Hugo Chavez

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Ship Begins Laying Venezuela-Cuba Cable

Cuba to gain its first fiber-optics line

(Newser) - Cubans will soon find it a lot easier to reach out and touch someone: US sanctions had left the island nation the only country in the Western Hemisphere not linked to the outside world by fiber optics, but a ship has now arrived in Venezuela to begin laying fiber optic...

Chavez Whines About 'Little Hugo' Dog in Colombian Soap

TV company ordered to yank 'shameless' program

(Newser) - A diplomatic battle is brewing over the unlikeliest of things: a Colombian soap opera. Chepe Fortune features a dog named Little Hugo that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is convinced represents him. It also features a character called Colombia and her little sister, Venezuela, who owns the annoying dog. Venezuela (the...

In Venezuela Feud, US Yanks Ambassador's Visa

The move is a response to Venezuela's rejection of US envoy

(Newser) - The US and Venezuela aren’t playing nice in the sandbox: The US has revoked the visa of Bernardo Alvarez, Venezuelan ambassador since 2003, following Venezuela's Dec. 20 rejection of American envoy Larry Palmer. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has refused to welcome Palmer since July, when Palmer angered him by...

As Flood Toll Hits 25, Chavez Opens Palace to Refugees

State of emergency has left 5K homeless

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez is letting dozens of people made homeless by Venezuelan flooding crash at his palace, and he told them yesterday—as the death toll hit 25—that they can stay there until the government finds them new homes. Visiting a slum, the AP reports that Chavez urged other residents...

Chavez, Ahmadinejad Want 'New World Order'

Venezuelan, Iranian leaders announce 'strategic alliance'

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the visiting Hugo Chavez joined forces yesterday in slamming US “imperialism” and seeking “a new world order,” al-Jazeera reports. “We are united and determined to end the current unjust which dominates the world and replace it with a new world order based on...

Colombia, Venezuela Patch Up Relations

Neighbors had been feuding over rebels, border

(Newser) - Venezuela and Colombia have agreed to kiss and make up after a recent feud that at one point had Hugo Chavez lining the border with troops. Chavez met with newly-minted Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos yesterday to proclaim their newfound friendship. The countries will form joint committees to iron out...

Venezuela Threatens to Cut US Oil Exports

Chavez says he'll cut off the oil if Colombia attacks

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez has again threatened to cut off Venezuela's oil exports to the US. The Venezuelan leader says he'll stop the flow of oil if his country is attacked by close US ally Colombia, the BBC reports. Chavez has cut off diplomatic relations with Colombia over accusations that Venezuela is...

Oliver Stone, NYT Critic Feud Over Bad Review

Filmmaker issues rebuttal, and critic issues his own

(Newser) - Oliver Stone and a New York Times movie critic are feuding over a scathing review of Stone's documentary on Hugo Chavez, South of the Border. It began when the Times' Larry Rohter wrote this piece , in which he accuses Stone of "mistakes, misstatements, and missing details." Stone fired...

Hugo Chavez's First Tweet Is ... Boring

It begins: 'Hey how's it going?'

(Newser) - Geez, even the most bellicose dictators sound humdrum on Twitter. After Venezuela's Hugo Chavez announced he was starting his own feed, the world awaited his first twitterance. Here it is, with translation courtesy of the BBC . "Hey how's it going? I appeared like I said I would: at midnight....

Chavez Launches Twitter Chat

Comandante 'breaks loose' @chavezcandanga

(Newser) - Twitter's 140-character limit is going to be a challenge for a president notorious for hours-long speeches. But Hugo Chavez is nevertheless launching his Twitter feed today, striking back against critics who have been using the micro-blogging site to blast the Venezuelan leader. "I recommend you follow that page after...

Boxing Champ Held After Wife Found Dead

WBC Lightweight TItle Holder Edwin Valero Detained in Venezuelan

(Newser) - Former lightweight champion Edwin Valero was detained today on suspicion of killing his wife, the gravest in a string of problems that have threatened to derail his career. The Venezuelan federal police chief said Valero was arrested after police found the body of his 20-year-old wife in a hotel in...

Hugo Chavez Launching Blog
 Hugo Chavez 
 Launching Blog 

Hugo Chavez Launching Blog

He'll probably have nothing to write about

(Newser) - Because there aren't enough crazies spouting wacky ideas online, Hugo Chavez is joining their ranks. Yes, the bromancer of such stable personalities as Sean Penn and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is launching his own blog, reports Gawker , noting that it seems like only last week the Venezuelan prez wanted to censor the...

Chavez Declares Electricity Emergency

Venezuelan leader blames drought, capitalism for shortages

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez has declared a state of emergency, giving his government extra powers to deal with chronic electricity shortages. The Venezuelan leader announced measures including a 100% surcharge on electric bills that show a 10% increase in usage. Chavez warned that the worst drought in decades has hit hydroelectric production...

Hugo Chavez: US 'Tectonic Weapon' Caused Haiti Quake
Hugo Chavez: US 'Tectonic Weapon' Caused Haiti Quake

Hugo Chavez: US 'Tectonic Weapon' Caused Haiti Quake

... so America could then occupy the island

(Newser) - Indulging its neo-colonial ambitions, the US used a “tectonic weapon” to set off the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that rocked Haiti—which American troops have since occupied. That’s the contention of noted fly-in-America’s-ointment Hugo Chavez. After urging the US to “stop playing God,” but not revealing...

Chavez Masses Troops at Colombia Border

Leader warns Venezuelans to 'prepare for war'

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez has told the Venezuelan people to "prepare for war" and ordered 15,000 troops to the Colombian border. The leader told his soldiers to "defend this sacred nation called Venezuela," and accused Colombia of conspiring with the US to invade and grab the country's oil...

Chavez Supporters Can't Take Moore's Joke
 Chavez Supporters 
 Can't Take Moore's Joke 

Chavez Supporters Can't Take Moore's Joke

Filmmaker's Jimmy Kimmel interview irks Chavistas

(Newser) - So Michael Moore and Hugo Chavez walk into a hotel, split a bottle and a half of tequila, and ... what's the punchline? There isn't one for Chavistas torqued over the filmmaker's joke to Jimmy Kimmel that the two partied down at the Venice Film Festival, and Moore's claim that he...

Gadhafi, Chavez Buddy Up
 Gadhafi, Chavez Buddy Up 

Gadhafi, Chavez Buddy Up

Iconic leaders want a 'NATO for the South'

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi and Hugo Chavez are strengthening their relationship and finding common ground as two radical former military men who both want to challenge the "imperialism" of wealthy nations and aspire to speak for many poor nations. The Libyan leader plans to meet with the Venezuelan president today and...

Chavez Dreamed of Playing in Yankee Stadium

Venezuelan talks of favorite American things, rips 'assassin' Bush

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez is fond of Americans and their culture even if their last president did try to have him killed, he told Larry King yesterday. The usually pugnacious Venezuelan president said he used to dream of playing baseball in Yankee Stadium and is a big fan of Walt Whitman and...

Chavez: Obama's 'Smell of Hope' Beats Bush's Sulfur

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez paid President Obama a high compliment at the UN today, asserting that he doesn't have the same satanic odor as George Bush. "I don't smell sulfur anymore," the Venezuelan leader told the General Assembly. "It's gone. Now it's the smell of something else—it's the...

Russia Lends Chavez $2B in Arms Deal

Chavez to beef up weapons to rebuff expected attack by 'the empire'

(Newser) - Russia has agreed to lend Venezuela more than $2 billion to buy Russian-made weaponry to ward off what the South American country sees as an imminent US-Colombian attack, reports the BBC. "With these rockets, it is going to be very difficult for them to come and bomb us,"...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>