Ted Cruz

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Cruz Opens Up a Dizzying 10-Point Lead Over Trump

'Des Moines Register' poll has seen Texan gain 21 points since October

(Newser) - Bad news for Donald Trump in Iowa, where Ted Cruz last week stole his polling thunder— registering a five-point lead among likely caucusgoers—and is currently continuing to open up that spread in what a pollster calls a "big shakeup." Cruz now has a 10-point lead in the...

The Presidential Candidates' Favorite TV Shows

Donald Trump answers pretty much as expected

(Newser) - People takes an in-depth look at the presidential candidates in its new issue—OK, fine, what it actually delves into is the candidates' favorite breakfast foods and what their grandchildren call them. Below, from those who participated, answers to the question, "What's your favorite guilty pleasure TV...

Cruz Trounces Trump in New Iowa Poll

Texas senator can likely thank Dr. Ben Carson for his new 5-point lead

(Newser) - Ben Carson's loss may be Ted Cruz's gain—and responsible for the new thorn in Donald Trump's side, at least in Iowa. The Texas senator zipped ahead of Trump in a new Monmouth University poll released Monday, the New York Times reports. Cruz, who garnered support...

In Latest Poll, No One Comes Close to Trump

He's up 20 points over Ted Cruz in CNN poll

(Newser) - Last week's dip in poll numbers was apparently no indication of things to come for Donald Trump. A new CNN/ORC poll shows the Republican contender with his biggest lead yet: 36% of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents support him, while his next-closest opponent, Ted Cruz, sits 20 percentage points...

Cruz: Most Violent Criminals Are Democrats

He slams Clinton, media's 'ugly underbelly'

(Newser) - Democrats might be surprised to hear that their party is the choice of the "overwhelming majority" of violent criminals; they may be less surprised to hear that Ted Cruz is the source of that information. The Republican candidate, discussing the Planned Parenthood shooting with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt...

Ted Cruz Now Has a 'National Prayer Team'

'Our nation is in desperate need of God’s favor'

(Newser) - Ted Cruz is making a major play for the most powerful constituent there is: God. On Thursday, the Cruz campaign announced the formation of a "national prayer team" that will get weekly emails with prayer requests from the candidate and his wife, as well as an invitation to a...

Cruz Gets a Big Cash Boost After Debate

His team had raised $1.1M as of Thursday afternoon

(Newser) - Wednesday's GOP debate might have been a setback for some presidential contenders, but Ted Cruz wasn't among them. His team raised $1.1 million between the debate and Thursday afternoon, Cruz told Fox News, per the Hill . "That is a real demonstration, I think, of the hunger...

Dubya on Ted Cruz: 'I Just Don't Like the Guy'

Remarks against brother's rival at donor event surprise attendees

(Newser) - Finally, someone other than Donald Trump is annoying the GOP establishment. Former President George W. Bush attended a donor event for brother Jeb's campaign Sunday in Denver, and according to a handful of attendees, Dubya had a lot to say about Ted Cruz, who served as a domestic policy...

Sanders Loves Pope's Mention of 'Radical' Activist

He like pontiff's praise of Dorothy Day

(Newser) - Pope Francis made a historic appearance before Congress today, and one person especially pleased with his speech was Bernie Sanders. The Vermont senator tells CNN he loved the reference to Dorothy Day, a "radical Catholic activist," per the Washington Post , who founded the Catholic Worker Movement and fought...

11 Candidates, 11 Lines: Debate's Standout Remarks

Including one about turning the TV off

(Newser) - Eleven candidates and three hours of debate: Which lines made an impression? A standout statement from each of tonight's GOP hopefuls, via CNN , the New York Times , and the Washington Post :
  • Donald Trump: "I would get along with [Assad]. I would get along with a lot of the

REM Upset That 'Sad Little Men' Used Its Song

Band doesn't want Trump using their song

(Newser) - A Washington, DC, rally against the Iran nuclear deal brought together GOP hopefuls and conservative stars, including Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, and Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty—and infuriated REM in the process. Trump took the stage at the Tea Party rally to "It's the End...

Ellen Page Confronts Ted Cruz on 'Gay Stuff'

Actress debates gay rights and religious freedom with presidential candidate

(Newser) - Here's something you don't see every day: a Hollywood star and a Republican presidential nominee debating gay rights and religious freedom with only a few dozen sizzling pork chops between them. CBS News reports Ellen Page, star of Juno and Inception, interrupted Ted Cruz's pork-related media event...

Republicans Finally Stand Up to Ted Cruz
Republicans Finally
Stand Up to Ted Cruz

Republicans Finally Stand Up to Ted Cruz

And find out he's a 'paper tiger,' writes Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Ted Cruz was in classic form last week when he took to the Senate floor, thumbed his nose at decorum, and called his own majority leader a liar . Was that the last straw for his fellow Republicans? Dana Milbank at the Washington Post thinks it might be. "Finally, Senate...

ObamaCare Repeal Goes Nowhere in Senate

It won't be tacked on to highway funding bill

(Newser) - An ObamaCare repeal vote in the Senate that Ted Cruz predicted would be an "exercise in meaningless political theater" didn't produce any surprises in a rare Sunday session yesterday. All 92 of the senators that showed up voted along party lines and the measure failed to reach the...

Ted Cruz Defies Decorum, Calls McConnell a Liar

Surprising attack comes on the Senate floor

(Newser) - Ted Cruz stood on the Senate floor today and called his own party leader a liar, a move so unusual that it had both Politico and the Washington Post quoting an old Senate rule that's supposed to forbid such things. The 2016 candidate said this of Mitch McConnell:
  • "

Ted Cruz Revels in His Book Feud With NY Times

Publicity helping his campaign and his book

(Newser) - So Ted Cruz's book won't be listed among the New York Times' best sellers, even though it racked up about 12,000 sales in its first week. But if you think Cruz is angry, you've got it exactly backward, reports Politico . The feud is a sign that...

New York Times Won't Put Cruz on Best-Sellers List

Because of 'strategic bulk purchases'

(Newser) - Ted Cruz sold nearly 12,000 copies of his biography A Time for Truth in its first week (it was published June 30), which in terms of raw numbers would make him No. 3 among this week's best sellers in the New York Times. But you won't see...

Kentucky Clerks Blocking All Marriages

Legal experts say they can expect to be sued

(Newser) - Clerks in at least five Kentucky counties are refusing to grant marriage licenses to gay and heterosexual couples, citing their beliefs that marriage is between a man and a woman. "I have always tried to be fair to everyone and treat everyone the same," a clerk tells the...

Ted Cruz Says Sorry for Repeat Joke About Biden

Made just days after Joe Biden's son Beau died from brain cancer

(Newser) - Telling the same tired joke over and over again is arguably just as bad as telling a "too soon" joke in bad taste. Ted Cruz earned the distinction of doing both yesterday in Michigan after he regurgitated a wisecrack he's used before about Joe Biden, just days after...

Texas to Deploy Troops to Monitor US Military

Governor accused of 'pandering to idiots'

(Newser) - The US military says its seven-state Operation Jade Helm 15 this summer will be a training drill for special forces—but Gov. Greg Abbott appears to have his doubts. Amid online conspiracy theories that the operation is an excuse for President Obama to impose martial law on Texas and put...

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