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Kanye Cameo Likely During Swift's SNL Gig
 Kanye Cameo Likely 
 During Swift's SNL Gig 

Kanye Cameo Likely During Swift's SNL Gig

(Newser) - Just when the Kanye West-Taylor Swift meme was starting to ebb a bit, there’s this from the rumor mill: West, awards-show interrupter, will make a cameo when Swift, awards-show interruptee, hosts Saturday Night Live on Nov. 7. Quoth gossip maven Perez Hilton: “Sources tell us this is very...

Some UK Tabloid Stories Are Fake: Documentary

Starsuckers exposes tabloids' habit of publishing fabricated gossip

(Newser) - The upcoming British documentary Starsuckers proves what we’ve always suspected: Tabloids—at least, UK tabloids—will print just about anything, including “complete and utter babble,” the director tells the Guardian. Among the fake stories he got published—and, often, reprinted around the world: Avril Lavigne passed out...

Blogger Nikki Finke Stays One Step Ahead

Deadline Hollywood Daily is insiders' first call, for good or ill

(Newser) - Nikki Finke works out of her apartment in Hollywood, surrounded by six phones, a laptop, and a cat. Although she doesn’t go out and mingle with her contacts, she certainly has them. And their desire to be on her good side—or stay out of her sights entirely—has...

In Feud With Demi, Perez Dissed Tyra

(Newser) - Turns out Perez Hilton didn't just bring down the wrath of Demi Moore when he linked to pics of daughter Tallulah Willis, 15, in skimpy clothes last week: He broke his promise to Tyra Banks, the Daily News reports. On an episode of her talk show that airs today—but...

Demi Threatens Lawsuit Over Pics of Daughter

Gossip blogger Perez Hilton linked to photos of Tallulah WIllis

(Newser) - Demi Moore has threatened to sue gossip blogger Perez Hilton over photos of her 15-year-old daughter, E! reports. Hilton didn't actually post the pics, which show Tallulah Willis in revealing clothes, but he linked to them and made snarky remarks."Clearly Perez Hilton isn't taking violating child pornography laws...

'Out-of-Shape' Crowe Bests Journo in Bike Duel

Actor challenges gossip columnist after she pokes fun at his fitness

(Newser) - Aussie gossip columnist Annette Sharp had to face down a challenge from Russell Crowe the day after she mocked the Gladiator star for puffing on cigarettes during a Sydney bike ride and chowing down on tacos, she writes for Australia's News Network. "Get on your bike," the star's...

Celebs You Don't Want to Date
 Celebs You Don't Want to Date 

Celebs You Don't Want to Date

(Newser) - If a celeb asks you out, it’s hard to say no. But do you really want to get beaten up, or be totally chaste for a few years? Emily Farris presents some “currently single stars we implore you to avoid like The Plague” for Nerve:
  1. Chris Brown: Assuming

Thieves Loot Lohan's Home
 Thieves Loot Lohan's Home 

Thieves Loot Lohan's Home

(Newser) - Three men were caught on tape breaking into Lindsay Lohan’s Hollywood Hills house this morning, TMZ reports. The actress discovered the burglary when she came home at 3am, then called her father. "The safe was ripped out of the wall, and the door was off the hinges and...

Jen Feels Burned by Cooper
 Jen Feels Burned by Cooper 

Jen Feels Burned by Cooper

(Newser) - Jennifer Aniston is feeling a little jilted because of Bradley Cooper’s burgeoning relationship with Renee Zellweger, Us reports. “She honestly feels screwed over," says a friend. "She had a major crush on him and she let him know," but "he didn't reciprocate." The...

Sinatra Daughter Frets Over Pending Biopic

(Newser) - Tina Sinatra would prefer that Martin Scorsese direct her father’s biopic her way, the New York Post reports. "Marty wants it to be hard-hitting and showcase the violent, sexually charged, hard-drinking Frank, but Tina wants to show the softer side of her dad and let the focus be...

Abrams' 'Gossip Cop' Worst of Both Worlds
 'Gossip Cop' 
 Worst of Both Worlds 
OPINION roundup

Abrams' 'Gossip Cop' Worst of Both Worlds

Media weigh in on new site

(Newser) - It seems that Dan Abrams just launched Mediaite, but he’s already back with another venture: Gossip Cop. The initial post compared it to "TMZ meets Smoking Gun," but Laura Schreffler, in the New York Daily News, deems it “sort of like TMZ meets the Huffington Post....

Redford, Longtime Galpal Marry
 Redford, Longtime Galpal Marry 

Redford, Longtime Galpal Marry

Plus, trouble in paradise for Madonna and Jesus

(Newser) - Robert Redford married longtime girlfriend Sibylle Szaggars in Germany this weekend, E! reports. The actor and the painter, who met in the early '90s at a Sundance Film Festival event, married in a small private ceremony conducted in Szaggars’ native German, according to a local newspaper. It is the second...

Perez Admits 'Mistakes,' Not Sorry
 Perez Admits 
 'Mistakes,' Not Sorry 

Perez Admits 'Mistakes,' Not Sorry

Admits 'mistakes' in Will.i.am debacle

(Newser) - Perez Hilton has gone from “celebrity watcher” to “quasi-celebrity.” Public scuffles with Carrie Prejean, Dustin Lance Black, and Will.i.am have thrown the bitchy blogger into the spotlight—but who is he really? He’s happier than ever, on a quest to get healthy, and “...

Hef Ex Vows to Be Strict, Religious Mom

New hubby helped her find God

(Newser) - Kendra Wilkinson may have posed nude for Playboy a few times, but that won’t stop her from being a religious parent. “Our child will definitely be Christian,” the pregnant newlywed tells Fox News. New hubby Hank Baskett adds that they will be "very strict," and...

Bradley Cooper Romances Renée

Finally, newly hot star spotted with someone other than Jennifer Aniston

(Newser) - Bradley Cooper may finally be able to stop fielding questions about Jennifer Aniston now that he's been spotted with someone else: Renée Zellweger. The co-stars of the upcoming Case 39 did a lot of gazing and flirting on a date Tuesday night in New York, the Daily News reports....

Hef Ex, Beau Marry at Playboy Mansion

Baby On the Way

(Newser) - Kendra Wilkinson went from girl next door to something of an honest woman yesterday, reports E! Online, exchanging vows with beau and soon-to-be babydaddy Hank Baskett at the Playboy Mansion in front of 500 guests, swirling paparazzi, and 83-year-old ex Hugh Hefner. Wilkinson's fellow Girls Next Door co-stars served...

Actress/ Activist Hannah Arrested

Actress/ Activist Hannah Arrested

Plus, Angelina Jolie sets her sights on the presidency

(Newser) - Daryl Hannah feels strongly about coal mining—so strongly that she was arrested for protesting it in West Virginia yesterday, E! reports. The actress and 30 others staged a sit-in on a major highway and were charged with impeding traffic. Elsewhere:
  • President Angelina Jolie? It could happen. She wants to

'The Show Must Go On': Kate
 'The Show Must Go On': Kate 

'The Show Must Go On': Kate

TLC must contend with new, darker show

(Newser) - Jon and Kate may be divorcing, but “the show must go on,” Kate said on last night’s episode. But how, exactly? TLC is probably pretty pleased Jon and Kate Plus 8 will continue shooting despite the title couple leading—and filming—separate lives, Variety reports, considering the...

Court? Bah. Rihanna's Jewelry? Very Important.

'Shameless PR flacks' invoke Gawker blogger's ire

(Newser) - Sure, sure, Chris Brown copped a plea yesterday in his assault case. But more important, what was his victim wearing? Thanks to Michele Marie PR, you no longer have to wonder, the Cajun Boy blogs for Gawker. Who cares that Rihanna was in court “to testify against a man...

Parasitic, Tabloid HuffPo Just Pretends to Do Journalism

The 'supposedly revolutionary über-blog' wears no clothes: Dumenco

(Newser) - Syracuse University’s SI Newhouse journalism school recently awarded Arianna Huffington one of their lifetime achievement awards, an honor that strikes Simon Dumenco as absurd, he writes for Advertising Age. It sounds like a brutally ironic joke: a school for training journalists honors someone who’s built a popular website...

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