
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Minnesota Mayor Is 4 Years Old

Bobby Tufts is even running for re-election in tiny Dorset

(Newser) - The mayor of the tiny Minnesota tourist town of Dorset hasn't even started school yet. Say hello to Mayor Robert "Bobby" Tufts, all of 4 years old. Bobby was only 3 when he won election last year as mayor of Dorset (population 22 to 28, depending on whether...

Ricin Letter Sent to Mayor Bloomberg

He never received it; NYPD says writer angry about gun laws

(Newser) - Someone angry about the push for stricter gun laws sent a letter believed to be tainted with ricin to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, says the NYPD. Police think the same person also sent a ricin letter to the DC headquarters of a group that Bloomberg helps run called...

Toronto Mayor Crack Video Fund Hits $200K Target

As aides bail, owners of Rob Ford video can't be found

(Newser) - Gawker's "Crackstarter" fundraiser to buy a video that allegedly shows Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking crack has hit its $200,000 target—but they haven't been able to make contact with the video's owners. More than 8,000 people chipped in to push the campaign over...

Exposé Links Toronto Mayor's Family to Drug-Dealing

'Globe and Mail' says brother Doug ran a hash operation for years

(Newser) - If yesterday's carefully worded I-am-not-a-crack-addict news conference made for a bleak day for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, today isn't much better. The respected Globe and Mail is out with an investigative piece on the mayor's family, including brother Doug, a city councilor. It includes paragraphs like this:...

Toronto Mayor: I Don't Smoke Crack

He won't comment on video 'I have never seen or does not exist'

(Newser) - It can't be a banner day for any politician when he has to call a press conference to declare that he's not a crack addict, but that's precisely what Toronto Mayor Rob Ford did today. After a week of silence, Ford addressed the controversy that began when...

Rob Ford May Smoke Crack, but He's a Good Mayor

Philip Preville on the politician who has long embarrassed Toronto

(Newser) - Philip Preville's Slate piece on Toronto mayor and possible crack-smoker Rob Ford is not exactly kind—he calls Ford "a crass, offensive, and ill-tempered buffoon" with a "capacity for breathtakingly stupid behavior," among other things—but, Preville says, you have to admit Ford has been a...

Video Claims to Show Toronto Mayor on Crack

Rob Ford denies it; Gawker and 'Toronto Star' say they've watched it

(Newser) - Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is trying to fend off the first reports of what could be a monumental scandal. Both the Toronto Star and Gawker say they've seen a video that purports to show Ford smoking crack cocaine. Two reporters from the Star watched the video three times and...

Yet More Bodies Found in Bangladesh

Local mayor suspended as toll reaches 430; 149 missing

(Newser) - The death toll in April's Bangladesh building collapse just keeps rising, and more officials are paying a price, Reuters reports. The mayor of Savar, the suburb near Dhaka where the building stood, has been suspended from office. Mayor Mohammad Refat Ullah had signed off on the Rana Plaza building'...

Weiner 'Can't Say' if More Photos Are Out There

Says he can't rule it out

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner finally hit a little hiccup on the comeback trail today, acknowledging in an interview with RNN-TV that more salacious photos might surface. Weiner says he's a changed man now, but he exchanged messages with multiple women for "a couple of years" and thus can't rule...

Weiner Not Yet Running for Mayor—but in 2nd Place

Among Democrat candidates: poll

(Newser) - Despite spending $100,000 on polling last month, Anthony Weiner still hasn't thrown his hat into the ring for New York's next mayoral election. But if he did today, he'd enter the race for the Democratic slot in second place, behind confirmed candidate Christine Quinn, a new...

Weiner Eyes &#39;Now or Never&#39; Run for NYC Mayor
 Abedin on Weiner 
 Sexting: 'I. Don't. 
'nyt mag' profile

Abedin on Weiner Sexting: 'I. Don't. Understand.'

Weiner seeks second chance after sexting scandal

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner thinks it's time people gave him a second chance—and possibly a shot at running the nation's biggest city. After spending $100,000 on consultants and pollsters last month , the former congressman has confirmed in a lengthy New York Times Magazine interview that he is considering...

Pols Charged With Plotting to Fix NYC Mayor Race

State senate leader, city councilman arrested

(Newser) - The president of New York's state senate and a New York City councilman, along with a handful of others, have been arrested amid reports of a plot to fix the city's mayoral race. Malcolm Smith, a Democrat who is the first black state senate president, was reportedly mulling...

Mayor Weiner? He Spends $100K on Pollster

Money suggests ex-congressman is getting back into politics

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner isn't saying anything publicly, but his wallet suggests he's serious about getting back into politics soon. The former congressman spent more than $100,000 on consulting and polling this month, reports the New York Post , setting off all kinds of renewed speculation that he plans to...

Bloomberg Turns Chicago Race Into Test Case on Guns

Politico: $2M ad blitz goes after NRA ally

(Newser) - To gauge how well the Newtown massacre translates into political reality, keep an eye on the special election to fill the congressional seat vacated by Jesse Jackson Jr. in Chicago, reports Politico . Its story says New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is pouring up to $2 million into the race...

Rahm Emanuel in 2016?

 in 2016? 
rumor mill

Rahm Emanuel in 2016?

Daily Beast says he's been talking to donors

(Newser) - Political rumor of the day: Rahm Emanuel might run for president in 2016, reports Lloyd Grove of the Daily Beast . The Chicago mayor has talked to Democratic donors and fundraisers more than once about the subject, Grove's sources tell him, adding that Emanuel would only run if Hillary Clinton...

Ex-Mayor Had Billion-Dollar Gambling Addiction

San Diego's Maureen O'Connor accused of taking charity funds

(Newser) - That a former politician is accused of embezzling from a charity isn't all that surprising. It's the numbers involved in this case that are staggering: Former San Diego Mayor Maureen O'Connor lost more than $1 billion gambling from 2001 to 2009, reports the Union-Tribune . In fairness, she...

Best Ed Koch Quotes
 Best Ed Koch Quotes 

Best Ed Koch Quotes

Hizzoner was always good for a one-liner

(Newser) - The death of former New York City mayor Ed Koch prompts the AP to recall some of his famous quotes:
  • "How'm I doing?"
  • "I'm not the type to get ulcers. I give them."
  • "You punch me, I punch back. I do not believe it'

Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch Dead at 88

 Former NYC 
 Mayor Ed Koch 
 Dead at 88 

Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch Dead at 88

Three-term mayor was New York legend

(Newser) - Three-term New York City Mayor Ed Koch has died of congestive heart failure at age 88, a spokesman announced this morning. Koch, who was mayor from 1978 to 1989, led the city back from the brink of financial disaster and became a New York icon worldwide, the AP notes. Never...

Ex-New Orleans Mayor Nagin Charged With Corruption

He is accused of taking bribes over Katrina cleanup work

(Newser) - Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was indicted today on charges that he used his office for personal gain, accepting payoffs, free trips, and gratuities from contractors while the city was struggling to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. The charges against Democrat Nagin are the outgrowth of a...

Bloomberg's Dream Choices for Next Mayor: Schumer, Hillary?

Ed Rendell, Hillary Clinton among floated names

(Newser) - With New York City's mayoral election coming this year, eyes are on City Council speaker Christine Quinn as Michael Bloomberg's preferred successor. But the New York Times runs through a few less-likely names being tossed about with various levels of seriousness by Bloomberg's advisers. Among them: Hillary...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>