
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Holy Hell: Churches Squeezed by Economy

(Newser) - The hallelujahs are strained in US churches these days as donations plunge at the same time demand for aid is skyrocketing, reports the Wall Street Journal. Congregations across the nation are slashing budgets and even laying off staff, including pastors. Churches and synagogues usually weather downturns well, but not this...

Economic Crisis Hits Al Qaeda, Too
Crisis Hits
Al Qaeda, Too

Economic Crisis Hits Al Qaeda, Too

Terrorist activities must wait as fundraising falters

(Newser) - Al Qaeda operations are struggling due to a lack of capital brought on in part by the global economic downturn, the New York Post reports. “In Afghanistan, we have a severe supply deficit,” the group said in a plea for donations. “Mujahideen sit and wait and cannot...

Clinton Aims to Save Pakistan With Text Donations

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is hoping text messages can save Pakistan’s Swat Valley. The Secretary of State is asking Americans to text “swat” to 20222 to make a $5 donation to help refugees from the fighting there, Foreign Policy reports. The money would go to a UN agency, which provides...

Developer Gives $100M to Habitat For Humanity

(Newser) - Habitat for Humanity has received a $100 million gift from a developer in the largest contribution in the charity’s history, the AP reports. J. Ronald Terwilliger said he hoped the gift would “inspire others to make the commitment to support affordable housing.” Habitat says the money will...

Since Leaving Office, Bush Raises $1M a Day for Library

Dubya raises funds faster than predecessors

(Newser) - George W. Bush has amassed over $100 million in donations for the construction of a presidential library at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Time reports, with most coming since he left office. Bush has tapped into his campaign donor network to hit the estimated $300 million cost for the project,...

In Hard Times, Big Donors Don't Flaunt It

Some seek subtlety as neighbors struggle

(Newser) - In hard times, big givers are staying out of the spotlight, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reports. Some 19% of donations of $1 million or more in the past 10 months have been anonymous, compared with 3%-5% over the past 10 years. Donors often stay nameless to keep other charities from...

Taiwanese Med Students Honor Cadaver Donors

(Newser) - A Taiwanese medical school is responding to the island nation’s shortage of cadavers for study by bringing the family of the deceased fully into the program, the Wall Street Journal reports. At Tzu Chi University, medical students meet with donors' families and even compose poems to their “silent...

Slumdog Makers Give $740K to Educate Poor

Fun intended to hush critics who call film 'poverty porn'

(Newser) - To combat accusations that Oscar sensation Slumdog Millionaire is a form of “poverty porn,” the filmmakers have donated about $740,000 toward a health education initiative in Mumbai’s slums, the Times of London reports. The funds are in addition to trusts set up for the movie’s...

E! Gave Brangelina Charity Big Bucks, But for What?

(Newser) - E! donated $250,000 to the Jolie-Pitt Foundation last year, but you wouldn’t know it from the cable channel's coverage of Brangelina, Fox News reports. Not only has E! not had the sort of scoops one might expect if it were really paying for access, but the celebrity news...

Our Family Can Raise Octuplets: Gramps

Nadya won't take taxpayer money

(Newser) - The grandfather of the California octuplets says he'll fight for his daughter Nadya Suleman’s right to raise her kids, ABC News reports. "I will stop anybody from taking my grandchildren away," Ed Doud said in an interview with Good Morning America, responding to reports that the hospital...

India Rejects Deal on Gandhi Glasses

(Newser) - India has rejected a donation offer from the owner of Mahatma Gandhi’s personal effects, set for auction today in New York, the Times reports. James Otis, a peace activist who owns Gandhi’s glasses, watch, and sandals, wanted India to exhibit the items or increase spending on its poor...

Donations Dry Up for Mugabe's 85th Birthday Bash

Unity government reduces Zanu-PF's ability to intimidate

(Newser) - Celebrations are underway in Zimbabwe this week to honor President Robert Mugabe’s 85th birthday, but the country's economic crisis, cholera epidemic, and shifting balance of power have dried up donations for the usually over-the-top festivities, the Times of London reports. Officials of his Zanu-PF party aimed to raise $300,...

Octuplet Mom Launches Site to Reel in Cash

'Proud mom of 14' provides updates on newborns

(Newser) - Octuplet mom Nadya Suleman has launched a website to collect donations, making good on her claim to have an alternative way to provide for her kids. The site features photos of the "proud mother of 14" with her eight newest arrivals, an address to send gifts, and a link...

Wall Street Dominates List of Inaugural Donors

Big banks (yeah, those big banks) have bundled huge donations for the bash

(Newser) - Private donations to defray the cost of Barack Obama's inauguration festivities total $27.3 million—and large donors, including Wall Street executives flush with bailout cash, chipped in $24.8 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. That runs counter to the vow to remain independent of special interests that led...

Want Two Free Inauguration Tix?

PIC offers essay-writing contest to score inauguration spots

(Newser) - Curious to check out this “historic inauguration” thing everyone’s talking about? The Presidential Inaugural Committee is giving away 10 tickets—plus an equal number for guests—to the winners of an essay contest on what Barack Obama’s swearing-in means to them, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. The committee...

Why Are Charities Feeding Bill's Ego?
 Why Are Charities 
 Feeding Bill's Ego? 

Why Are Charities Feeding Bill's Ego?

(Newser) - Forget for a second the Arab oil money that buoys the Clinton Foundation, Marty Peretz writes in the Wall Street Journal—“since when is the Clinton Foundation one of the approved charities of the United Way?” Nonprofits and foundations, from hospitals to universities to opera companies, are lining the...

Economy Spells Weary Christmas for Toy Charities

Donations off as much as 30%, some say

(Newser) - Across the country, charities that dole out gifts to underprivileged kids have seen donations fall off steeply compared to last holiday season, USA Today reports. Some are reporting as much as a 30% decline in giving as the economy flags. “Families that would normally have been helping us by...

Will: 'We Got to Help Each Other'

Actor hits Midwest to promote film, charity

(Newser) - Will Smith has a message for fans in these dismal economic times: “You got to help somebody.” He issued his plea as he promoted his new film Seven Pounds at a rare Minnesota premiere, which also raised money for a charity that delivers holiday meals.

Rangel Inquiry Expands to Donor Concerns

Rep. faces allegations he fought tax loophole in funding tradeoff

(Newser) - A House ethics committee broadened its probe into Charles Rangel over concerns the New York Democrat fought a tax loophole in exchange for a $1 million donation to his policy institute. The subcommittee has been investigating Rangel’s personal finances since September over several other corruption allegations; now, it looks...

Apple, Google Join California Gay Marriage Fight

Battle over initiative draws record donations on both sides

(Newser) - Apple donated $100,000 to battle the proposition to ban gay marriage in California yesterday, the Los Angeles Times reports, joining Google, which anted up $140,000 earlier this week. “Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>