Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

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Military Experts Rip Bush Over Waterboarding Remarks

'Bush is being flip about serious issue'

(Newser) - George Bush still doesn't seem to understand how serious an issue waterboarding is, say miltary men outraged at the former president's glib acknowledgment that he had a suspect waterboarded and he'd do it again . The interrogation technique is "unequivocably torture," former strategic intelligence officer and military law expert...

Bush: Yeah, I Waterboarded Him, and I'd Do It Again!

Bush defends torture, Iraq war in speech

(Newser) - Former President George W. Bush says if he had it to do over, he would still waterboard the self-professed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Bush acknowledged yesterday that the US used the harsh interrogation technique on Khalid Sheik Mohammed and said he would "do it again to...

Facing Bias, Pakistanis Pretend to Be Indian

Times Square bomb scare boosts anti-Pakistani sentiment

(Newser) - Pakistani immigrants are again feeling prejudice after the attempted car bombing in Times Square, and they're resorting to an old tactic to avoid discrimination: pretending they are Indian. After September 11, with anti-Pakistani sentiment in the US peaking, merchants and job seekers learned quickly that identifying with their homeland's archrival...

Holder: Terror Trials Still Possible in NYC

He also says he hopes the US captures Osama alive

(Newser) - Turns out the debate on holding terror trials in New York City isn't settled after all. Attorney General Eric Holder told a Senate panel today that "New York isn't off the table"—even though the Obama administration said as much earlier this year when Mayor Bloomberg and others...

Bin Laden: If US Executes KSM, We'll Kill Americans

US official dismisses threat as 'absurdity'

(Newser) - If the US executes admitted 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al-Qaeda will do the same to any American prisoners it takes, says Osama bin Laden in an as-yet-unverified audio tape. “The White House has expressed its desire to execute him,” bin Laden says. “When America makes this...

Obama, Senate Near Deal for Military 9/11 Trials

Deal would close Guantanamo, move KSM case forward

(Newser) - The White House and Senate are near a deal that would close the Guantanamo Bay detention center and pave the way for more of its inmates—including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—to face military tribunals rather than civilian courts. The deal has been in the works for a while, but a...

Obama Advisers Push Flip to Military 9/11 Trials

Switch would pave way for bipartisan deal on Guantanamo

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s top advisers want him to reverse Eric Holder’s decision to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed and the other 9/11 conspirators in civilian court. The president has personally favored civilian trials, but thanks to the popular outcry against them, he’s likely to accept their recommendation, the Washington ...

Try 9/11 Mastermind in Washington
 Try 9/11 Mastermind 
 in Washington 

Try 9/11 Mastermind in Washington

Put Khalik Sheik Mohammed on trial in civil court in nation's capital

(Newser) - New York doesn’t want the trial of accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed to take place in lower Manhattan, so bring the proceedings to the nation’s capital, writes Thomas Penfield Jackson. After all, “KSM’s crimes were committed against the entire nation,” so a trial in...

Battered Holder Accepts White House Help

Drubbing on Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial humbles aloof AG

(Newser) - Eric Holder once angrily told the White House that his job was about the law, not politics, but the attorney general’s changed his tune after his plan to put Khalid Shaikh Mohammed on trial in New York was crushed by opposition from almost every quarter. Two weeks ago Holder...

Obama Will Help Choose 9/11 Trial Venue

President steps in after Manhattan choice sparks backlash

(Newser) - President Obama will help choose the location of the trial of alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-accused, according to administration officials. The move indicates an awareness that the White House mishandled the process in placing the decision in Attorney General Eric Holder's hands, notes the Washington Post...

Look Who Says Bush Was Right on Terror
 Look Who Says Bush 
 Was Right on Terror 

Look Who Says Bush Was Right on Terror

Obama invokes Bush policies as defense in Couric interview

(Newser) - President Obama rolled out a surprising line of defense when Katie Couric quizzed him about civilian trials for terrorists in an interview Sunday, writes William McGurn. "We're not handling any of these cases any different than the Bush administration handled them all through 9/11," Obama insisted. Invoking Bush...

Obama's Tone Deaf on Terror
 Tone Deaf 
 on Terror 

Obama's Tone Deaf on Terror

'President is ignoring citizen security fears'

(Newser) - The Obama administration's policy on captured terrorists seems like it's aimed more at pleasing America's critics than making Americans feel safer, writes Richard Cohen. Blunders like trying to hold the KSM trial in New York and giving the "underwear bomber" suspect his Miranda rights show that the administration is...

'I'm a Scott Brown Republican'
 'I'm a Scott Brown Republican' 

'I'm a Scott Brown Republican'

Mass. senator emphasizes pro-choice stance, won't toe GOP line

(Newser) - Massachusetts' soon-to-be junior senator Scott Brown made his debut on the Sunday morning talk scene today, Politico reports, emphasizing his pro-choice stance, calling for the health bill to be scrapped, and warning fellow Republicans he'll "make his own decisions in Washington." Asked about his 2012 ambitions on This ...

9/11 Trials Won't Be in NYC
 9/11 Trials Won't Be in NYC 

9/11 Trials Won't Be in NYC

White House gives up on bringing terror suspects to Manhattan

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s plan to try alleged 9/11 terror plotters in a lower Manhattan court bit the dust today, swamped by waves of criticism from politicians from New York to Washington. “New York is out,” a source tells the Washington Post tonight. “We’re considering other...

White House Wants Justice to Consider Moving Terror Trials

Change follows further criticism from NY pols in 9/11 case

(Newser) - In an about-face a day after New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined those opposed to trying 9/11 terror suspects in a lower Manhattan court, the White House yesterday asked the Justice Department to consider alternate venues, the New York Times reports. President Obama is said to continue to support Attorney...

Underwear Bomber's Treatment a Travesty
 Underwear Bomber's 
 Treatment a Travesty 

Underwear Bomber's Treatment a Travesty

Detroit suspect read Miranda rights without counter-terror chiefs' approval

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer finds the Obama administration's handling of accused bomb plotter Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab more scandalous with every new bit of information that emerges. The Justice Department decided to read the underwear bomber his Miranda rights after just 50 minutes of questioning and they didn't consult with the heads of...

Bloomberg Wants Terror Trial Moved

Mayor cites cost, disruption to downtown life

(Newser) - Count Mayor Bloomberg among those who don't want the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to take place in Manhattan. “It would be great if the federal government could find a site that didn’t cost a billion dollars, which using downtown will,” he said, in what the New ...

'Guantanamo, NY,' Awaits 9/11 Accused

Rights advocates complain about treatment of terror suspects

(Newser) - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-accused can expect conditions little different from Guantanamo at its harshest when they arrive in New York for trial. The terror suspects are certain to be placed under what the Justice Department calls "special administrative measures"—SAMs—requiring 23-hour-a-day lockdown, constant video surveillance,...

9/11 Defendants to Explain Why They Did It

Men plan to air their grievances against US

(Newser) - The five men accused of plotting the 9/11 attacks will plead not guilty, but only so they have an opportunity to air their grievances against the US. The accused freely admit organizing the devastating terrorist attack, but wish to “explain what happened and why they did it," said...

KSM Trial Will Be a Perverse Farce
 KSM Trial 
 Will Be a 
 Perverse Farce 


KSM Trial Will Be a Perverse Farce

It will be like rereleasing ' 9/11—the Director's Cut '

(Newser) - Everybody knows that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is never going to walk free, and that makes the logic behind Eric Holder's decision to give him a civilian trial in New York all the more puzzling, writes Charles Krauthammer. With the 9/11 not just the most destructive terrorist attack, "but the...

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