
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Lawmaker: Could Quarantine Fix 'Frightening' HIV Situation?

Georgia Rep. Betty Price is wife of Trump's former Health secretary

(Newser) - Georgia State Rep. Betty Price admitted during a meeting Tuesday that her "thinking sometimes goes in strange directions," Project Q reports. That may have been an understatement. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution , Price was serving on a committee tasked with finding and solving the barriers keeping people from...

'Irreplaceable' Rare Flowers Burned Due to Paperwork

Biosecurity officials in Australia destroyed collection from Paris

(Newser) - A priceless and "irreplaceable" collection of pressed flowers from France encountered biosecurity officials in Australia recently—and the National Museum of Natural History in Paris is not happy about what happened next. The box of rare daisies collected in the 1850s—which was being shipped to the Queensland Herbarium...

'Ebola Nurse' Sues Chris Christie

She filed $250K civil rights suit over forced quarantine

(Newser) - Chris Christie is still running for president, but the New Jersey governor's treatment of a nurse a year ago is making more headlines this week than his campaign. Nurse Kaci Hickox, who was put in mandatory quarantine in a Newark, NJ, hospital after returning from treating Ebola patients in...

Australia Threatens to Kill Johnny Depp's Dogs

Actor accused of sneaking Yorkshire terriers into country

(Newser) - Movie stars aren't exempt from Australia's strict quarantine laws, and Johnny Depp's Yorkshire terriers will be put down unless the actor gets them out of the country by Saturday, warns Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce. Depp is in the country filming Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell ...

Village Wants HIV-Positive 8-Year-Old Kicked Out

Even boy's own grandfather hopes he's banished from Chinese village of Xichong

(Newser) - The stigma of having HIV is alive and well in a small Chinese village: Its residents want to banish 8-year-old "Kun Kun" (a fake name being used to protect his identity) for his illness, UPI reports. At least 200 Xichong locals, including the boy's own grandfather, signed a...

Why This Family Is 150 Days Into Quarantine
 Why This Family Is 
 150 Days Into Quarantine 
in case you missed it

Why This Family Is 150 Days Into Quarantine

Daughter has a rare disorder exacerbated by even minor illnesses

(Newser) - Talk these days of quarantines revolves around Ebola, but one South Carolina family has voluntarily blocked themselves off from the outside world—not to protect others, but to protect their 4-year-old daughter, Eliza, who suffers from the most severe form of a rare genetic disorder called Sanfilippo syndrome . The metabolic...

Maine Gov. Wants Nurse's Blood

Paul LePage suggests blood test could resolve Kaci Hickox's situation

(Newser) - Maine is seeking a court order to force nurse Kaci Hickox to remain in quarantine for Ebola, but the whole issue "could be resolved" with a simple blood test, Gov. Paul LePage told ABC News yesterday as Hickox was spotted out for a bike ride ; her boyfriend later accepted...

Ebola-Free N. Korea Freaks Out Over Ebola

All foreigners entering will be put in mandatory 21-day quarantine

(Newser) - "For the record: There have been no cases of Ebola in North Korea," writes Eric Talmadge, AP 's bureau chief in Pyongyang, in a look at the latest threat that has North Korea all aflutter. Namely, Ebola. Though the nearest confirmed case is 6,000 miles away—...

Maine Asks Courts to Make Nurse Stay Home

Kaci Hickox objects to 21-day quarantine over Ebola worries

(Newser) - A showdown looms in Maine over the murky question of whether the state can force a nurse to stay home over Ebola fears. The state was filing for a court order to require Kaci Hickox to remain in quarantine, reports CNN . Hickox, who recently treated Ebola patients in West Africa...

NJ Releases Nurse From Forced Quarantine

Kaci Hickox plans to sue

(Newser) - Kaci Hickox's time being treated like a "criminal" by the state of New Jersey is coming to an end. ABC News reports the state announced this morning that it will release the nurse, who flew into New Jersey on Friday after working with Ebola patients in Sierra Leone,...

NYC Puts Bronx Boy, 5, Under Ebola Watch

Child under observation at Bellevue Hospital, family quarantined

(Newser) - Ebola may have infected another New Yorker—a 5-year-old Bronx boy who returned from Guinea with his family on Saturday, ABC reports. The boy is currently under observation at Bellevue Hospital, but hasn't been diagnosed with Ebola and isn't under quarantine, officials say. The boy has been in...

Christie: Ebola Quarantine Will Be &#39;Nat&#39;l Policy&#39;
 Christie: Ebola 
 Quarantine Will 
 Be 'Nat'l Policy' 


Christie: Ebola Quarantine Will Be 'Nat'l Policy'

Others argue that science should prevail over one-size-fits-all policy

(Newser) - Chris Christie may have a pretty irate nurse taking the Garden State to task over the execution of his mandatory-quarantine policy toward Ebola, but he's standing by it. "I think this is a policy that will become a national policy sooner rather than later," he told Fox ...

Quarantined Nurse: NJ Treated Me Like a 'Criminal'

Kaci Hickox put through wringer, despite testing negative for Ebola

(Newser) - Kaci Hickox had "spent a month watching children die, alone," in Sierra Leone, where the 33-year-old nurse was working with Ebola patients with Doctors Without Borders. On Friday, she flew into New Jersey's Newark airport—and straight into a bureaucratic quagmire that underscores the nation's struggle...

NY, NJ to Require Quarantine After Ebola Contact

Health workers returning from West Africa face 'automatic' new rule

(Newser) - The governors of New Jersey and New York today ordered a mandatory, 21-day quarantine for all doctors and other arriving travelers who have had contact with Ebola victims in West Africa. The move comes after a New York City doctor who returned to the US from treating Ebola victims in...

Starving Liberians: We'll Break Ebola Quarantine

UN's World Food Program has apparently stopped providing food

(Newser) - Dozens of people quarantined for Ebola monitoring in western Liberia are threatening to break out of isolation because they have no food, the West African nation's state radio reported today. Forty-three people were put in quarantine after four people died of Ebola in Jennewende, a town in an impoverished...

Masked LA Bus Rider's Threat: 'I Have Ebola!'

Driver quarantined amid terror investigation

(Newser) - In what authorities are investigating as a possible terrorist threat, a masked man on a Los Angeles bus announced yesterday afternoon: "Don't mess with me, I have Ebola!" The passenger's warning—which officials think was a hoax—prompted the driver to be quarantined as officials try...

Reports: NBC Editor Broke Quarantine to Get Takeout

Nancy Snyderman now in mandatory isolation

(Newser) - The voluntary isolation that Nancy Snyderman and her crew members agreed to is now mandatory—and it might be because she apparently needed to make a food run last week. NBC's chief medical editor and her team were working closely with cameraman Ashoka Mukpo in Liberia when he contracted...

Another Country Confirms Case of Ebola

Senegal says infected university student came from Sierra Leone

(Newser) - Ebola has spread to yet another country in Africa: Senegal. Local press reported today that a university student infected with the virus had traveled from Guinea into the West African nation, CNN reports. The student, 21, has been placed in quarantine in a hospital in Dakar and is in stable...

Calif. Patient Tested for Ebola
 Calif. Patient Tested for Ebola 

Calif. Patient Tested for Ebola

Health officials confident they can prevent disease spread

(Newser) - A patient in Sacramento is being tested for Ebola, but health experts still say there is little chance the disease will spread in the US. "We should take this one case not as something to inspire fear but to tell us the system is working,” one expert tells...

Mob Attacks Ebola Center, Takes Ebola

Patients flee from quarantine center in Liberia

(Newser) - Residents on a "looting spree" broke into an Ebola quarantine center in Liberia yesterday, forcing Ebola patients to run for it and stealing items likely stained with the disease. "All between the houses you could see people fleeing with items looted from the patients," an official tells...

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>