Barack Obama birth certificate

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Obama's Sis: Time to Put Birther Rumors 'to Bed'

Maya Soetero-Ng calls rumors 'unfortunate'

(Newser) - Not surprisingly, President Obama's half-sister Maya Soetero-Ng is firmly in her brother's corner when it comes to the birther rumors. "I think that it is time for people to put that to bed, put it to rest completely," she tells Piers Morgan in her first primetime interview, airing...

Palin on Trump the Birther: You Go, Donald

Thinks maybe the Donald's wallet can put the mystery to rest

(Newser) - Sarah Palin thinks Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and all, but says of Donald Trump's sudden quest for the president's birth certificate, "More power to him." Asked her opinion yesterday by Fox News, Palin replied, "Well, I appreciate that the Donald wants to spend his resources...

Donald Trump Vs. New York Times Columnist Gail Collins: It's on!

 Trump Vs. 
 NYT Scribe: 
 It's on! 

Trump Vs. NYT Scribe: It's on!

Gail Collins hits back at the Donald

(Newser) - Last week it was apparent that there's no love lost between Donald Trump and New York Times columnist Gail Collins , but this week it's all-out war. Seems the Donald responded to Collins' column, which tweaked him as a loopy birther, with a letter to the editor tweaking her in turn...

Trump Operatives Probing Obama's Birth in Hawaii

Investigators can't believe what they're finding, GOP maybe-contender claims

(Newser) - Donald Trump has operatives working on an important political mission. He has people in Hawaii probing President Obama's birth, "and they cannot believe what they're finding," The Donald notes ominously. Obama's family "doesn't know which hospital he was born in," and "in the hospital itself,...

Trump Birth Certificate Not Real Deal

City authorities say Trump document not official

(Newser) - A thought for Donald Trump: If you're going to make a big deal out of releasing your birth certificate and demanding the president does the same , you might want to check you've got the right document. New York City officials say the document Trump released to NewsMax is not an...

Trump: Here's My Birth Certificate

You know, unlike that other guy

(Newser) - For a guy who's been making a few birther-esque noises about President Obama lately, Donald Trump today revealed that he was born in Jamaica ... New York. The Donald exclusively released his birth certificate to Newsmax , and took another shot at Obama: “It took me one hour to get my...

Birther Bills Introduced in 10 States

Presidential candidates would need to provide proof of US birth

(Newser) - The birther debate is alive and well, as evidenced by bills introduced in at least 10 states that would require presidential candidates to provide proof of their natural-born citizenship. Some lawmakers who have proposed such bills say they still don’t know whether or not President Barack Obama was born...

CPAC Chuckles at Birther Quip

Puerto Rico-born Rep. Raul Labrador: 'I have a birth certificate'

(Newser) - Next stop on the comedy circuit, CPAC? Rep. Raul Labrador, who was born in Puerto Rico, drew guffaws and applause after whipping out a birther joke during his address yesterday, saying he was "an American citizen by birth, and I have the birth certificate to prove it." But...

Hawaii May Sell Obama's Birth Records for $100

There's gold in them thar birthers, state lawmakers say

(Newser) - Enterprising Hawaii lawmakers say they've found a way to silence "birthers" while filling state coffers. Democratic state lawmakers have introduced a bill that would allow anybody to obtain President Obama's birth records for a fee of $100, AP reports. The bill would require changing a privacy law that bars...

Hawaii Guv 'Never Said There Was No Birth Certificate'

 Hawaii Guv 'Never 
 Said There Was No 
 Birth Certificate' 

Hawaii Guv 'Never Said There Was No Birth Certificate'

Journalist says he misspoke, never talked to the governor at all

(Newser) - Hawaii's governor never said he couldn't find President Obama's birth certificate, says the journalist who said otherwise last week . In fact, celebrity journalist Mike Evans now says that he hasn't even talked to Gov. Neil Abercrombie since he took office. Evans' excuse? Radio fatigue. “I was on 34 radio...

Hawaii Guv to Friend: There Is No Obama Birth Certificate

At least, that's what reporter friend claims

(Newser) - Another piece of kindling for the birthers' fire: Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie allegedly told one of his friends "there is no Barack Obama birth certificate in Hawaii." And that friend just so happens to be celebrity journalist Mike Evans, who shared the story with a KQRS morning radio...

Hawaii: Law Bars Release of Obama Birth Certificate

Governor says he's hit a dead end in bid to stop birthers

(Newser) - A privacy law that shields birth certificates has prompted Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie to abandon efforts to dispel claims that President Obama was born outside Hawaii, his office says. The state's attorney general told the governor that privacy laws bar him from disclosing an individual's birth documentation without the person's...

Birther Interrupts House's Reading of Constitution

She objects during section on presidential citizenship

(Newser) - And you thought listening to members of Congress read the Constitution in its entirety today would be dull: Well, it is, mostly, but a birther in the gallery livened things up during the section about only a natural-born citizen being eligible to be president. "Except Obama, except Obama,"...

Hawaiian Governor's Big Goal: Torpedoing Birther Conspiracy

Says Neil Abercrombie: 'I was here when that baby was born'

(Newser) - Neil Abercrombie became governor of Hawaii on Dec. 6, and sitting near the top of his agenda is a goal that's likely to stir up plenty of fresh controversy—deflating the birther movement. The 72-year-old Abercrombie, who knew Barack Obama's parents in the early '60s when they all attended the...

Discharged Birther Army Doc Gets 6 Months in Prison

Terry Lakin 'crushed'

(Newser) - An Army doctor who refused to deploy to Afghanistan until he saw President Obama's birth certificate has been kicked out of the service and jailed for 6 months. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, an 18-year-veteran, was found guilty of disobeying orders and ignoring his deployment instructions after a 3-day court martial...

Birther Army Doc Who Refused to Deploy Pleads Guilty

Lt. Col Terry Lakin facing discharge, 18-month sentence

(Newser) - An Army doctor who refused to deploy to Afghanistan because he doesn't believe President Obama is the legal president of the United States pleaded guilty to one of two charges against him at a court-martial yesterday. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin—who became a hero of the "Birther" movement after...

Fox Military Analyst Comes Out as Birther

Retired general supports army doc refusing to deploy

(Newser) - Troops who refuse to obey orders because they don't believe President Obama was born in America have a friend in Fox News analyst Thomas McInerney. The retired three-star Air Force general has filed an affidavit in support of Terrence Lakin, an Army doctor who's facing court-martial for refusing to deploy...

Obama: I Can’t Plaster Birth Certificate to My Forehead

Says, plainly, 'the facts are the facts'

(Newser) - Barack Obama sat down for an extensive interview with Brian Williams last night, but much of the hot-button stuff comes in a two-minute segment about, you guessed it, religion and country o' birth. When asked about the "significant numbers" of Americans who believe he is a Muslim, the president...

Vitter Backs Birther Lawsuits

Distrusts 'mainstream media' on Obama birth certificate

(Newser) - Sen. David Vitter says he supports conservative organizations challenging President Barack Obama's citizenship in court. The Louisiana Republican, who is running for re-election, made the comments at a town hall-style event in Metairie, La., on Sunday when a constituent asked what he would do about what the questioner said was...

Hawaii Votes to Ignore Birthers' Requests

Law would limit access to Obama's birth certificate

(Newser) - Fed up with the constant pestering from birthers, Hawaii's legislature today voted in favor of a bill that would allow the state to ignore any repeat requests to see Barack Obama's birth certificate. The law, which now goes to Gov. Linda Lingle, would carve out an exception to the Hawaii's...

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