Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

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Holder on 9/11 Trial: 'We Need Not Cower'

AG defends decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York

(Newser) - Republicans grilled Eric Holder on Capitol Hill today, criticizing his decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civilian court. But Holder offered a forceful rebuttal, saying, “We need not cower in the face of this enemy. Our institutions are strong and our people are ready.” He added that...

Stewart Pits '06 Giuliani Vs. '09 Giuliani
 Stewart Pits 
 '06 Giuliani 
 Vs. '09 Giuliani 

Stewart Pits '06 Giuliani Vs. '09 Giuliani

Rudy just can't decide how he feels about terrorist trials

(Newser) - During last night’s Daily Show analysis of Khaled Sheikh Mohammed’s upcoming trial, Jon Stewart pointed out Rudy Giuliani’s blatant flip-flopping on the issue between 2006 and now. Though 2006 Giuliani believed that “America is dedicated to the rule of law” and “We are a free...

9/11 Families Split on New York Trial

Some welcome plotters' trial, to others it's a 'smack in the face'

(Newser) - Some see it as poetic justice—the plotters of the Sept. 11th attacks brought to justice a few blocks from the site of the Twin Towers they destroyed—and others are outraged that the terrorists will enjoy a jury trial in a court in this country, let alone this city....

6 Myths About Trying Mohammed in NYC
 6 Myths About Trying 
 Mohammed in NYC 

6 Myths About Trying Mohammed in NYC

US legal system is, in fact, up to this challenge

(Newser) - While the news that Sept. 11 terror suspect Khalid Sheik Mohammed will be tried in New York has created quite a furor, there are also a number of misconceptions floating around about the trial. Andrew Cohen clears up six:
  • Mohammed’s lawyers won’t be able to get the case

Prosecutors Hope Plea Deals Will Close Gitmo Cases

Federal, Military prosecutors fight for rare testimony

(Newser) - Federal and military prosecutors looking to convict Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other high-profile Guantanamo Bay detainees are competing with each other to offer plea bargains to lower-profile inmates in exchange for testimony. Some detainees have remained at Gitmo because they are considered too difficult to prosecute, and the evidence against...

9/11 Plotters Will Face Death: Holder

New York trial represents proper US tradition, AG says

(Newser) - Confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his four co-defendants will face the death penalty, Eric Holder confirmed today, and the AG leapt to defend the decision to try them in a civilian court in New York. They will “answer for their alleged crimes in a courthouse just blocks...

Republicans Decry Decision to Try 9/11 Planner in NYC

GOP slams AG's 'dangerous mentality'

(Newser) - Republican leaders are sharply criticizing the Obama administration’s decision to prosecute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civilian court. John Boehner called the plan to try the confessed planner of the 9/11 attacks in New York "irresponsible” and accused AG Eric Holder of "reverting to a dangerous pre-9/11 mentality....

Mastermind of 9/11 to Face Trial in NYC

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be transferred from Gitmo

(Newser) - Self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other Guantanamo Bay detainees will be sent to New York to face trial in a civilian federal court. An official announcement is expected later today. The actual transfer of the detainees isn't expected to happen for weeks because formal charges have not...

Bush AG: Court Terror Trials Too Dangerous

Challenges to security, secrecy would be 'overwhelming'

(Newser) - The Obama administration wants to try alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other Guantanamo detainees in federal courts—and that's a major mistake, says Michael Mukasey. Terrorism trials pose "overwhelming" security challenges, and classified information would have to be revealed, warns George Bush's relatively moderate third attorney general...

Gitmo Defendants Given My Lai Massacre Film

Trials of 9/11 accused delayed for another 60 days

(Newser) - Guantanamo Bay prisoners accused of planning the 9/11 attacks asked for and were given copies of a film about the My Lai massacre, Reuters reports. The Guantanamo war crimes court was told during a hearing yesterday that Judgment: The Court Martial of Lt. William Calley, a 1975 courtroom drama about...

New Photo of 9/11 Mastermind Used to Spur Jihad

Red Cross photo of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed hits net

(Newser) - The family of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed released new photos of the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, and they've been showing up on sites used by al-Qaeda sympathizers to recruit terrorists. The images, taken by the Red Cross as part of its monitoring of Guantanamo Bay prisoners, are the...

Agents Say Waterboarding Turned Around Terrorist

(Newser) - After being waterboarded 183 times and deprived of sleep for a week, self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind Kalid Sheikh Mohammed transformed from an avowed enemy of the US into a sort of CIA guest lecturer, the Washington Post reports. Two anonymous sources, looking to build the case that harsh interrogation worked, say...

CIA Docs Don't Vindicate Cheney

(Newser) - Dick Cheney has long insisted that two CIA documents from 2004 and 2005 would prove the value of torture. But after obtaining them yesterday, the Washington Independent says they do nothing of the kind. The documents actually suggest, albeit murkily, that non-abusive techniques were more effective. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s...

CIA Threatened to Kill, Rape Detainee Families: Report

(Newser) - A newly declassified CIA report says interrogators threatened to kill the children of a Sept. 11 suspect. The document, released today by the Justice Department, says one interrogator said a colleague had told Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that if any other attacks happened in the United States, "We're going to...

Prosecutors Compete for 9/11 Case
Prosecutors Compete
for 9/11 Case

Prosecutors Compete for 9/11 Case

Va., NY vie for high-profile trial of alleged mastermind

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors in New York and Virginia are fighting for the chance to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four of his co-conspirators on trial, the Washington Post reports. Justice Department sources say offices in Alexandria and Manhattan have been lobbying hard to prosecute the self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind, both stressing their...

9/11 Suspects Boycott Gitmo Hearing

(Newser) - While relatives of the victims waited in the courtroom, the five Guantanamo inmates accused of conspiring in the 9/11 attacks boycotted a pretrial hearing this morning, the Miami Herald reports. The proceeding was intended to determine whether the defendants who aren't representing themselves are competent to stand trial. Alleged mastermind...

Gitmo Prisoners: We Lied to CIA to Stop Torture

Khalid Mohammed 'made up stories' on bin Laden's whereabouts after torture

(Newser) - Guantanamo prisoners fabricated information to give CIA interrogators after being physically and mentally abused, they told a 2007 military tribunal in transcripts released yesterday under the Freedom of Information act. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks and one of the prisoners who was repeatedly waterboarded, said he...

Bush: Interrogations Were Legal

Former president says CIA program was legal, saved lives

(Newser) - George W. Bush didn't mention Dick Cheney by name, but he backed his assertions that the CIA's harsh interrogations were legal and saved lives, CNN reports. After terror suspect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured in 2003, for example, Bush said he checked with "the lawyers" to determine how to...

Al-Qaeda Used Hotmail, Simple Codes to Plan 9/11

(Newser) - In the days following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, alleged al-Qaeda operations mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed intended to use his free Hotmail account to direct a US-based operative to carry out an attack, according to a guilty plea agreement filed by Al Saleh Kahlah al-Marri in federal court. The document...

Waterboarding Isn't Easier 2nd Time, or 183rd
Waterboarding Isn't Easier 2nd Time, or 183rd

Waterboarding Isn't Easier 2nd Time, or 183rd

Turns out the body never gets used to simulated drowning

(Newser) - Like many other forms of torture, waterboarding doesn’t get any easier with repeated exposure. After multiple sessions of the simulated drowning technique, accused al-Qaeda plotters Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah would at best have been able to slightly modify their response, explains Brian Palmer in Slate. The experience...

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