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Teen Gets License, Loses It 49 Minutes Later


(Newser) - In what's sure to be some kind of record, a teen in Germany managed to lose his driver's license a mere 49 minutes after getting it. Traveling with four friends he might've been trying to impress, the 18-year-old was returning from his successful driving test when he...

Mayor on Village's Speeding Violations: 'It's Really Madness'

A village of 120 logged more than 58K infractions in 2 weeks

(Newser) - Just over 100 people live in the Northern Italian village of Acquetico, and they all seem to like to drive really fast. The numbers coming in just two weeks after the local mayor set up temporary speed cameras are somewhat mind-blowing: more than 58,000 speeding violations in the town...

Fox News' Jeanine Pirro Clocked at 54mph Over Limit

En route to her mom on a Sunday afternoon

(Newser) - The New York Times calls Jeanine Pirro of Fox News a "high-octane host"; it seems the adjective could apply to her driving, too. Pirro says she was driving to visit her "ailing 89-year-old mom" just after 1pm Sunday when she was pulled over in Nichols, NY, some 25...

Sneaky Troopers Don Disguise to Nab Speeders

They dress as construction workers

(Newser) - About 30 drivers in Pennsylvania who zipped by a construction worker while over the speed limit got a rude surprise less than a mile down the road. That construction worker was actually a state trooper in disguise, and he then radioed ahead for the speeders to be pulled over on...

It Wasn't Me, Officer; It Was the Deer

Man blames speeding ticket on hypothetical deer

(Newser) - A Massachusetts man fighting a speeding ticket in court had a unique explanation—the officer's radar gun may have picked up a deer, the AP reports. According to the Newburyport Daily News , Dennis Sayers was clocked going 40mph in 30mph zone in West Newbury in November. He got a...

Earnhardt Jr. Decides Speeding Full-Time Is His Thing

Gets pulled over in Texas on the way to the racetrack

(Newser) - Some people just can't leave work at the office. Take Dale Earnhardt Jr., for instance, who was pulled over for speeding Sunday on his way to the Texas Motor Speedway, the Charlotte Observer reports. His girlfriend, Amy Reimann, was in the car with him— Sporting News says he was...

10 Cities With Highest Speeds in Fatal Crashes

Slow down, California

(Newser) - Tourists may be wary of hailing a speeding cab in Manhattan, but the Big Apple doesn't even fall in the top 20 "fastest" US cities, let alone the top 10, per an Auto Insurance Center examination of speeding deaths across the country. The center looked at more than...

Ex-NASA Astronaut Faces Murder Charges

2 young girls killed in car wreck involving James Halsell Jr.

(Newser) - A retired NASA astronaut who flew on five space shuttle missions has been charged with murder after an early-morning car crash in Alabama took the lives of two young half-sisters, per AL.com . A 2015 Chrysler allegedly being driven by James Halsell Jr., 59, smashed into a Ford Fiesta at...

Booze, Speed Tied to Crash That Killed Survivor of Boston Bombing

Just hours after a rider in the ill-fated Ferrari promised no speeding in Dubai

(Newser) - "Just landed into Dubai picked up the Ferrari! Don't worry I won't speed ;)" was Cody Nixon's final Instagram post , showing the Canadian boxer standing next to said yellow Ferrari just hours before the crash early Sunday that killed him and three others , including Boston Marathon...

Florida Citizen Pulls Over Cop for Speeding
Florida Citizen Pulls Over
Cop for Speeding
in case you missed it

Florida Citizen Pulls Over Cop for Speeding

'Um, I don’t know how fast I was going'

(Newser) - It is the best pulled-over-for-speeding story you'll read in a long, long time. It's out of Florida, of course, where CBS Miami reports that a woman spotted a police cruiser flying down the highway without its emergency lights on and decided to pursue. "He passed me with...

Son Gets $1.5K Ticket Rushing Dad to Hospital

Trooper allegedly questioned legitimacy of man's heart attack

(Newser) - Michael O'Neil was speeding down an Illinois freeway at 82mph on Sept. 27 when he was pulled over by a state trooper, who—undeterred by O'Neil's 60-year-old father having a heart attack in the passenger seat—handed Michael a $1,500 ticket, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. Michael...

Guy Clocked at 112mph Was on Way to Court ...for Speeding

Now he has new speeding charges to deal with

(Newser) - A Vermont state trooper pulled over a 33-year-old man driving 112mph and weaving in and out of traffic on the interstate (speed limit: 65mph) yesterday. Where was the guy, who hails from Connecticut, headed in such a hurry? Traffic court, where he was due to take care of a speeding...

Driver Clocked at 153MPH in Dodge Wagon

Michigan police catch up after he got off freeway exit

(Newser) - Michigan troopers spotted a driver going 79 in a 70mph zone and got ready to pull him over for a run-of-the-mill speeding ticket. Next thing they know, the Dodge Magnum station wagon had sped up to a staggering 153mph on the I-75, reports CBS Detroit . Troopers caught up after the...

Guy Clocked at 127mph on NH Highway

Police say RI man was moving briskly

(Newser) - New Hampshire State Police say an airborne patrol unit clocked a man driving 127 miles per hour on Interstate 93 in the town of Northfield. The State Police Special Enforcement Unit was using an airplane to monitor traffic yesterday morning when the trooper in the aircraft saw a northbound vehicle...

Woman in Labor Speeds by Cops, Gets Held at Gunpoint

Police use tire spikes to stop car, unaware why husband was racing; all ends well

(Newser) - You know that scene in the movies, where the husband drives his wife to the hospital in the nick of time to deliver their baby? Try this for a plot twist, from Iowa's WHO-TV : Cop follows speeding car with lights flashing, but husband doesn't pull over because wife...

Infamous Speed-Trap Town Investigated Over Tickets

Half of town's budget revenue comes from ticket fines

(Newser) - A small segment of highway that runs through the Florida town of Waldo requires drivers to speed up and slow down six times: 65mph becomes 55mph; 55 becomes 45; then goes back to 55; then back down to 45; to 55 again; and, eventually, 35mph. AAA has named it one...

Woman Leads Cops on 100mph Chase —to Preferred Jail

Grady County jail apparently not a place she wanted to spend time

(Newser) - So maybe you've been drinking and maybe you're speeding a little, but what to do when a cop tries to pull you over—presenting you with the very real prospect of doing a little time in a less-than-desirable county jail? Step on the gas, and lead police on...

Man Claims Fastest NY-to-LA Drive Ever

Ed Bolian made it in less than 29 hours, demolishing record

(Newser) - Ed Bolian says he's done something virtually impossible, highly dangerous, and extraordinarily illegal: Along with a hastily-recruited co-driver and passenger, he drove from New York City to LA in 28 hours and 50 minutes, he tells Doug Demuro of Jalopnik . That means the team traveled an average of 98mph,...

Guy's Excuse for Going 140mph: I Had to Pee

Let's just say the cops weren't very sympathetic

(Newser) - When you gotta go, apparently you gotta go 140mph: Or at least that's the excuse 26-year-old Adam Lester fed to a cop in Pekin, Ill., after he was allegedly clocked going 140mph through town. Police say Lester was cruising at way more than the 55mph speed limit, then evaded...

Zimmerman Stopped by Police, Again

This time he gets a ticket

(Newser) - George Zimmerman hasn't had much luck staying out of the spotlight since his acquittal. There was the gun factory visit , the heroic car-crash rescue , the speeding with a gun incident , and now another brush with police. The Orlando Sentinel reports that Florida police stopped a bearded Zimmerman in Lake...

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