
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev 

Democrats Hang On to City Hall
Democrats Hang On to City Hall

Democrats Hang On to City Hall

Four mayors returned to office, one wins in Philly; Dems also take Virginia senate

(Newser) - It was a good night for Democratic mayors last night: incumbents in San Francisco, Houston and Pittsburgh all comfortably won reelection. In addition, Philadelphia elected Michael Nutter on promises to reduce violence, and Baltimore gave a full term to Sheila Dixon, the city's first female mayor, who took office earlier...

Hizzoner's Still Eyeing an '08 Run
Still Eyeing
an '08 Run

Hizzoner's Still Eyeing an '08 Run

Won’t decide until March; what would a $1B run look like?

(Newser) - Mayor Mike has been quiet on the presidential front lately, but don't think the billionaire former Wall Streeter is quite resigned to the sidelines yet. Bloomberg will wait until the Democratic and Republican nominees are settled, after Texas’ primary in March, his top adviser tells Newsweek in a cover story...

Rudy's Blunt Opinions Ruled NYC Airwaves

Mayor told off callers to radio show, urged others to get therapy

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani is a tempered presidential candidate these days, belying the fiery personality displayed on his mayoral radio show in the '90s. Radio Rudy was a loose cannon, known for telling callers to seek psychiatric help, the Times reports. He was unafraid to needle interest groups, once saying “the...

Identity Thieves Make Play for Mike's Money

Crooks attempt $430K swipe from NYC mayor

(Newser) - Well, who wouldn't want to be Michael Bloomberg? The billionaire mayor is the latest casualty of the country's losing war on identity theft, reports the New York Times. Using information from Bloomberg's personal Bank of America account, two men attempted separately to steal a total of $430,000 from the...

Rivals Attack Rudy's Record as NY Mayor

Gotham chief soft on immigration, tough on gun control, foes taunt

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani uses his tenure as New York mayor as a badge of courage as he campaigns for the White House, but now his record is being turned against him. Attack ads by GOP rival Mitt Romney portray Giuliani's New York as "sanctuary city" for illegals, while would-contender Fred...

Rudy After 9/11: Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Giuliani clocked more time with Yankees than with rescue workers

(Newser) - GOP presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, who likes to capitalize on the hours he clocked at Ground Zero after 9/11, actually spent more time with the Yankees than he did with rescue workers, Salon reports. In a 40-day period following 9/11 Giuliani spent some 58 hours traveling to games, watching them...

Rudy's Foreign Policy Opus Riles Pundits

In 17-page manifesto the candidate tackles Iraq, Palestine

(Newser) - Bloggers are having a heyday parsing the rambling 17-page essay Rudy Giuliani has published in Foreign Affairs, laying out his big-picture foreign policy views. "Lengthy, pompous and ultimately very confused," writes Salon, and Slate is no kinder: "The breadth and depth of his cluelessness are vaster than...

The Real Rudy Hasn't Joined the Race Yet

America's Mayor is oddly absent on the campaign trail

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani holds a nice lead in the pack of GOP presidential candidates, but it's not a result of anything he's doing on the campaign trail, Peter Boyer reports in a profile in the New Yorker. The Rudy who's winning in the polls is America's Mayor, the guy who cleaned...

NJ Mayor Under Gun in Triple Killing

Newark crime rate sparks calls for idealist Booker's resignation

(Newser) - Jersey residents shocked by the shooting deaths of three students at a Newark schoolyard this weekend are lashing out at a young mayor who rode a wave of hope and idealism into office, the Times reports. Cory Booker, 38, is facing a wall of public hostility—and calls for his...

Hizzoner Heads for Jury Duty
Hizzoner Heads for Jury Duty

Hizzoner Heads for Jury Duty

Bloomberg hopes to catch up on his 'to-read' list

(Newser) - In New York, even the best connections won't get you out of jury duty. Mayor Michael Bloomberg is reporting to court today, noting that the 8:45 a.m. start gives him an extra hour to sleep or catch up on his "to-read" list. "Doctors, architects, nurses, and...

LA Mayor's Reporter Lover Suspended

'Conflicted' newscaster covered his divorce

(Newser) - A Telemundo reporter who covered the Los Angeles political beat while having an affair with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has been suspended for two months without pay. Mirthala Salinas' involvement with the then-married mayor was an open secret at the station when she broadcast the breakup of his 20-year marriage. Media...

Nagin to Feds: Cut Red Tape
Nagin to Feds: Cut Red Tape

Nagin to Feds: Cut Red Tape

New Orleans mayor tells Congress of dire need for docs, mental health workers

(Newser) - Ray Nagin delivered an unscripted plea to Congress yesterday, asking for a more urgent response to the health-care crisis that has plagued New Orleans since Katrina hit in 2005. Both Republicans and Democrats echoed the mayor's frustrations at the federal government's inaction on the city's pronounced shortage of physicians and...

LA Mayor Bares Affair With News Anchor

She broadcast reports of his crumbling marriage

(Newser) - Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa yesterday revealed an ongoing, year-long love affair with a local anchorwoman, which triggered the breakdown of his marriage. The newscaster, who works for Spanish-language channel Telemundo, broadcast news of the mayor's separation from his wife last month, despite a conflict of interest.

Neither NY Mayor Is White House Worthy

TNR questions both hizzoners' credentials

(Newser) - Deeming New York City "several light years away from the heart of America," New Republic writer Michelle Cottle assaults the qualifications of Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg to be president. Cottle calls Rudy's leadership style the "pugilistic, divisive, f-you approach" and Mike "the perfect presidential...

Bloomberg Says He Won't Run
Bloomberg Says
He Won't Run

Bloomberg Says He Won't Run

'I’ve got the greatest job in the world and I’m going to keep doing it'

(Newser) - A day after sparking presidential hype with a shift out of the GOP, Mike Bloomberg says he won't run. "I said that my intention is to be mayor for the next 925 days and probably about 10 hours—whatever’s left, 11 hours? And that is my intention,"...

LA Mayor's Wife Calls it Quits (Again)

Corina Villaraigosa divorcing over 'irreconcilable differences'

(Newser) - The wife of LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa filed for divorce yesterday after nearly 20 years of marriage, citing irreconcilable differences, the Los Angeles Times reports. The mayor blamed himself for the breakup, but is mum on whether the split was caused by a romantic relationship. 

Bloomberg Run Gains Credibility
Run Gains

Bloomberg Run Gains Credibility

$1 billion set aside for a campaign can't hurt

(Newser) - The New York mayor is looking more and more like presidential material, reports the NY Observer. What started as speculation fueled by Bloomberg's own aides has become the buzz of a conference of mayors in New York this week. And why not? The Washington Times reports that he's ready to...

Bloomberg May Take on Spitzer
Bloomberg May Take on Spitzer

Bloomberg May Take on Spitzer

Source tells NY Post the mayor is pondering a 2010 run for Albany

(Newser) - It may not be Pennyslvania Avenue, but Mike Bloomberg is seriously weighing a run for Albany's top job, a senior Republican operative has told the New York Post. "On two occasions in recent weeks, the mayor brought up the possibility of running for governor, of running against Spitzer in...

Lunacy Could Be the Ticket For Rudy
Lunacy Could Be the Ticket For Rudy

Lunacy Could Be the Ticket For Rudy

So what if he was out of control as mayor? Only New Yorkers know that

(Newser) - Most Americans don't know Rudy Giuliani the way New Yorkers do: as an outlandish, manic, mean, and sometimes inspired mayor who ran the city in a style "much closer to that of a banana-republic potentate than to your average city administrator's," writes Michael Wolff. What Wolff wants to...

Is America Ready for &quot;Rudy Rage&quot;?
Is America Ready for
"Rudy Rage"?

Is America Ready for "Rudy Rage"?

Columnist recalls run-ins with thin- skinned former mayor

(Newser) - "Vindictive," "tone-deaf," prone to bouts of "Rudy rage"—that's the Giuliani that hasn't been visible to a national audience in the early days of the former mayor's presidential campaign, writes Jonathan Capeheart in the Washington Post. As a columnist for the New York Daily...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev