Joe Miller

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Alaska Senate Battle Could Take Weeks to Resolve

Lisa Murkowski write-in campaign makes things hairy

(Newser) - Thanks to Lisa Murkowski’s write-in campaign, it could be weeks before the result of Alaska’s election is clear. And depending on how races in the Lower 48 play out, that could mean weeks of nail-biting before we know which party controls the Senate, the New York Times reports....

Here's Palin's 'Corrupt Bastards' Tape

Voicemail features voices talking about how to bring Joe Miller Down

(Newser) - Sarah Palin took to the airwaves and the Internet today to rail against a tape that allegedly shows workers for an Alaskan CBS affiliate plotting how to portray Joe Miller negatively. The tape, a voicemail a KTVA news producer inadvertently left for a Miller campaign spokesman, features voices talking about...

Fox Host to Palin: You Won't Run in 2012
 Fox Host 
 to Palin: 
 You Won't 
 Run in 2012 


Fox Host to Palin: You Won't Run in 2012

Says she's having too much fun, making too much money

(Newser) - Despite recent protestations to the contrary, Sarah Palin is blowing smoke and has no intention of running for president in 2012—at least, according to Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, who called the former gov on her intentions today. Palin is "having too much fun" and "making...

Miller Admitted Lying About Ethics Breach

Documents released from 2008 incident include mea culpa

(Newser) - Joe Miller used local government computers for political purposes and lied about it while employed as a Fairbanks North Star Borough attorney in 2008, according to documents just released by court order . “I lied about accessing all of the computers. I then admitted about accessing the computers, but lied...

Murkowski: A Frontrunner Who's Not on the Ballot

Write-in campaign going well

(Newser) - Lisa Murkowski isn’t on the ballot in Alaska, but she sure looks like the frontrunner—and that’s how she’s being treated, according to the New York Times . Though reliable polls are hard to find in the sparsely-populated state, Alaskan analysts say the incumbent has a strong chance....

Release Joe Miller's Personnel File: Judge

Details murky why candidate quit county job last year

(Newser) - Joe Miller's quest for privacy suffered a blow yesterday, with an Alaska judge ordering the release of his personnel records for a borough (county), reports the Anchorage Daily News, which was part of a group of media that sued for the release. Among details sought are the circumstances surrounding his...

Tea Party Must Drop the Hitler Comparisons

Germans not amused by 'ignorant' name-dropping

(Newser) - The Tea Party and its supporters should keep their hands off German history, argues Charles Hawley for Der Spiegel . It seems many of them can't stop themselves from comparing Barack Obama to Hitler , or talking about death panels , or, in one case, dressing up like a Nazi , he writes. And...

Tea Party Dropped $103K on Miller Strategy Cruises

Critics not happy with lavish accommodations

(Newser) - The Tea Party Express took to the high seas this past summer, spending $103,000 to send six political action committee staffers on four back-to-back cruises over seven weeks. Of course, they were working the whole time—strategizing for Alaska’s upset-winner Joe Miller while at sea, and holding press...

Reporter Cuffed by Joe Miller's Guards Speaks Out

Tea Party press treatment chilling, says Tony Hopfinger

(Newser) - The Alaskan reporter handcuffed by bodyguards for Tea Party Senate candidate Joe Miller and threatened with trespassing charges said it was a frightening, intimidating experience and that he wanted the guards to call the police to protect him. Tony Hopfinger, editor of the online Alaska Dispatch, was cuffed and held...

Politics Has Lost Its Bleeping Mind

It's not just the certifiable crazies—it's everyone

(Newser) - In case you hadn't noticed, American politics has flown off the handle, spun its head around crazily a la Exorcist, and sailed clear off the deep end. So to speak. Sure, we sort of took the battier candidates of both sides in stride (we're looking at you, Alan Grayson , Christine...

Alaska Editor Handcuffed by Joe Miller's Guards

Tea party candidate's security cuffs journo for 'trespassing' at town hall event

(Newser) - An Alaska editor was "arrested" and handcuffed by bodyguards of Tea Party Senate candidate Joe Miller as the journalist attempted to ask Miller questions following a public event. Tony Hopfinger of the Alaska Dispatch was cuffed and held by the guards in the hallway of a public middle school...

Murkowski Airs Ted Stevens Endorsement

 Murkowski Airs 
 Ted Stevens 

Murkowski Airs Ted Stevens Endorsement

Campaign ad was filmed just days before he died

(Newser) - Not sure Joe Miller is going to be able to top this one: In the waning days of her hotly contested and bizarre Senate race, Lisa Murkowski has pulled out an endorsement from Alaskan political heavyweight and dead man Ted Stevens, reports the Anchorage Daily News. Filmed just days before...

Joe Miller Spoofs the Old Spice Guy

'Now look at your ballot, now back to him'

(Newser) - Isaiah Mustafa’s Old Spice ads have to be the most parodied and imitated video of the year. Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller has become the latest to invoke the Old Spice mystique with this ad. Sadly, there is no hulking, scantily-clad black man to read Miller’s message, but...

Todd Palin: Email Flap Just a Misunderstanding

Says he got his 'wires crossed' with Joe Miller

(Newser) - Todd Palin acknowledged today that he sent angry emails to Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller, but he brushed it off as a misunderstanding being exaggerated by the media. "My family has worked hard in supporting Joe Miller, so when I heard he'd said something less than supportive of my...

Todd Blasts Miller for Not Endorsing Palin for President

Leaked emails expose apparent feud with Alaska candidate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's not running for president—yet—but Palin-backed candidates who don't endorse her for the job will have to answer to Todd and forget about having her support, judging by leaked emails obtained by Mudflats . Alaskan Senate candidate Joe Miller—who received Palin's endorsement earlier this year—told Fox...

Longshot Murkowski a Write-In With an Actual Shot

Meet the Senate's new 'maverick' candidate

(Newser) - If history is any indication, Lisa Murkowski has a snowball's chance in hell of keeping her seat: The only write-in candidate ever elected to the US Senate was Strom Thurmond, in 1954. Which makes it fairly remarkable that plenty of people—from analysts to Alaska Republicans—think she could pull...

Poll: Joe Miller Trouncing Lisa Murkowski

But write-in candidate still grabs impressive 25% in survey

(Newser) - How Republican is Alaska? So Republican that ex-Republican Lisa Murkowski is polling higher as a write-in than the Democratic nominee in the state’s Senate race. In the latest Rasmussen poll , GOP nominee Joe Miller has a commanding 42% lead, followed by Murkowski with 27%, and Democrat Scott McAdams with...

Joe Miller: Jobless Benefits Unconstitutional

'Show me the enumerated power,' says Senate candidate

(Newser) - It seems Palin-backed GOP Alaska Senate hopeful Joe Miller is sticking with his anti-benefits stance, big time. The Tea Party favorite yesterday told Fox News' Chris Wallace that jobless benefits are unconstitutional, reports the Raw Story . "The Constitution provides enumerated powers," he said. "Show me the enumerated...

Can Murkowski Win as a Write-In? Yes
 Can Murkowski Win 
 as a Write-In? Yes 
nate silver

Can Murkowski Win as a Write-In? Yes

Nate Silver: Alaska senator has a decent chance

(Newser) - Lisa Murkowski's decision to try to keep her Senate seat in Alaska via a write-in campaign begs the question: Can she win? "Sure she can," writes Nate Silver at his FiveThirtyEight blog in the New York Times. She's got the name recognition and the money, and a write-in...

Alaska: Ready to Stop Biting the Hand That Feeds It?
Alaska: Ready to Stop Biting the Hand That Feeds It?

Alaska: Ready to Stop Biting the Hand That Feeds It?

Senate race shows clear split on DC-dependence

(Newser) - It must be the air up there, but Alaska has a seeming case of schizophrenia, writes Gail Collins in the New York Times. The state, and especially its politicians, champion its independent, frontier spirit even as it simultaneously and relentlessly shakes Washington down for cash—to the tune of the...

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