assessment of Benjamin Netanyahu's campaign rhetoric, and John McCain is today taking his own jabs at Obama. Appearing this morning on CNN , he said, "The president should get over it. Get over your temper tantrum, Mr. President." He dismissed...

Tomorrow, US Gets 1st Official 2016 Candidate

Ted Cruz set to make announcement, insiders say

(Newser) - If it seems like it's already gone on for years , we are currently 596 (five hundred ninety-six) days away from the election that will determine the next president of the United States of America. But we are only one day away from the first official hat getting tossed into...

Little Girl to Ted Cruz: 'The World Is on Fire?'

Texas senator's remarks surprise child in New Hampshire

(Newser) - Ted Cruz sure got a little girl's attention in New Hampshire yesterday when he claimed that the world was on fire—and repeated his point when she asked about it, the Concord Monitor reports. Speaking to more than 100 people at a turbomachinery company, the Texas Republican was typically...

The 'Conservative Woodstock' Kicks Off

What to watch for at CPAC

(Newser) - The Conservative Political Action Conference—which Politico calls "the conservative Woodstock" and the Christian Science Monitor calls "the Super Bowl of conservative activism"—is currently under way in National Harbor, Md. What to watch for during the 41st annual CPAC—this one, Politico notes, is "the...

Ted Cruz's Criminal Past: Underage Beer Possession

He was ticketed while a high school senior

(Newser) - Ted Cruz's 2016 chances are looking good if this is the best dirt anyone can dig up on him: The GOP's new chairman of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Science, Space, and Competitiveness was apparently a member of the Beer Run Subcommittee in high school, according to public...

On Deck for GOP in 2015: A Long Series of Showdowns

Republican leaders to face immigration, debt ceiling, Medicare issues

(Newser) - John Boehner and Mitch McConnell penned a Wall Street Journal editorial in November that promised they would prove wrong "the skeptics [who] say nothing will be accomplished in the next two years." But even with both House and Senate firmly under GOP control when Congress convenes tomorrow , the...

Senate Averts Shutdown, Confirms Obama Nominees

Vote on longer-term spending bill due early next week

(Newser) - Their power ebbing, Senate Democrats launched a last-minute drive today to confirm roughly 20 of President Obama's nominees, and several Republicans blamed Tea Party-backed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for creating an opening for the outgoing majority party to exploit. Lawmakers took a break from their intrigue long enough to...

Cruz: &#39;Era of Obama Lawlessness&#39; Is Over
 Cruz:  'Era of Obama 
 Lawlessness' Is Over 

Cruz: 'Era of Obama Lawlessness' Is Over

But McConnell doesn't plan 'perpetual conflict'

(Newser) - Ted Cruz wasn't on the ballot, but he still seemed pretty giddy with victory last night after his party won control of the Senate . The senator declared that the "era of Obama lawlessness is over" and urged his fellow Republicans to "do everything humanly possible to repeal...

Cruz on ISIS: Obama Should &#39;Take Them Out&#39;
 Cruz on ISIS: 
 Obama Should 
 'Take Them Out' 

Cruz on ISIS: Obama Should 'Take Them Out'

GOP has lots of advice, even Feinstein says action 'overdue'

(Newser) - With President Obama's speech outlining his ISIS "game plan" coming Wednesday, there was no shortage of opinion today on the talk shows about what he should do. "What we ought to have is a directed, concerted, overwhelming campaign to take them out," Ted Cruz told ABC...

FAA Lifts Israel Flight Ban
 FAA Lifts Israel Flight Ban 

FAA Lifts Israel Flight Ban

Astronaut tweets 'saddest photo' from space

(Newser) - Amid heavy lobbying from Israel, the FAA lifted its ban on flights to Tel Aviv's airport just before midnight, saying it had reviewed "significant new information and measures the government of Israel is taking to mitigate potential risks to civil aviation." Israeli officials had urged the US...

Real Cause of the Border Crisis: Following the Law

A 2008 bill paved the way for this issue

(Newser) - Conservatives like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin have alleged that President Obama's "lawlessness"—in the form of his jury-rigged de facto Dream Act implementation—is to blame for the children currently swarming across the border. But the truth is "that this crisis has actually been brought...

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