
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Woman Gets Dying Wish: Last Visit From Horse

Hospital arranges for animal to come to parking lot for last reunion

(Newser) - A 77-year-old woman in the UK died of cancer last week, but not before a memorable last wish was granted. Sheila Marsh wanted to see Bronwen, a horse she had cared for over the last 25 years, and staff at the Royal Albert Edward Infirmary in Wigan made it happen,...

Horse Found Stuck in Backyard Pool

Firefighters rescue horse that roamed on owner's property

(Newser) - A horse in suburban Phoenix needed rescuing after it led itself to water and did more than just drink. Mesa firefighters say the horse was wandering outside of its pen yesterday when the animal somehow fell into the backyard swimming pool and became stuck. Mesa Fire Capt. Forrest Smith says...

Woman in Big Trouble for Slapping Police Horse

Selma Gonzalez says she was only petting the horse

(Newser) - It was a tough night for police horse Greyhawk. He was on duty outside the International Boutique Nightclub in Scottsdale last month when Selma Iris Gonzalez, 25, allegedly slapped him on the butt. The slap was loud enough to be heard even over the noise from the bar, reports AZ...

Queen&#39;s Nag Flunks Drug Test
 Queen's Nag Flunks Drug Test 

Queen's Nag Flunks Drug Test

Winner of last year's Gold Cup, Estimate, tests positive for morphine

(Newser) - The latest royal scandal mercifully has nothing to do with Prince Harry , things that should've stayed in Vegas , or other photos you can't un-see : Rather, it's a 5-year-old horse owned by the queen, and she's tested positive for a banned substance, reports the Telegraph . It seems...

Track's Loud Sound System Killed My Horse: Trainer

Mare got startled by commercial at Churchill Downs, he says

(Newser) - A 5-year-old mare died in a freak fall at Churchill Downs yesterday, and its trainer blames the track's massive new sound system, reports AP . Kenny Wirth says the horse, Never Tell Lynda, was being led to the paddock before the day's first race when a commercial began blaring...

Man Gets Year in Jail ... for Punching Horse

Soccer fan got a little too upset after losing game

(Newser) - His team lost to a bitter rival, so Barry Rogerson did what any self-respecting British soccer fan would do: He punched a police horse in the head. Now the 45-year-old is going to jail for a year, reports SkySports . The judge said Rogerson had plenty of chances to move away...

Are Horses 'Vicious'? Court to Decide

Upholding the classification could jeopardize Connecticut's equine industry

(Newser) - After a horse named Scuppy bit a boy in the face, a Connecticut court came to a conclusion that threw animal lovers: Horses are a naturally vicious species. Now, horse owners and farmers are mobilizing as the state Supreme Court hears an appeal in the case today. Such a classification—...

Cops: Drunk Cowboy Rides Horse Into Bar, Ropes Victim

Roping took place in the parking lot, but still

(Newser) - A "highly intoxicated" Louisiana cowboy brought home the top prize in his own personal rodeo: Charges of battery, public intimidation, and disturbing the peace. James Mouton managed the feat by riding his horse into a saloon in the city of Scott, reports the Smoking Gun . At some point he...

McDonald's Has Served Me on Horse Before, Says Rider

In fact, her pony just loves McFlurries

(Newser) - The woman who directed her pony into McDonald's —where it pooped on the floor—says she's surprised at the media reaction. "I think over the last couple of years, we've been to that McDonald's at least half a dozen times on the horses,"...

2 Horses Left to Die Survived by Eating Wood, Manure

They could see water, couldn't reach it: SPCA

(Newser) - Miami-area police got a call this weekend about some skinny-looking horses; what they found were two horses that were 200 pounds underweight and stuck in an 8-by-10-foot pen at an area ranch. The stall was boarded up, apparently to avoid notice. "It was almost like they were being nailed...

700K-Year-Old Horse Yields World's Oldest DNA

Pushes back their evolution to 4M years ago

(Newser) - Woolly mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, and... horses? According to research using the oldest DNA ever found, horses have been trotting around for millions of years—about 4 million, to be exact. The study, published in Nature , explains how scientists used DNA from a 700,000-year-old horse foot bone found in Canada'...

Brits, Irish Flip After Horse Meat Found in Burgers

DNA tests reveal supermarket 'beef' burgers up to 29% horse

(Newser) - Queasy consumers in Britain and Ireland are chucking out frozen hamburgers after learning that they could contain horse meat. Food safety experts conducting DNA tests found that around a third of burgers from major supermarket chains contained horse DNA, the Telegraph reports. The levels of horse DNA were fairly low...

I'll Have Another Drops Out of Belmont Stakes

Trainer Doug O'Neill cites tendonitis

(Newser) - I'll Have Another's Triple Crown hopes have been dashed: The horse won't race in the Belmont Stakes, his trainer says. Following the horse's outing this morning, Doug O'Neill spotted swelling. "He has the start of some tendonitis in the left front leg," O'...

24 Horses Die on US Racetracks ... Each Week
24 Horses Die on US Racetracks ... Each Week

24 Horses Die on US Racetracks ... Each Week

NYT investigates the deadly, drug-filled world of horse racing

(Newser) - If the extent of your horse-racing knowledge starts with the Kentucky Derby and ends with mint juleps, the New York Times' look at the deadly sport is both an eye-opening and jarring read. It reports that an average of 24 horses die every single week on the country's racetracks....

Horse Slaughterhouses Could Soon Rise Again

Congress lifts ban on funding horse meat inspections

(Newser) - When Congress passed a spending bill earlier this month to keep the government from shutting down, it quietly lifted a funding ban on horse meat inspections—meaning horses can once again be butchered in the US for human consumption, and slaughterhouses could open within 30 to 90 days. The US...

Angry Bees Kill Horse
 Angry Bees Kill Horse 

Angry Bees Kill Horse

Fly repellent spray may have ticked them off

(Newser) - A horse was killed and his owner seriously hurt when swarms of angry bees attacked them in southern California yesterday. The man asked someone to check on his horse as he was being treated in a Riverside emergency room for numerous bee stings. Animal service workers were dispatched to the...

Deadly Horse Virus Spreads Quickly in West

Seven animals euthanized; competitions canceled

(Newser) - A mutant strain of a common horse virus has resulted in the deaths of seven animals and appears to be spreading quickly in Western states, the Wall Street Journal reports. The USDA reports suspected or confirmed cases of Equine Herpes Virus-1 at 42 stables or farms across 18 states. (The...

Kentucky Derby: Root for the Horse With No Balls

Comma To The Top is the people's champion

(Newser) - Looking for a rooting interest at Sunday’s Kentucky Derby? Well, you should be cheering for Comma To The Top, argues Edward McClelland of Slate , for one simple reason: "He can’t produce sperm." Which means he’ll be able to race for another three years. “If...

No Happy Trails for Kentucky Derby Horses

The way we treat thoroughbreds is a disgrace, says Marlene Fanta Shyer

(Newser) - You might imagine that the horses who run in tomorrow’s Kentucky Derby live lives of "pampered luxury." But you’d be wrong, writes Marlene Fanta Shyer in the Christian Science Monitor . “The truth is often closer to years of abuse and a brutal end at a...

Brit Racetrack First to Ban Whipping

Officials cite animal welfare concerns

(Newser) - The whip is on the way out at Britain's Towcester racecourse. Bosses at the course, one of the country's toughest, will require riders to stick to the "head and heels" system, in which the whip can only be used for steering. "It is the Towcester board’...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>