
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

How Raindrops Get Their Smell
 How Raindrops 
 Get Their Smell 


How Raindrops Get Their Smell

MIT researchers reveal the mechanism that releases the earthy smell of fresh rain

(Newser) - If you think rain has a distinct scent, you're not imagining it. Petrichor, that earthy smell that accompanies light showers, could be the result of raindrops releasing aerosols, which are tiny amounts of liquid suspended in gas, reports MIT News . "Rain happens every day—it’s raining now,...

Family's Rescue a 'Good Story in Time for Christmas'

Steven Van Lonkhuyzen and his 2 boys lived on rainwater, 4 days' worth of food

(Newser) - After double tragedies rocked Australia last week, farmer Tom Wagner couldn't bear hearing about another. So when he heard a dad and his two young sons had disappeared on a road trip and been missing for a week, Wagner canceled his waterskiing plans, conferred with other local farmers and...

SF Schools Closing Due to ... Rain

National Weather Service: could be worst storm in 5 years

(Newser) - New York was pelted with record rain this week, but even more could fall on the West Coast today. California could clearly use it , but San Francisco, Oakland, and Novato could see so much rainfall—2 to 4 inches are expected in San Francisco, with up to 8 inches in...

Thanksgiving Travelers Should 'Pack Patience'

East Coast could get pummeled with rain, snow starting tonight into Thursday

(Newser) - A nor'easter is expected to develop along the East Coast just as millions of travelers head to their Thanksgiving destinations. The storm, forecast to dump rain along the coast and snow further inland, could cause delays along busy Northeast highways and has the possibility of upsetting travel plans at...

Elephants May Know When It's Raining 150 Miles Away

GPS study suggests they head toward storms

(Newser) - Maybe the Weather Channel should start hiring elephants. A study in PLoS ONE suggests the creatures can detect rainstorms happening 150 miles away, possibly by hearing them even from that far off. Migrating elephants are known to change direction out of the blue, and researchers haven't been certain why....

Freak Rain Douses Burning Man

Attendees forced to camp in parking lots of Walmart, casino til today

(Newser) - It might be tough to become one with nature in a Walmart parking lot, but Burning Man participants don't have a lot of choice after a rare rainstorm saturated the Black Rock Desert and left it filled with standing water, reports the Reno Gazette-Journal . Would-be attendees were turned away...

In Flooded Detroit, Driver Killed in 3 Feet of Water

1K vehicles abandoned in suburban area: mayor

(Newser) - The Detroit area has been pounded with rain, with more than 6 inches hitting some parts of the region—and the onslaught has now been linked to a death. A woman is thought to have suffered cardiac arrest as her car battled 3 feet of water, the AP reports. Another...

How a Sea Snake That Can&#39;t Drink Seawater Survives
How a Sea Snake That Can't Drink Seawater Survives
new study

How a Sea Snake That Can't Drink Seawater Survives

Study finds they can just go months without drinking anything

(Newser) - Just one species of sea snake lives in the open ocean, even giving birth there—yet it can't drink seawater. Scientists have been puzzled at just how the yellow-bellied sea snake survives, National Geographic explains. Now, they've learned that it simply doesn't have to drink for months...

Scientists: Raindrops Aren't Shaped Like Tears at All

They actually resemble hamburger bun tops

(Newser) - It turns out you've been drawing raindrops incorrectly your entire life. NASA scientists have determined that they don't actually resemble tears. They look more like hamburger bun tops: rounded above, flat on the bottom. As a video made by NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement explains, a raindrop begins...

1.2K Missing as Colo. Deluge Continues

Helicopters, horses prepare for rescue missions

(Newser) - Officials are pulling out all the stops to help Coloradans escape continuing floods , but "Mother Nature is not cooperating," says an emergency commander. An air rescue is planned for today, and those stranded in Boulder County have been instructed to "flag down the choppers in any way...

Andrea's Gift to East Coast: Downpours

Heavy rain forecast for New York City, DC

(Newser) - East Coasters can expect plenty of rain today despite a weakening Tropical Storm Andrea , with flash-flood watches in effect in parts of 13 states spanning from Georgia to Maine and flash-flood warnings from Florida to Virginia, CNN reports. Washington, DC, may get up to six inches of rain, while New...

Thousands Lose Power in California Storm

An inch of rain per hour falls in some areas

(Newser) - Residents of Northern California hunkered down today as a powerful storm drenched the area with yet another round of pounding rain and strong winds. The latest storm system—the third to hit the area in less than a week—moved across the region late last night and early today, dropping...

Next Up: A Nor'easter Next Week?

Potential storm could bring nasty weather for Election Day

(Newser) - More good news for New Jersey and the coast: A nor'easter could be on its way next week, bringing more wind, rain, and possibly snow, the Star-Ledger reports. Fortunately, early forecasts suggest it won't be anything like Sandy: "If it does form, it’s going to be...

In Drenched Philippines, Fresh Rain, Misery

Hard rains again fall overnight, sending many fleeing again

(Newser) - Fresh rain fell on the Philippines today, ending yesterday's reprieve, thwarting rescue efforts, and again sending Filipinos scurrying for higher ground as rivers rose and resurgent flood waters washed through city streets. Many evacuees had returned home yesterday, but hard rains overnight and into today meant a second evacuation...

End to Drought Could Come in ... October

Corn, soybean prices reach record highs

(Newser) - The worst drought in decades shows few signs of letting up; in fact, it could stretch through October and get even worse, according to weather officials. Following the hottest half-year ever recorded, "we don't have a reason for saying it's going to improve," notes one. "...

London Olympics Forecast: Wet

Organizers attempting to prepare for lots of rain

(Newser) - Massive downpours, double the average rainfall, record-setting wet weather, flash floods … not exactly the weather London Olympics organizers were hoping for in the weeks leading up to the summer games. We're less than three weeks out now, and forecasts indicate that though the rains probably won't be...

Rather Than Dodge Deadly Raindrops, Mosquitoes Catch a Ride

It's how they survive water's impact

(Newser) - How can a tiny mosquito survive the force of an incoming raindrop—which, to them, is like a three-ton ball of water falling at 20mph? "They're basically plummeting comets falling all around you," if you're the bug, a scientist tells NPR . He and colleagues set out...

Tropical Storm Beryl to Make for Drenched Holiday

Made landfall in Florida early this morning

(Newser) - Tropical Storm Beryl is here, and it greeted the Southeast by walloping it with 70mph winds—nearly as powerful as a hurricane's. The storm made landfall just after midnight near Jacksonville Beach, Florida, and is set to move through Florida and Georgia. Though the storm's maximum sustained winds...

LA Road Collapses in Mudslide
 LA Road Collapses in Mudslide 

LA Road Collapses in Mudslide

Paseo del mar isn't

(Newser) - A 600-foot stretch of a Los Angeles coastal roadway has slid into the sea following heavy rains. A chasm 75 feet deep opened in Paseo del Mar as a huge mass of asphalt and earth slipped away in seconds from the top of a 100-foot bluff to the Pacific shore...

Tropical Depression to Drench Gulf Coast

Region could see 20 inches of rain

(Newser) - A tropical depression heading toward the Gulf Coast could soak the area in as much as 20 inches of rain, prompting concerns about flash floods in Louisiana, whose governor declared a state of emergency yesterday. What could become Tropical Storm Lee prompted warnings from Mississippi to Texas, the AP reports,...

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