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Texas Democratic Rep Has Pancreatic Cancer

Sheila Jackson Lee says 'road ahead will not be easy'

(Newser) - Longtime US Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee announced that she has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is undergoing treatment, reports the AP . The Texas Democrat, who's seeking a 16th term in the 18th District, said in a statement late Sunday that as a member of Congress, she has been...

Kid Rock Accuses Taylor Swift of 'Oldest Move in the Book'

Makes crude reference in online political attack against Swift, who he says 'wants to be a Democrat'

(Newser) - Kid Rock is picking a fight with Taylor Swift, and it's political, with a "twisted oral sex remark" thrown in for good measure, TMZ reports. On Friday, the 48-year-old singer posted a tweet that was immediately called misogynistic and abusive . "Taylor Swift wants to be a democrat...

'Rising Democratic Star' Drops Out of Race, Cites PTSD

Democrat Jason Kander says he's 'done hiding' his post-traumatic stress disorder, depression

(Newser) - "I suffer from depression and have PTSD symptoms. After 11 years, I'm finally ready to do something about it." That was the surprise tweet Tuesday from Jason Kander, an Afghanistan war veteran and "rising Democratic star" who'd hoped to become the next mayor of Kansas...

Willie Nelson Irks Some Fans With Concert First

Singer will perform in Texas at Beto O'Rourke rally, Nelson's first public show for a political candidate

(Newser) - A free Willie Nelson concert in the heart of the Lone Star State seems like something that would attract fans of all political stripes, but there's a good chance the Sept. 29 event will feature a largely left-leaning crowd. That's because the country crooner is headlining a "...

House Democrats Fade Into Irrelevance

 Nobody Cares 
 About Lowly 
 House Dems 

Nobody Cares About Lowly House Dems

Power is with Obama, Senate Democrats, and House Republicans: Dana Milbank

(Newser) - With Congress split between the two parties, power in Washington is about President Obama, Senate Democrats, and House Republicans (and, thanks to the filibuster , Senate Republicans). But House Democrats? Not so much, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . "[T]here is no dignity in being a House Democrat these...

Thomas Friedman: Bring Back 'Sane' GOP of George HW Bush

 Bring Back 
 'Sane' GOP 
 of Bush 41 

Bring Back 'Sane' GOP of Bush 41

Friedman misses the balanced conservatism of yore

(Newser) - With today's Republican Party being led around by Tea Party extremists, Thomas Friedman misses the adult supervision of George HW Bush, he writes in the New York Times . Calling him "one of our most underrated presidents," Friedman contends that Bush père brought foreign policy "deftness"...

Pelosi, Democrats Are the Real Winners in 2010

Op-ed: They passed health care reform and deserve a toast, not scorn

(Newser) - Democrats blew it. In just two years, they managed to squander an ocean of goodwill and hope, resulting in a trouncing at the hands of Republicans—and their long slog on the health care bill was to blame. That's the prevailing narrative, anyway. At Slate , William Saletan suggests this view...

Ex-Lawmakers to 2010 Candidates: Behave!

130 former legislators calls for civility on Capitol Hill in letter

(Newser) - More than 130 former members of Congress banded together to offer a message to 2010 congressional candidates via letter: Stop the "zero-sum game" partisanship that has paralyzed the legislative branch. So many former lawmakers have never spoken with one voice to all congressional candidates, but they felt prodded by...

Public Hates Democrats, Hates GOP Even More
Public Hates Democrats, Hates GOP Even More
Poll Numbers

Public Hates Democrats, Hates GOP Even More

But Republican backers are more likely to vote

(Newser) - It's good news/bad news time, Democrats. Bad news: The public doesn’t much like you. In fact, a whopping 60% disapprove of the job you’re doing in the latest AP poll. Good news: They dislike Republicans even more; 68% disapprove of them, and Sarah Palin and George W. Bush...

Rangel on House Floor: I'm Not Quitting

Embattled congressman urges colleagues to schedule ethics hearing

(Newser) - Charles Rangel has no plans to resign, wants a chance to address the ethics charges against him , and would rather be expelled than linger in limbo. In a rambling but impassioned half-hour speech on the House floor this afternoon, the New York Democrat said, "If I can't take my...

True Believer Chris Dodd a Great Senate Role Model

Veteran lawmaker contends liberals 'make it easy for the other side'

(Newser) - EJ Dionne is no lover of the Senate —he thinks it should be abolished, actually—but he has to respect the faith of Chris Dodd, a venerable lawmaker and one of the chamber's fiercest advocates. Dodd, who is retiring this year, says liberals have hindered their progress by "...

Big Winners in High Court's Gun Ruling? Democrats

Issue thankfully off the table for November

(Newser) - Conservatives may be pleased with the Supreme Court’s recent gun rights ruling, but Democrats are the big winners politically. Lots of Democratic incumbents hail from gun-loving districts, and now they’ve got one less wedge issue to deal with, Politico reasons. “It pretty much took that off the...

Davis Loses Bid to Become First Black Ala. Guv

Centrist strategy bombs for Dem congressman

(Newser) - Rep. Artur Davis' bid to become Alabama's first black governor is over. The Democrat—who sought to play down race as a factor in the primary—lost heavily to agriculture commissioner Ron Sparks. Davis' white rival gained endorsements from the African-American political groups whose support Davis had intentionally avoided seeking...

Dems Tell Buffett to Stuff It
 Dems Tell Buffett to Stuff It 

Dems Tell Buffett to Stuff It

Berkshire provision killed in financial reform legislation

(Newser) - Democrats today agreed to torpedo the sweetheart derivatives provision Warren Buffett was lobbying to insert into their financial reform legislation, the Wall Street Journal reports. The decision comes scant hours after the Journal 's original front-page report that Ben Nelson had managed to jam the provision into the Agriculture Committee's...

Dems' Reaction to Angry Right Is Ridiculous

Left is exaggerating, exploiting tensions, writes Jonah Goldberg

(Newser) - People like the Alabama militia leader who advocated breaking the windows of Democratic politicians are "wrong, reprehensible and clownish," but the Democratic reaction is just as bad, writes Jonah Goldberg. Some overheated commentators have gone so far as to draw parallels between that incident and Kristallnacht when there's...

Dems: Public Was Divided on Medicare, Too

Leadership circulates '60s poll numbers to reassure members

(Newser) - Democratic leaders hope the example of Medicare will strengthen their colleagues' resolve in the fight for health care reform. Aides have been circulating poll numbers from 1962 that showed a public deeply divided on the Medicare proposal, with 28% in favor, 24% against, and 33% with no opinion, writes Greg...

Health Reform Won't Save Dems
 Health Reform Won't Save Dems

Health Reform Won't Save Dems

The bill won't be any more popular after it's passed, writes Kim Strassel

(Newser) - The Democrats are living in dreamland if they think passing health care is good politics, writes Kim Strassel. The bill isn't going to become any more popular than it is now with independent voters if it becomes law, and passing it is hardly going to energize a Democratic base that...

Patrick Kennedy Loses It on House Floor
 Patrick Kennedy 
 Loses It on House Floor 
afghanistan coverage 'despicable'

Patrick Kennedy Loses It on House Floor

Rhode Island Congressman blasts media for Afghanistan Coverage

(Newser) - Patrick Kennedy blasted the media on the floor of the House this afternoon, calling the focus on the likes of Eric Massa rather than the war in Afghanistan "despicable." The lame-duck Rhode Island Democrat was speaking—and eventually shouting—in favor of a Dennis Kucinich-sponsored resolution requiring President...

House Passes $15B Jobs Bill

Measure offers tax breaks for making new hires

(Newser) - The House today passed a $15 billion jobs bill that gives tax breaks to companies that make new hires. The scaled-down measure passed 217-201 on a mostly party-line vote and now heads back to the Senate. The bill also includes $20 billion for road and bridge construction.

Landrieu Scion Wins New Orleans Mayoral Election

Mary Landrieu's brother, Mitch, succeeds term-limited Ray Nagin

(Newser) - Frustrated by term-limited Mayor Ray Nagin's leadership of New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina, voters elected Louisiana Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu to succeed him last night, turning to a political scion to speed up the city's recovery. Landrieu, 49, became the majority-black city's first white mayor since 1978, the year his...

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