Trey Gowdy

15 Stories

Comey Sparred With Republicans Over Flynn Interview

They suggested he was biased against Trump officials

(Newser) - House Republicans grilled James Comey over the FBI's January 2017 interview of Michael Flynn in a closed-door session Monday, according to transcripts released Tuesday. Comey defended the interview to GOP lawmakers from the House Oversight and Judiciary committees who suggested that the FBI treated Trump administration officials differently than...

Paul Ryan Gives His Opinion on Trump Pardoning Himself

'No one is above the law'

(Newser) - House Speaker Paul Ryan is agreeing with another senior House Republican who says there's no evidence that the FBI planted a "spy" in Donald Trump's 2016 campaign. The comments contradict the president, who has insisted the agency planted a "spy for political reasons and to help...

Trump Tweets About What He 'Wished' He Had Done

His beef with Jeff Sessions is Twitter fodder once again

(Newser) - President Trump on Wednesday took to Twitter to once again air his displeasure with Attorney General Jeff Sessions. In a trio of tweets, Trump mainly quoted from a CBS This Morning interview with House Oversight Chair Trey Gowdy, writing in part that Gowdy said, "If I were the President...

Trey Gowdy: FBI Was Only Following Trump's Order

Pushback came Tuesday on Fox News

(Newser) - If his TV was tuned to Fox News on Tuesday, President Trump surely didn't like what he heard. Rep. Trey Gowdy, a Trump ally and chairman of the House Oversight Committee, appeared on the network to poke holes in Trump's claim that the FBI planted a spy in...

Congress Investigating the Rob Porter Mess

House panel looking into how he kept his White House job

(Newser) - Having trouble keeping track of the Rob Porter story in regard to who knew what, when? Congress is, too. The House Oversight Committee has begun an investigation into how the ousted White House staff secretary kept his high-echelon post despite police and other records spelling out abuse allegations from his...

Gowdy on Memo: Russia Probe Valid With or Without It
Gowdy on Memo:
Russia Probe
Valid With or
Without It

Gowdy on Memo: Russia Probe Valid With or Without It

Sen. Dick Durbin, meanwhile, says memo could 'precipitate a constitutional crisis'

(Newser) - The memo released Friday by the House Intelligence Committee that alleges FBI and DOJ overreach has dominated the news cycle this week, and Sunday morning's news shows kept it top of mind, per the Hill . Some takes from both sides of the aisle:
  • GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy, who

GOP Lawmaker Who Headed Benghazi Panel Is Retiring

Rep. Trey Gowdy says he's 'returning to the judicial system'

(Newser) - South Carolina GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy says he will not run for re-election and will "instead be returning to the judicial system," the AP reports. Gowdy is chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee and previously chaired a highly partisan panel investigating the 2012 terrorist attack in...

Furor Over Missing FBI Texts, 'Secret Society' Reference

The president calls it 'one of the biggest stories in a long time'

(Newser) - The texts called Donald Trump a "loathsome human" —but what did the missing texts say? That's what the Justice Department is trying to find out following the weekend revelation that five months' worth of messages between veteran FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page have...

House GOP to Investigate FBI's Handling of Clinton Email Probe

Chairmen of 2 committees have questions about DOJ's actions during 2016 election

(Newser) - The Republican chairmen of two House committees announced Tuesday they're opening an investigation into actions the Obama administration's Justice Department took during last year's presidential election, the AP reports. The chairmen said in a statement Tuesday they have several questions, including why then-FBI Director James Comey decided...

What to Know as Clinton Testifies on Benghazi

It gets underway Thursday morning

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton dodged one obstacle in her quest to the Democratic nomination Wednesday when Joe Biden opted not to run . Can she remove another Thursday? She'll be testifying before a House panel investigating the Benghazi attack, an investigation that incorporates her use of a private email server as secretary...

DC Cops: Lawmaker's Assault Rifle Not a Problem

Gun laws don't apply to congressman's office

(Newser) - Critics of conservative GOP Rep. Ken Buck's fondness for guns appear to have shot themselves in the foot. After the congressman tweeted a photo of himself and Rep. Trey Gowdy holding an assault rifle in his office last week, police received complaints that the AR-15 might violate Washington, DC'...

Rep. Tim Scott Tapped for DeMint's Seat

 Rep. Tim Scott 
 Tapped for 
 DeMint's Seat 
say GOP sources

Rep. Tim Scott Tapped for DeMint's Seat

Nikki Haley to announce choice at noon

(Newser) - South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has chosen GOP Rep. Tim Scott to take over Jim DeMint's Senate seat, CNN reports by way of GOP sources. She's set to make the announcement today at noon. Scott will be the state's first black senator since the late 1800s, the...

Woman Charged With Pointing Gun at GOP Rep

'Stop following me!' she tells him

(Newser) - A woman was arrested after she allegedly brandished a gun at South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy in a church parking lot last night, police reported today. Gowdy had been waiting for his daughter when Gloria Yvonne Brackett, 52, allegedly pointed a gun at him and told him to "stop...

Abolish IRS, Cut Medicare, Demands Fla. Congressman

Tea Party favorite Allen West goes after taxes, Social Security

(Newser) - It's time to abolish the IRS, eliminate federal income taxes, and cut back on Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment payments. That's the word from first-time Tea Party Florida Congressman Allen West. What should the US keep? Tax cuts for billionaires so they continue funding charities, says the Republican. He's also...

Nikki Haley Has Big Lead
 Nikki Haley Race 
 Heads to Runoff 
primary night

Nikki Haley Race Heads to Runoff

She's the top vote-getter in SC governor's primary

(Newser) - Nikki Haley easily survived the whiff of scandal tonight in her first step toward becoming South Carolina's first female governor. With nearly all the votes counted, Haley held a double-digit lead over her Republican primary opponents, though she is just short of the 50% mark needed to avoid a runoff,...

15 Stories
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