
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Patrick Kennedy Slams Scott Brown

Ted Kennedy's son calls successor's candidacy a 'joke'

(Newser) - Scott Brown sped up his swearing-in because despite having touted his independence during his Senate campaign, "he's in the tank for the Republicans," says Patrick Kennedy, predecessor Ted Kennedy's son. Patrick Kennedy, a Rhode Island congressman, says Brown suddenly demanded to be seated a week earlier than previously...

Voters Losing Faith in Obama, Democrats
Voters Losing Faith in
Obama, Democrats

Voters Losing Faith in Obama, Democrats

People split on which party should control Congress; first time since '03

(Newser) - President Obama is still personally popular with voters, but approval of his party continues to slip and galvanize support for Republicans, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll shows. Voters are split 41%-41% on which party should control Congress after November—the first time voters haven't favored Democrats in this poll...

GOP Has Decent Chance of Taking the House
GOP Has Decent Chance
of Taking the House

GOP Has Decent Chance of Taking the House

2010 shaping up to be a wave election

(Newser) - Win or lose, Scott Brown’s Massachusetts race proves that all bets are off for November’s elections, which could see a wave so powerful that Republicans take control of the House. Though conventional wisdom holds that Democrats will lose seats but keep the helm, Sean Trende of RealClearPolitics figures...

Senate Dems Cry 'Uncle' on Cap and Trade

Nervous moderates ask White House not to push climate bill

(Newser) - At least half a dozen Senate Democrats have asked the White House to back off on its push for cap-and-trade climate legislation, afraid another bruising partisan battle like health care could wreck their 2010 reelection prospects. “Climate change in an election year has very poor prospects,” says Kent...

Dems' Supermajority: Be Careful What You Wish For

Sixty-senator caucus makes Reid hostage to any naysayer

(Newser) - The convergence of events that led to the Democrats getting 60 senators in their caucus must have felt like fate to Harry Reid, a sign that health care reform was meant to be. But as negotiations drag on, lucky No. 60 feels more like unlucky 13, because Reid must do...

Ex-Rep. Jefferson Sentenced to 13 Years
 Ex-Rep. Jefferson 
 Sentenced to 
 13 Years  
cold hard cash

Ex-Rep. Jefferson Sentenced to 13 Years

Pol busted with $90K in freezer betrays little emotion

(Newser) - A federal judge sentenced former Congressman William Jefferson to 13 years in prison today, less than the 27-plus years prosecutors called for but more than the 10-year term the Louisiana Democrat's lawyer wanted. Jefferson, who was convicted in August of 11 of the 16 counts relating to the public corruption...

Any Random Conservative Would Crush Snowe in 2010
Any Random Conservative Would Crush Snowe in 2010

Any Random Conservative Would Crush Snowe in 2010

Generic Republican wins 59%-31% in poll

(Newser) - Olympia Snowe could be in trouble in 2012: a new poll found that a generic conservative challenger would trounce the Maine moderate in a primary. The hypothetical conservative got 59% of the vote, while Snowe received just 31%. While it can be argued that results for hypothetical candidate have little...

Bloomberg Squeaker Embarrasses Obama, Dems

Many bemoan tepid support of Thompson

(Newser) - No one thought Bill Thompson had a prayer against Michael Bloomberg—no one, that is, except voters. Bloomberg did indeed win yesterday, but it was a moral defeat for the mayor, who spent $90 million and won by just 5%. And it’s an even bigger embarrassment for Democrats, who...

Obama Can't Save Democrats
 Obama Can't Save Democrats 

Obama Can't Save Democrats

NJ, Va. votes show that president's popularity isn't catching

(Newser) - The message to Democratic candidates from yesterday's GOP wins in New Jersey and Virginia should be loud and clear: they're on their own, writes Dan McLaughlin . Jon Corzine and Creigh Deeds tied themselves as closely to possible to President Obama and lost, demonstrating that the president's continued personal popularity isn't...

New Trouble for Rangel: Ethics Panel Widens Probe

Investigation will cover amended financial reports

(Newser) - The House ethics committee is expanding its yearlong investigation of Charles Rangel to look at amended financial disclosure forms he filed earlier this year. Rangel, who chairs the Ways and Means Committee, filed the reports in July to account for $600,000 in previously undisclosed assets, reports Politico. The development...

Dems Block Move to Oust Rangel From Tax Post

GOP keeps his ethics trouble in spotlight

(Newser) - House Republicans failed today for a third time to oust Charles Rangel as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee—but they kept the spotlight on his ethical problems. Instead of removing him, the House voted 246-153 along mostly partisan lines to refer the GOP resolution to the House ethics...

Congressman Defiant Over 'Die Quickly' Jab

Apologizes to the dead, not GOP, cites US health care 'holocaust'

(Newser) - The Democratic congressman who belittled Republicans for promoting a health care plan that wants the ill to "die quickly" ratcheted up his rhetoric even more today. Noting that some Republicans had demanded he apologize, Florida's Alan Grayson took to the House floor with an apology of a different sort:...

Obvious Guy to Fix Calif.: Guy Who Broke It?
Obvious Guy to Fix Calif.: Guy Who Broke It?

Obvious Guy to Fix Calif.: Guy Who Broke It?

Despite one ruinous turn as governor, Jerry Brown is front-runner

(Newser) - California is a financial mess, hamstrung by some late-1970s leftovers: some ill-considered “low-impact liberalism” and a ballot measure that makes raising taxes nearly impossible. Both came during the governorship of Democrat Jerry Brown, he of the motto “Maybe by avoiding doing things you accomplish quite a lot”—...

Hey, Dems: Stop Whining About Civility and Fight Back!

Dems could easily win this debate and should fight back instead of complaining

(Newser) - The Democrats should be trying to land a few blows in the health care debate instead of meekly complaining about a lack of civility from the opposition, Thomas Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal. The right wing has made the issue into a crusade for its vision of liberty,...

Historian Sheds Gossipy Light on Clinton Years

In new book, ex-prez discusses Lewinsky, Yeltsin's drunken caper

(Newser) - Between 1993 and 2001, historian Taylor Branch met regularly with then-President Clinton for a series of taped interviews. The transcripts form the basis of a new book, The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President, to be released next week. USA Today got a look and singles out some highlights:...

Dems Must Reconnect to Populist Soul

Democrats are afraid to say that government can do good: Frank

(Newser) - To save health care reform, Democrats need to remember what the real issue is: making the government work for average people, writes Thomas Frank for the Wall Street Journal. Health care is the Democrats' signature issue because it is quintessentially populist—a leveling of the playing field in the name...

Racist Media Gunning for Me: Paterson

NY gov says Obama, Deval Patrick also face white hostility

(Newser) - New York's governor says they're all out to get him, and President Obama, and other black politicians, the Daily News reports. Calling for more "black" media outlets to balance things out, David Paterson blamed his 30% popularity rating on white reporters and commentators. "We have a media...

Obama, House Dems Dig In, Push Back on Health Care

Website, 'war room' target misinformation

(Newser) - Democrats are lurching into action to fight for health care reform, Politico reports. The Obama administration today launched a new viral “Reality Check” website to combat health care myths, modeled on the “Fight the Smears” site it used to get elected. Among other claims, the videos debunk rumors...

My Client's Corrupt, But Who Isn't?
My Client's Corrupt, But
Who Isn't?
politics on trial

My Client's Corrupt, But Who Isn't?

All pols have bribes in the freezer, Jefferson's lawyer contends

(Newser) - Former Rep. William Jefferson’s lawyer tried a novel defense tactic in his closing arguments yesterday: putting all of the political class on trial. Sure, his client had stashed bribe money in his freezer—but hasn’t everyone, metaphorically speaking? “We all occupy the gray area,” said attorney...

Why Are Blue Dogs Derailing Health Reform?

(Newser) - The Blue Dogs are threatening to sink health care reform in the House for reasons that don't seem to add up, Paul Krugman writes in the New York Times. The coalition of conservative Democrats—whose support President Obama needs—is crying loudly about fiscal responsibility, Krugman writes, while at the...

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