James J. Lee

3 Stories

Kate Plus 8 Fueled Discovery Gunman's Wrath

James J. Lee hated network for encouraging population growth

(Newser) - The gunman shot dead after taking hostages at Discovery Communications headquarters yesterday hated the network's shows because he believed they promoted population growth. James J. Lee—who had a history of protesting around Discovery HQ —demanded an end to shows like Kate Plus 8 and 19 Kids and Counting...

Police Kill Discovery TV Gunman, Free Hostages

Suspect objected to network's programming

(Newser) - Police shot and killed an armed man who took three people hostage in the Discovery Channel network's headquarters in suburban Washington today. All of the hostages escaped safely. Authorities say an explosive device may have detonated during the shooting, and other explosives may still be in the building.

Suspected Gunman Has History of Protests

He's well-known around Discovery HQ

(Newser) - This is apparently the mindset of the hostage-taker police are negotiating with at Discovery Channel headquarters: "All programs on Discovery Health-TLC must stop encouraging the birth of any more parasitic human infants and the false heroics behind those actions." The suspect identified as James J. Lee, 43, wrote...

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