gay kiss

6 Stories

Facebook Bans Another Gay Kiss Photo

This time it's a movie ad for the Greek film ' Attenberg '

(Newser) - Less than a month after Facebook apologized for removing a photo of two men kissing , the social networking site has axed another gay kiss photo. Facebook did not approve an ad for Greek film Attenberg, which shows two women touching tongues. In a statement on its Facebook page, TriArt Film...

Facebook Sorry for Censoring Gay Kiss Pic, But...

...activist reveals that site didn't actually censor the event

(Newser) - It turns out Facebook is only guilty of about half of what it’s been accused of in the gay kiss incident . The social networking site apologized yesterday for taking down an image used to promote a “kiss-in” event in London. “The photo in question does not violate...

Now Facebook Bans Gay Kiss
 Now Facebook Bans Gay Kiss 

Now Facebook Bans Gay Kiss

Photo removed from Facebook page for a gay-rights event

(Newser) - The gay kiss controversy out of London keeps getting odder. After two men were booted from a Soho pub for kissing , activists decided to respond with a "kiss in" at the same pub. But a photo of two men kissing used to promote the event was removed from the...

Victoria Jackson: Homophobic a 'Cute Little Buzzword'

She defends her Glee rant on Showbiz Tonight

(Newser) - Victoria Jackson is standing by her rant against the “sickening” gay Glee kiss , telling Showbiz Tonight last night that "it doesn't matter what I think. What matters is what the Bible says.” Jackson, a Saturday Night Live alum turned Tea Party activist, went on to explain that...

James Franco in Gay, Incestuous Kiss
 James Franco in Gay, 
 Incestuous Kiss 

James Franco in Gay, Incestuous Kiss

Host gets a little frisky with grandpa in SNL sketch

(Newser) - Adam Lambert, look out: James Franco heated things up on Saturday Night Live last night with a couple of sultry smooches with male co-stars. Franco, playing a college kid introducing his girlfriend to his overly affectionate family, earned audience hoots when he locked lips with onscreen brother Bill Hader. But...

Lambert, GLAAD Cry Bias—About CBS and ABC

Early Show blurs same-sex kiss as singer makes his case

(Newser) - After being booted from a scheduled Good Morning America appearance because of his American Music Awards antics, Adam Lambert was snatched up by CBS’ Early Show, where he contended the controversy was motivated by his sexuality: “If it had been a female pop performer doing the moves that were...

6 Stories
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