
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Should Be the 'Saner Ross Perot'

 Obama Should 
 Be the 'Saner 
 Ross Perot' 
David Brooks

Obama Should Be the 'Saner Ross Perot'

Become the permanent outsider and fix the deficit, Mr. President

(Newser) - Somewhere out there lurks a “saner, updated version of Ross Perot,” ready to swoop in and ride the public’s growing dissatisfaction with all things Washington. He’ll rail against the mounting deficits, and the Republicans and Democrats who let them mount. Well, Barack Obama, “you can...

Today's GOP Would Have Impeached Gore After 9/11

Detroit response shows partisanship trumps patriotism

(Newser) - The aftermath of the Detroit terror attempt has exposed some ugly truths about American politics, writes Chris Bowers. He lists several in Open Left.
  • The GOP would have impeached Al Gore over 9/11. The "aggressive, partisan response" this failed terror attempt met shows they certainly wouldn't have been saying

Health Bill Passage a Tribute to Ted Kennedy
 Health Bill Passage 
 a Tribute to Ted Kennedy 

Health Bill Passage a Tribute to Ted Kennedy

'Liberal lion' invoked by both left and right, but what would he think?

(Newser) - The memory of Ted Kennedy was a vivid presence today on both sides of the aisle as the Senate passed its version of his signature issue, health care reform. The late Massachusetts senator “remained the Democrats' spiritual floor leader,” Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post , and almost...

Health Care Acrimony Could Kill Climate Bill

Dems need support of Republicans, who aren't feeling friendly

(Newser) - Key GOP senators are warning that the bitter health care battle could spill over into the climate change bill, delaying it or scuttling it outright. Normally clubby senators are nursing wounds and blaming Democrats for the fiercely partisan wrangling. “It makes it hard to do anything because of the...

Health Care Bill Clears Crucial Senate Test

Dems hail first key step in 'historic victory'

(Newser) - A filibuster strategy by Senate Republicans against the health care reform bill was shot down early this morning in a move that clearly signals the measure's likely passage before Christmas. The Senate voted 60-40 for cloture to short-circuit a GOP tactic aimed at killing a package of changes to the...

Axelrod: Dean Not Insane

 Axelrod: Dean 
 Not Insane 

Axelrod: Dean Not Insane

White House adviser softens rhetoric in health care spat

(Newser) - David Axelrod and Howard Dean took their health care smackdown to the Sunday dial today, with Axelrod conceding that OK, maybe the former Vermont gov isn't crazy. “I didn't say he was insane," the White House adviser told This Week. "“What I said was, it would...

McCain Morphs Into Chief Obama Foe
 McCain Morphs Into 
 Chief Obama Foe 

McCain Morphs Into Chief Obama Foe

Graham calls Arizona senator 'de facto leader of the Republican Party'

(Newser) - John McCain has made the transformation from possible Obama ally to a full-blooded Republican partisan, though insiders aren’t quite sure why. Some see his vocal opposition to the Obama administration’s policies as a concession to the realities of next year’s election, where he may face a challenge...

Dem Won't Apologize for 'Die Quickly' Gag
 Dem Won't Apologize 
 for 'Die Quickly' Gag 
political hijinks

Dem Won't Apologize for 'Die Quickly' Gag

Comments about 'Republican health care plan' light up YouTube

(Newser) - Florida Rep. Alan Grayson is refusing to apologize for his snarky statement on the House floor that Republicans want Americans to “die quickly.” Last night, Grayson took the floor and declared that he had, after much probing, determined that Republicans had a two part plan: Don’t get...

White House Throws Weight Into State Races

Some Democrat's fret about administration's increasingly partisan direction

(Newser) - The Obama administration is becoming increasingly assertive in trying to influence state-level elections around the country, the New York Times reports. White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and other top political strategists have made it plain that they're willing to play hardball to strengthen the Democratic ticket where necessary—...

Leave Wilson Alone: Parker
 Leave Wilson Alone: Parker 


Leave Wilson Alone: Parker

Outbursts par for the course in partisan politics

(Newser) - After Joe Wilson's “you lie” outburst, we may need to add “Joewilsoning” to the lexicon, as in, “OMG, he Joewilsoned right in the middle of the sermon!” writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post. Still, the reaction to the outburst seems a wee bit overblown. Wilson...

School Speech Uproar Shows Country Divided
School Speech Uproar Shows Country Divided

School Speech Uproar Shows Country Divided

In addressing kids, Bush 41 didn't have problems like Obama's

(Newser) - When George HW Bush gave a televised address to a public school in 1991 and urged schools around the country to show it in class, no one much cared. When President Obama announced plans to do the same, he drew outrage and comparisons to Chairman Mao. That’s America in...

Enough Already: Kennedy Was No Hero
 Enough Already: 
 Kennedy Was No Hero 

Enough Already: Kennedy Was No Hero

(Newser) - You wouldn’t know it from the tearful plaudits in the "echo chamber of the mainstream media," but Ted Kennedy was no hero, Howie Carr writes for the Boston Herald. Kennedy was actually a ruthless partisan—he accused Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork of wanting "segregated lunch...

GOP Looks Tacky in Vote on Sotomayor

(Newser) - Senate Republicans locked arms against Sonia Sotomayor yesterday … or would have, if they’d bothered to stay for the Judiciary Committee’s vote. Instead, half ducked out, leaving Jeff Sessions to repeat “No by proxy,” over and over, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post. It was...

Facing Primary Battle, Specter Shifts Leftward

Has voted with Dems 97% of time since Sestak announced bid

(Newser) - Since going blue, Arlen Specter voted with Democrats some two-thirds of the time on “Contentious Votes”—defined by Nate Silver of as “anything that comes up for a floor vote and where the majority of each party splits their votes.” That is, up until...

Sotomayor's Rope-A-Dope Strategy Looks Familiar
Sotomayor's Rope-A-Dope Strategy Looks Familiar

Sotomayor's Rope-A-Dope Strategy Looks Familiar

Nominee gives little insight into her true feelings on controversial issues

(Newser) - As Sonia Sotomayor’s question-and-answer session with the Senate Judiciary Committee continues today, the Supreme Court nominee is deploying a familiar strategy, Andrew Cohen writes for CBS News. It's the Rope-a-Dope, much like the one used by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito in their confirmation hearings. Simply...

Both Parties Will Use Sotomayor to Push Agendas

Parties hope to inspire support through questioning

(Newser) - Nobody expects Sonia Sotomayor to have serious trouble winning confirmation to the Supreme Court; the hearings that start today will be battles for American hearts and minds, with both parties seeing them as an opportunity to position themselves on key issues, the Washington Post reports. Aiming to ignite their base,...

House Dems Clear $106B War Funding Bill

(Newser) - War-funding legislation survived a fierce partisan battle in the House today, a major step in providing commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan the money they would need for the coming months. Democratic leaders pushing the $106 billion measure had to overcome an unusual alliance. Anti-war Democrats opposed continued war spending, and...

Sotomayor Has Wide Support: Poll

She's popular, but not as much as Justice Roberts was

(Newser) - Nearly half of Americans consider Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court an "excellent" or "good" development, while just 13% judge her a "poor" choice, a Gallup poll finds. Respondents split along party lines, with 28% of Republicans and just 1% of Democrats deeming the nomination...

Senators Rank Bipartisan Colleagues

Kennedy, Collins named most bipartisan

(Newser) - If you want to reach across the aisle in the Senate, chances are you're stretching toward Ted Kennedy or Susan Collins, according to a Hill survey of the upper chamber. “I’d love to co-sponsor every piece of legislation with Ted Kennedy,” says Sen. Richard Burr. The most...

Now I Know Why Lefties Hate Me Too: Milbank
Now I Know Why Lefties Hate Me Too: Milbank

Now I Know Why Lefties Hate Me Too: Milbank

Columnist deciphers rage by reading online comments

(Newser) - On the advice of a colleague, columnist Dana Milbank diligently read the comments left by some 1,800 readers last week. And he discovered some fascinating things. “On Tuesday, I learned that I am a right-wing hack. I am a certified idiot. I am Republican flack,” he writes...

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