Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

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WH Health Adviser Warned About Rollout Years Ago

As tech team takes down website each night, paper applications face delays, too

(Newser) - Memos obtained by CBS News and ABC News are offering an inside look at the White House's struggle to get ObamaCare systems up and running:
  • In 2010, a health adviser to the Obama administration wrote a warning letter to economic adviser Larry Summers, saying, "I do not believe

7M Americans Eligible for Free ObamaCare Policies

But it's not all good news

(Newser) - Finally, some (mostly) positive news about ObamaCare: Independent estimates by Wall Street analysts and consultants find that as many as 7 million people could qualify for free or nearly free healthcare plans, the New York Times reports. Federal subsidies would cover the cost of these plans, most of which are...

No, You Don't Deserve to Keep Your Insurance Plan

Jonathan Chait explains the moral calculus of ObamaCare

(Newser) - OK, yes, Barack Obama lied , and that's provoked some "justifiable scrutiny," Jonathan Chait at New York allows. But the people losing their health insurance plans aren't getting a raw deal, he argues. For one thing, many are blissfully unaware that their old, seemingly affordable plans contained...

Only 6 People Enrolled on Health Site's First Day

And just 248 were enrolled by second day: documents

(Newser) - Another painful morning in the press for Just six people signed up via the federal website on the first day, according to documents released by Congress last night. By the second day, only 248 had successfully enrolled, USA Today reports. On Wednesday, Kathleen Sebelius testified to Congress that...

Google Engineer Takes Leave to Help

Site reliability engineer Michael Dickerson among those recruited

(Newser) - The "tech surge" to fix includes some names from the industry's biggest players. Among them, per a Health department blog post , is Michael Dickerson, on leave from his job as a site reliability engineer at Google. He'll be "leveraging his experience stabilizing large, high...

6 ObamaCare Questions for Sebelius as She Hits Hot Seat

She testifies before Congress today

(Newser) - Kathleen Sebelius is testifying before Congress this morning in eagerly anticipated remarks about problem-plagued, but you may not hear anything new. Politico reports that her eight pages of prepared testimony are, almost verbatim, the same as the testimony offered to Congress yesterday by head of the Centers for...

Medicare Head on ObamaCare Site: We're Sorry

Marilyn Tavenner is first in White House to testify

(Newser) - The head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the body in charge of, offered the administration's first formal apology for the site during testimony in Congress. "To the millions who have tried to use, we want to apologize to you," Marilyn...

Obama, Like Most CEOs, Just Doesn't Get Tech

Michael Wolff: They're out of touch with digital culture

(Newser) - When it comes to, President Obama is blind to a key tenet of the tech world. He tells us the product, ObamaCare, is good, but the process for getting it is broken . Truth is, "For most Americans steeped in digital behavior, the product is the process,"...

Health Exchanges Pretty Lousy for Rural Customers

Competition is low, and prices are high

(Newser) - ObamaCare's technical difficulties are well-documented—the House is dragging four contractors in to talk about them today—but it has one problem no web developer can solve: It's pretty lousy in rural areas. The theory behind the Affordable Care Act's health insurance marketplace is that forcing insurers...

ObamaCare Penalty Delayed —but Not Due to Website

WH says it's just eliminating confusion

(Newser) - Good news for procrastinators: Americans will now have an extra month and a half to get health insurance before facing a penalty under ObamaCare, meaning they won't face a fine if they sign up for a plan by March 31. The six-week delay (a change of tune for the...

Sorry, Obama, Spin Won't Help Health Site Debacle

President's sales pitch fails to reassure, and might make things worse, say pundits

(Newser) - Barack Obama's speech yesterday defending and apologizing for the ObamaCare rollout has pundits talking—and more or less agreeing unanimously that it was a feeble attempt to save face. Here's what they're saying: Developers Knew Site Was Doomed

Full enrollment procedure not tested until last minute

(Newser) - The problems plaguing were entirely foreseeable to those who built it: Facing high stress and what they called last-minute changes from their bosses, developers worked insane hours and pounded energy drinks for months to put together what the AP calls a "mind-numbingly complex system"—and when...

Obama Calls in Tech 'Surge' for Sickly Health Site

President will speak on's issues today

(Newser) - Noting that "the experience on has been frustrating for many Americans," the Obama administration is bringing in the "best and the brightest" from both the public and private spheres to shore up the troubled marketplace site, Health and Human Services officials say in a blog...

GOP&#39;s ObamaCare Brawl May Win Over Young People
GOP's ObamaCare Brawl
May Win Over Young People

GOP's ObamaCare Brawl May Win Over Young People

Health care law supporters can't ignore Millennial grumbles, warn Robert Hahn, Peter Passell

(Newser) - The commentariat has widely written off the GOP's crusade against the Affordable Care Act as a short-sighted tactic, either cynical or foolhardy. But Robert Hahn and Peter Passell think it might actually "prove a plausible strategy" for winning over voters Republicans have been losing badly: People in their...

Shutdown Deal Near? Tone Still Hopeful

More meetings today amid signs of progress

(Newser) - So will the week end with a Capitol Hill deal to reopen the government and avoid a default, or at least set the stage for a weekend breakthrough? Signs of progress remain promising , but as Politico puts it, "there’s no one dancing in the West Wing end zone"...

Finally, Washington Sees a Way Out

Obama, House GOP leaders to meet today

(Newser) - Signs of hope in DC: Both parties are increasingly pushing for an end to the government shutdown and a debt-ceiling increase, with President Obama set to meet with 18 top House Republicans today, the Hill reports. Those Republicans include Paul Ryan, who's at the forefront of a short-term plan...

Stewart Grills Sebelius on ObamaCare: 'Am I Stupid?'

Launch was 'rockier' than planned

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has some concerns about ObamaCare, and on last night's Daily Show , he made sure the health secretary knew about them. Stewart questioned the market-based approach to health care, and he kept asking Kathleen Sebelius why businesses were allowed to delay involvement for a year while individuals must...

Shutdown&#39;s Real Winner: Ideology

 Real Winner: 

Shutdown's Real Winner: Ideology

It's taking political dysfunction to new heights: Robert Samuelson

(Newser) - Ideology has taken over Washington like never before. It explains why Republicans are willing to suffer political blame for the shutdown: It's all connected to what Robert Samuelson has dubbed "the politics of self-esteem." Ideologues on either side of the spectrum believe they're working not for...

High Court's Jammed Term: Campaign Finance, Abortion

ObamaCare, affirmative action once again on docket

(Newser) - The Supreme Court begins its new term today, and once again, there are plenty of headline-grabbing cases on the docket, the New York Times notes. In fact, says an expert, "this term is deeper in important cases than either of the prior two terms." A number of court...

Shutdown a Lifesaver for Buggy ObamaCare Tech
Shutdown a Lifesaver for Buggy ObamaCare Tech

Shutdown a Lifesaver for Buggy ObamaCare Tech

Matthew Yglesias thinks the GOP gave the White House a gift

(Newser) - The Obama administration shrugged off yesterday's reports of rampant bugs in its new health care exchanges as normal software growing pains, and evidence of the market's popularity . "Those were both decent pieces of spin, but they really are just spin," writes Matthew Yglesias at Slate . "...

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