
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Ex-SS Agent, 92, Tried for Murder in Germany

Siert Bruins accused of shooting resistance fighter

(Newser) - The murder trial of a 92-year-old ex-SS member—one of the final such trials, the BBC notes—has begun in Germany. Siert Bruins, a German born in the Netherlands, allegedly killed a Dutch resistance fighter in 1944. Prosecutors say Bruins drove captured fighter Aldert Klaas Dijkema to a deserted area,...

'Most-Wanted Nazi' Dies Awaiting Trial—at 98

Hungarian Laszlo Csatary reportedly sent 16K Jews to death camps

(Newser) - A onetime most-wanted Nazi war crimes suspect, Laszlo Csatary , has died at age 98, the BBC reports. The Hungarian was awaiting trial when he died in a hospital in his home country. "He had been treated for medical issues for some time but contracted pneumonia, from which he died,...

Nazi Dad Denied Custody of Son

But Heath Campbell plans to appeal decision

(Newser) - Heath Campbell—the guy who thought it was a good idea to go to court in a Nazi uniform after giving all his kids Nazi-inspired names —has been denied custody of his son, Heinrich Hons , 2, NBC Philadelphia reports. The boy was removed from his parents' care on allegations...

Museums Unfairly Sitting on Art Nazis Stole: Experts

Claimants grapple with legal gimmicks: reports

(Newser) - Nazi looting left many Jews bereft of art they once owned, and heirs are still coming forward to collect what they say is rightfully theirs. Under a 1998 agreement, US museums in possession of the art are supposed to consider each claim on its merits. Instead, however, many institutions are...

Survivors on Outed Minn. Nazi: 'What Good Is It Now?'

Villagers reflect on massacre by Michael Karkoc's unit

(Newser) - Just weeks ago, the AP outed a Minnesota man as a former Nazi commander; now, Polish survivors are revisiting a massacre by Michael Karkoc's unit. Records suggest Karkoc was near the scene of the Chlaniow massacre as well as one in the Ukrainian village of Pidhaitsi, though there's...

98-Year-Old Charged With Nazi War Crimes

Laszlo Csatary's trial to begin within 3 months

(Newser) - Laszlo Csatary has made it almost to the century mark, but even that wasn't long enough to escape the Nazi hunters. The 98-year-old, who was arrested last year in Hungary after being named the Simon Wiesenthal Center's most wanted, was charged today with war crimes for his role...

Pastor: Minnesota Nazi Seemed Like 'Good Citizen'

Prosecution of Michael Karkoc should be simple: Nazi hunter

(Newser) - Minnesota neighbors of Michael Karkoc are stunned at the AP's finding that he led a Nazi unit said to have massacred civilians. "I know him personally. We talk, laugh. He takes care of his yard and walks with his wife," says Karkoc's next-door neighbor. Adds a...

'Escape Tunnel' Found Under Concentration Camp

It ran from barracks under a barbed wire fence at Sobibor

(Newser) - Archaeologists think they've found the first evidence of prisoners trying to dig their way out of a Nazi death camp. The find comes after more than a decade of excavations at the Sobibor camp in Poland; Nazis leveled the place after its prisoners revolted in 1943, LiveScience explains. In...

Nazi Commander Found Living in Minnesota

AP tracks down SS veteran Michael Karkoc, whose unit massacred civilians

(Newser) - The AP has uncovered evidence that the commander of a Nazi SS unit has been living for decades in Minnesota, having lied about his wartime experience to immigration officials. Michael Karkoc, 94, led a unit accused of burning Ukrainian villages and slaughtering the civilians within, including women and children. And...

Top Nazi's Long-Lost Diary Found ... in Buffalo

Rosenberg papers to shed new light on Third Reich

(Newser) - The secrets of top Hitler aide Alfred Rosenberg may soon be revealed, 67 years after he ended up at the end of a rope for his leading role in the Holocaust. Some 400 pages from Rosenberg's diary vanished after the Nuremberg war crimes trials where he was sentenced to...

Dad Wears Nazi Uniform to Custody Hearing

Man who named son Adolf Hitler says he's being unfairly targeted for his beliefs

(Newser) - Remember those New Jersey parents who named their kid Adolf Hitler —and subsequently lost custody of their children due to alleged domestic violence? Father Heath Campbell went to court today to fight for visitation rights for Adolf's little brother, 2-year-old Heinrich Hons, and to prove to the judge...

Vienna Philharmonic Was Packed With Nazis in WWII

Investigation reveals details 75 years later

(Newser) - Following accusations that it's kept quiet about its Nazi ties, the Vienna Philharmonic opened itself to a historical investigation. And ahead of tomorrow's 75th anniversary of Austria's Nazi annexation, the results are coming to light: Some 60 of 123 orchestra members belonged to the Nazi party, the...

Hungary Arrests Alleged Nazi, 97

Laszlo Csatary doesn't dispute actions, says he was only following orders

(Newser) - Hungarian authorities have charged a 97-year-old man with war crimes, after a Jewish rights group fingered him as a former Nazi , accusing him of abusing and deporting thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. Prosecutors had Laszlo Csatary, aka Ladislaus Csizsik-Csatary detained this morning, because they believed he was about to...

Nazi Party Registers Washington Lobbyist

The 'ANP' hopes to be a player in DC

(Newser) - The newest registered lobbyist on Capitol Hill represents none other than the American Nazi Party. No joke: John Bowles registered this week to represent the "ANP," reports the Hill . He says his main focus will be to try to loosen up election laws to make it easier for...

US Worries Demjanjuk Grave May Spawn Neo-Nazi Shrine

Family wants convicted Nazi war criminal buried in Ohio

(Newser) - John Demjanjuk's family wants the convicted Nazi war criminal buried in Ohio, where he settled after the war, but Jewish advocates worry that his grave could become a neo-Nazi shrine. "For neo-Nazis, I think it's entirely possible that a Demjanjuk grave becomes a monument to the alleged...

Nazi War Criminal John Demjanjuk Dead

91-year-old had lost his US citizenship

(Newser) - The man at the center of what might have been the last Nazi war crimes trial is dead. German officials say John Demjanjuk, 91, died today in a nursing home, reports the Telegraph . Demjanjuk was a retired Ohio auto worker who was stripped of his US citizenship and convicted in...

Ex-Nazi, 90, Starts Life Sentence

Heinrich Boere killed 3 people as SS member in 1944

(Newser) - A 90-year-old former member of the Nazi SS is heading to prison for murder—67 years later. An ambulance picked up the wheelchair-bound Heinrich Boere at his nursing home in Germany and carried him to a prison hospital, the BBC reports. A medical expert ruled him fit to serve his...

Delaware Road Adopted by Neo-Nazis

Dept. of Transportation originally rejected request

(Newser) - A two-mile stretch of a rural road in Delaware has been adopted … by a neo-Nazi group. Two Adopt-A-Highway signs list “Freedom Party” as the name of the adopting group, but its full name is the National Socialist Freedom Movement Nazi Party. Not surprisingly, that name—as well as...

Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street

 Nazi Party Endorses 
 Occupy Wall Street 
in case you missed it

Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street does the Communist Party

(Newser) - Well, this is one endorsement the Occupy Wall Street movement probably wasn't gunning for: The American Nazi Party has officially backed the Occupiers in a statement on its website . The ANP, which also calls itself a National Socialist party, writes that the Occupy Wall Street movement is “TAYLOR...

Susan Sarandon Calls Pope a Nazi

Catholic League boss calls quip 'unparalleled' ignorance

(Newser) - Actress Susan Sarandon is not a huge fan of the pope. In fact, she called Benedict XVI a Nazi—twice—at a British film festival. She mentioned that she sent the pope a copy of the book Dead Man Walking, then clarified that she sent it to the last pope,...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>