2012 Presidential Candidates

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Tim Pawlenty Blew it in Last Night's Debate: Steve Kornacki

 You Blew It, Pawlenty 

You Blew It, Pawlenty

He should have gone after Romney, not Bachmann: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty came off like a desperate candidate with a misguided strategy in last night's debate , writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . Going after Michele Bachmann instead of Mitt Romney? Really? He probably figured he needed to do so because she is his chief rival in tomorrow's Ames straw...

Mitt Romney Unscathed by Iowa Debate
 in Iowa Debate 


Romney Unscathed in Iowa Debate

Front-runner stays above the fray as Minnesotans clash

(Newser) - Last night's GOP debate in Iowa was a testy affair, but Mitt Romney managed to stay above the fray and his front-runner status still isn't in doubt—at least until Rick Perry enters the race, pundits say.
  • "Neither the candidates nor the moderators did much to draw

GOP Candidates Square Off in Iowa

Ames debate much feistier than last go-round

(Newser) - Eight GOP hopefuls castigated President Obama and each other tonight in a frequently testy debate in Ames, Iowa. Tim Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann were especially hostile to each other early, while Mitt Romney largely avoided any one-on-one battles and focused on the president. Overshadowing the debate: News that Rick Perry,...

Rick Perry Spokesman: Yep, He's In

He confirms governor will announce on Saturday

(Newser) - It's political high season: Rick Perry's spokesman says the Texas governor will indeed declare his candidacy on Saturday in South Carolina, reports AP . Which kind of amounts to an announcement about an announcement that confirms what we already knew . The distinction, says Fox News , is that Perry will...

Rick Perry Interview With Mark Halperin of Time: I Have a 'Calmness in My Heart' About Running

 Rick Perry: 
 in My Heart' 
 About Run 

Rick Perry: 'Calmness in My Heart' About Run

New poll shows him near top of GOP field

(Newser) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry doesn't quite make his candidacy official in an interview with Mark Halperin of Time , but he does say he has a "calmness in my heart" about a possible run. (He is expected to declare on Saturday .) No wonder he's calm: He's...

Romney Spars With Hecklers in Iowa

His 'corporations are people' line doesn't go over well

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's appearance at the Iowa State Fair today got lively when he sparred with audience members at a Q&A, reports the Hill . "If you don’t like my answer, you can go vote for someone else," he said at one point. "If you want...

Sarah Palin Restarts Bus Tour, Heads for ... Iowa

She'll be there Saturday, same day as Ames poll, Perry announcement

(Newser) - Somewhere in Texas, Rick Perry just groaned. He was all set to steal the thunder from the candidates competing in Iowa's Ames straw poll on Saturday by announcing his candidacy that same day in South Carolina. Now he's got serious media competition: Sarah Palin is firing up her...

Ames Poll Will Make or Break Pawlenty

Experts agree: Candidate needs a strong finish

(Newser) - "For Tim Pawlenty, it's Ames or bust," declares Politico , which rounds up opinions from a number of experts—all of whom agree that Pawlenty must do well in this Saturday's straw poll. He's spent seven figures in the state and has been focused on courting...

Obama's Top Strategy for 2012: Attack Romney

President's campaign prepares to paint him as 'weird' and greedy: Politico

(Newser) - If Politico has it right, team Obama not only expects Mitt Romney to be the GOP nominee, it is ready to unleash a "ferocious personal assault" against him. The go-negative approach would have two fronts: portray Romney as a "weird" guy out of touch with ordinary people and...

Rick Perry to Announce Run in SC

May not be formal launch, but will make intentions clear

(Newser) - Fresh off his weekend prayer rally, Rick Perry will head to South Carolina on Saturday to make clear he's going to toss his hat into the 2012 presidential race, reports Politico. In so doing, the Texas governor will upend the current field of Republicans seeking the nomination, as well...

Rick Perry Leads Prayer for US

Texas governor gets spotlight with evangelicals

(Newser) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry sent a strong message to the nation's evangelicals today: He is a member of the important constituency for Republicans that he soon may call upon to help him secure the GOP presidential nomination. The state's longest serving governor hosted what he called a national...

2012 Rivals Pounce on AAA Downgrade

GOP contenders pummel Obama's handling of economy

(Newser) - Last night's downgrade of the US' triple-A credit rating was the political equivalent of blood in the water for Republican presidential candidates, who immediately pounced on President Obama's handling of the economy, reports Politico. A taste of the blood-letting:
  • Michele Bachmann: “The United States has had a

Debt Battle Sets Stage for Hyper-Partisan 2012 Election

Expect stark contrasts, not mushy generalities

(Newser) - As nasty as the debt ceiling fight was, it was just a warm-up for the 2012 presidential election, which is shaping up to be a major referendum on the size, role, and philosophy of government, reports the Washington Post . “This had nothing to do with the debt ceiling,”...

Dems Torqued Over Obama's Shuffle to the Right

Will left turn out if Obama caters to independents too much?

(Newser) - President Obama is tacking to the right, trying to shore up his appeal to independents in 2012, but in the process he risks badly damaging his liberal base and creating a rift with his own party, reports the New York Times . In debt ceiling negotiations, he proposed spending cuts to...

Gawker Sues Chris Christie, Fox's Ailes

Claims that the network chairman is pushing politics

(Newser) - Gawker has filed a lawsuit to determine the nature of communication between New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Fox News chairman Roger Ailes, reports New York . The civil suit stems from a profile on Ailes that the magazine published in May, revealing that he had pushed Christie to enter the...

Obama's '08 Fundraisers Flee 'Machine'

Democratic veterans take over fundraising process

(Newser) - Many of the core grassroots supporters who raised big money for Barack Obama's presidential run in 2007 and 2008 are gone now, disillusioned and dissatisfied by his presidency, replaced by professional Democratic Party operatives, reports Politico . “It’s a political machine now,” says a Washington State biotech...

Bachmann Offers Doctor's Note to Downplay Migraines

He says they occur 'infrequently,' are under control

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is trying to put the migraine issue to rest quickly: She released a letter from her doctor today in which he says her migraines "occur infrequently" and that she's got them under control with two common prescription drugs that she takes as needed, reports the Huffington...

Bachmann Surges to Second in National Poll

Followed by Rick Perry

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann's ascent continues: The Minnesota congresswoman surged into second place behind longtime GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney in a new national poll. Romney is the first choice for 30% of Republican primary voters, while Bachmann snagged 16%. Behind her is Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who still hasn't decided...

Could Debilitating Migraines Bring Bachmann Down?

Stress-induced headaches leave her unable to 'function at all': sources

(Newser) - An odd issue regarding Michele Bachmann has come to the surface, causing some to question her ability to serve as president of the US: severe headaches. Bachmann suffers from migraines, three sources tell the Daily Caller , and the stress-induced episodes are fairly frequent and quite debilitating. One former adviser says...

Gay Activists: Bachmann a 'Target-Rich Environment'

Organizations say she and her husband are 'harmful to children'

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann has her haters, but now gay rights groups are setting their sights on the Minnesota Republican, with one activist calling her a "target-rich environment." Human rights organizations say they plan to home in this summer on Bachmann's past anti-gay efforts in Minnesota, reports Politico . Bachmann...

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