nuclear program

Stories 101 - 109 | << Prev 

Cheney Pushing Bush Toward Military Option On Iran

Winning debate against Rice & Gates

(Newser) - Dick Cheney is winning a West Wing power struggle, pushing the president toward the threat of military action against Iran, the Guardian reports. After an internal review over the last month, Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates favor continued diplomacy, but are said to be losing the argument. "Bush is...

North Korea Shuts Down Reactor
North Korea Shuts Down Reactor

North Korea Shuts Down Reactor

UN nuclear inspectors to confirm claim; first fuel oil shipment arrives

(Newser) - North Korea claimed to have shut down the nuclear reactor at Yongbyon today, just hours after a ship arrived bearing the first installment of the fuel oil that  was promised in exchange for closing the reactor. UN inspectors are headed to the site to confirm the shutdown, the first major...

US Goes One-on-One With N. Korea
US Goes One-on-One With N. Korea

US Goes One-on-One With N. Korea

Top envoy dispatched to Pyongyang as nuke talks get serious

(Newser) - In a sudden reversal of White House strategy, envoy Christopher Hill has been dispatched to North Korea for direct talks on dismantling the nation's nuclear arsenal, the New York Times reports. The move came just hours after the US released $25 million in frozen North Korean funds that had stalled...

N. Korea Said Ready to Close Reactor in July

Pariah set to come in from the nuclear cold

(Newser) - North Korea will close down its main nuclear reactor as early as next month, Reuters reports, citing Russia's Interfax news agency. UN  nuclear inspectors have been invited into the country; now a diplomatic source tell Interfax that inspectors will be present as the Yongbyon reactor, which produces weapons-grade plutonium, begins...

Iran Won't Budge on Uranium
Iran Won't Budge on Uranium

Iran Won't Budge on Uranium

Negotiator bound for EU talks puts enrichment off-limits

(Newser) - Iran won't stop enriching uranium, its chief nuclear negotiator said today, hours before scheduled talks with the EU. Tomorrow's meeting will focus on Iran's nuclear program, seen as an increasing threat after recent inspections indicated the country is moving closer to nuclear capability. Monday's US-Iran negotiations on Iraq have no...

Bush Cozies Up to China
Bush Cozies Up to China

Bush Cozies Up to China

Patient president avoids hot-button policy issues, treads lightly on trade deficit

(Newser) - President Bush struck a conciliatory tone in yesterday's congress with Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi, despite thickening indignation over Chinese policies. The Journal reports that the White House meeting tiptoed around China's tolerance of copyright piracy, the export of tainted food products, and Beijing's increasingly worrisome nuclear program.

Iran Boosts Nuclear Capability
Iran Boosts Nuclear Capability

Iran Boosts Nuclear Capability

Surprise inspection turns up improved enrichment technology

(Newser) - Iran has made a quantum leap in its nuclear program, and now has the capacity to enrich uranium on a much larger scale than previously believed, the International Atomic Energy Agency reports after a short-notice inspection last weekend. With dramatically improved centrifuge technology, engineers are turning out reactor-grade uranium.

Money Trail Leads To North Korean Deal

(Newser) - Freezing accounts in a small bank in Macau 18 months ago was key to the recent U.S. success in negotiating an end to North Korea's nuclear program, the Journal reports. Tracing the "saga of bluff and brinkmanship" that led to the deal, the Journal shows the Bush...

Crisis Shows Isolated Iran
Crisis Shows Isolated Iran

Crisis Shows Isolated Iran

Tehran isolated - tries to push back

(Newser) - Iran’s abduction of the British sailors and its subsequent belligerence may actually be evidence that international sanctions against the rogue nation are working. Fareed Zakaria argues in Newsweek that Iran’s posturing reflects its growing isolation, after both Russia and China backed U.N. condemnation of its nuclear program....

Stories 101 - 109 | << Prev