Haiti relief

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Star Power Drives Telethon
 Star Power Drives Telethon 

Star Power Drives Telethon

Clooney-organized benefit attracts biggest celeb names

(Newser) - Grim-faced celebrities and musicians with mournful tunes set the tone for tonight's all-star, international "Hope for Haiti Now" telethon, which featured two hours of desperate pleas for an even more-desperate nation. "The Haitian people need our help," said George Clooney, who helped organize the two-hour telecast. "...

Aid Reaches More Survivors
 Aid Reaches More Survivors 
haiti earthquake

Aid Reaches More Survivors

Now, hundreds of thousands need relocation

(Newser) - Improved logistics are allowing relief teams to deliver aid to an increasing number of victims in Port-Au-Prince and other areas of Haiti affected by the deadly earthquake. Given the time that has passed since the quake, disaster teams are switching their focus from search and rescue operations to relocation for...

How the Stars Are Helping Haiti

 How the Stars 
 Are Helping 

How the Stars Are Helping Haiti

Leonardo DiCaprio donates, Radiohead plays, Amy Fisher strips

(Newser) - Tonight’s Hope for Haiti telethon may be more star-studded than the Golden Globes: Beyonce and Madonna have signed on to the two-hour benefit, which will also feature Bill Clinton, Jon Stewart, and Bruce Springsteen in New York; Brad Pitt, Oprah Winfrey, and Justin Timberlake in Los Angeles; and Robert...

3 New Airfields to Speed Haiti Aid

Port re-opens, as new landing strips prepare for aid planes

(Newser) - The flow of relief supplies into Haiti should get a shot in the arm today, as three new airfields open and Port-Au-Prince’s seaport begins accepting vessels once more. Until now, Haiti’s main airport has been congested with round-the-clock deliveries. Douglas Fraser, the head of the US Southern Command,...

'We Are the World' Sequel to Help Haiti

Quincy Jones, Lionel Richie plan 25th anniversary re-recording

(Newser) - It's "We Are the World" take 2, this time for Haiti. Quincy Jones and Lionel Richie are getting some of the music industry's top stars together for a 25th anniversary re-recording of the song, with proceeds going to earthquake victims. The gathering will probably take place in Los Angeles...

15-Day-Old Rescued From Haiti Rubble

UN: Search and rescue effort 'a fantastic success'

(Newser) - Members of a search and rescue team demolishing a ruined home in Haiti yesterday were amazed to find a 15-day-old baby who had survived without food and water for a week. "It was the mercy of God," the baby girl's mother told the Wall Street Journal . She had...

Sarko Moves to Defuse Haiti Row With US 'Occupiers'

French miffed over aid bumping

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy moved to calm a transatlantic spat yesterday by praising America's role in the Haiti aid effort and pledging to unite French and American relief efforts. Some French officials had accused the US of sidelining the French effort, including a minister who angrily accused the US of...

Clinton, Investors Work On 'Marshall Plan' for Haiti

They're trying to create 'composite plan' to rebuild the nation

(Newser) - Bill Clinton and Ireland's Denis O'Brien—Haiti's biggest foreign investor—are collaborating on a "Marshall Plan" for the nation. The leader of Irish telecom Digicel urged companies to re-invest in the earthquake-stricken nation. "Obviously we need foreign direct investment, but on a wider front we need a Marshall...

Sandra Bullock Donates $1M to Haiti

 Sandra Bullock 
 Donates $1M 
 to Haiti 
And more celeb aid news

Sandra Bullock Donates $1M to Haiti

Bullock joins long list of celebrity donors, helpers

(Newser) - Sandra Bullock is the latest celebrity, following George Clooney and Brangelina, to donate $1 million to Haiti’s earthquake aid efforts. The latest, from Variety and Us , on how other celebrities are helping:
  • George Clooney: Along with Wyclef Jean and Anderson Cooper, Clooney will co-host Friday’s “Hope for

US Begins Airdrops of Food, Water Into Haiti

Effort intended to ease bottleneck at airport

(Newser) - The US began airdropping food and water into Port-au-Prince yesterday in an attempt to unclog the aid bottleneck that continues to thwart relief efforts. The Pentagon, wary of triggering riots among hungry Haitians, had ruled out drops, but finally gave them the go ahead as congestion at the airport hampered...

As Help Scales Up, So Does Haiti's Nightmare

Survivors increasingly desperate for aid

(Newser) - The staggering scope of Haiti's nightmare came into sharper focus yesterday as authorities estimated 200,000 dead and 1.5 million homeless in the quake-ravaged heart of this tragic land. In one step to reassure frustrated aid groups, the US military agreed to give aid deliveries priority over military flights...

What Rebuilding Haiti Will Mean
 What Rebuilding Haiti Will Mean 

What Rebuilding Haiti Will Mean

Debt relief, housing quality, and a better government are key

(Newser) - World leaders have vowed to rebuild Haiti's infrastructure into something better than it was before; the Independent takes a look at what this would mean in practice:
  • Higher-quality housing: Haiti has no building codes; international donors should insist the new dwellings their funds build for those left homeless in the

In Ravaged Haiti, Cruise Ships Still Dock

Passengers jet ski, sunbathe 60 miles from earthquake devastation

(Newser) - Despite the fact that the epicenter of Haiti’s deadly earthquake is just 60 miles away, cruise ships are still visiting private Labadee beach. Though Royal Caribbean defended its decision to dock Friday, some customers are “sickened,” the Guardian reports. “I just can't see myself sunning on...

Anger Erupts at US Takeover of Haiti Airport

France, Brazil, Red Cross furious at flight diversions

(Newser) - The global relief effort in Haiti has devolved into a nasty power struggle, with countries and aid agencies furious at the US takeover of emergency operations. France, Brazil, which runs the UN peacekeeping operation in Haiti, Doctors Without Borders, and the Red Cross all lodged complaints after their aid shipments...

Earthquake Relief a Hit With Tennis Stars
 Earthquake Relief 
 a Hit With Tennis Stars 
haiti earthquake

Earthquake Relief a Hit With Tennis Stars

Federer throws together 'Hit for Haiti,' raises big bucks

(Newser) - Stars of the tennis universe got together today to hit a few—and raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Haiti earthquake relief. Less than a day before the start of the Australian Open, Roger Federer threw together "Hit for Haiti," a slate of doubles matches enlivened by...

'In Times of Tragedy, the US Steps Forward'

In Newsweek, president makes case for Haiti earthquake relief

(Newser) - The United States is pouring money and personnel into earthquake-devastated Haiti not just to help its own citizens or bolster an ally, but because "that is who we are," President Obama writes in explaining why the relief effort is vital. In times of crisis, "when we are...

Experts See Chance to Rescue Haiti From Failure
Experts See Chance to Rescue Haiti From Failure

Experts See Chance to Rescue Haiti From Failure

As relief funds flood in, opportunity to reform government arises

(Newser) - With conditions in Haiti worsening, some experts in international development see an upside: an opportunity for the physically fractured nation to reform its economy and even its notoriously corrupt government. "National disasters, as awful as they are, you want to seize those moments, use that awful, awful opportunity, to...

As Aid Starts to Flow, Chaos Descends in Haiti

Fractured gov't among the homeless, as officials scramble to better coordinate

(Newser) - Aid began flowing in earnest to pockets of survivors in Haiti today, but violence and looting broke out among those not yet reached as desperation set in—leaving Haiti's devastated government in a chaotic scramble to better distribute supplies. As the Wall Street Journal reports, the country's own president is...

Tiger Promises Haiti Donation
 Tiger Promises Haiti Donation 

Tiger Promises Haiti Donation

Embattled golfer's foundation won't confirm $3M, but plans relief

(Newser) - It might not be the $3 million Russell Simmons said it would be, but Tiger Woods indeed plans a donation for post-quake relief in Haiti. A rep for the embattled golfer’s foundation wouldn’t confirm the figure Simmons let slip yesterday on Twitter , but tells E! , “Our plan...

Docs Warn of Looming Public Health Crisis
 Docs Warn of Looming 
 Public Health Crisis 
haiti earthquake

Docs Warn of Looming Public Health Crisis

Infection, thirst, hunger, heat threaten earthquake survivors

(Newser) - The death toll from the Haiti earthquake, which currently stands at 50,000, is certain to rise as the country's shattered infrastructure keeps medical professionals and relief workers from reaching people who need their help. "There are already high levels of diarrheal disease, respiratory disease and malnutrition," a...

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