nuclear program

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Iran Nukes Raise 'Serious Concern' for UN

Watchdog group says Tehran has failed to explain its programs

(Newser) - The UN’s nuclear overseers warned today that Iran hadn’t explained various intelligence reports suggesting it was making atomic weapons and called the matter a “serious concern.” Tehran dismissed the intelligence data as "fabricated" and provided unacceptable answers, the UN report says. The developments could lead...

EU Experts Say Iran Closer to Nuke Weapon

Tehran a year away on uranium; separate UN report out today

(Newser) - A new report from a European Union agency concludes that Iran could have enough uranium to build an atomic bomb within one year. The EU results—which precede a major UN report coming out today—look nothing like the findings of the US intelligence community, writes Der Spiegel: the recent...

Political Rift Weakens Ahmadinejad
Political Rift

Political Rift Weakens Ahmadinejad

Ayatollah overrules Iranian president on gas for villagers

(Newser) - Iran's firebrand president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suffered a serious political humiliation  yesterday when the nation's supreme leader sided with his opponents to force him to supply a billion dollars worth of natural gas to remote villages suffering power cuts. Iran's poorest communities are enduring one of the harshest winters in years,...

White House to Shrink Nuke Program
White House to Shrink Nuke Program

White House to Shrink Nuke Program

600 buildings slated for shutdown, warheads to be decommissioned

(Newser) - The Bush administration is planning a substantial reduction in the size of the nuclear weapons program, with 600 buildings set for closure at facilities across the country, reports the Washington Post. The American nuclear program is an "outdated, Cold War complex," said the administrator of the National Nuclear...

Russia Gives Iran Nuclear Fuel
Russia Gives Iran Nuclear Fuel

Russia Gives Iran Nuclear Fuel

Says Tehran has promised not to develop weaponry

(Newser) - Russia delivered nuclear material to Iran yesterday, the BBC reports, ignoring Washington’s protests. Russia says it has assurances that the plutonium will only be used for the nuclear power plant in Bushehr, which is being built by a Russian company, but the US says that spent uranium could be...

Iran Resumed Nuke Program, Says Group

Marxists join neo-cons in chorus against intelligence reversal

(Newser) - An Iranian opposition group claims that the US intelligence agency's recent reversal on the status of Iran’s nuclear program was in error, the Wall Street Journal reports. The group, which first identified Iran's nuclear program in 2002, agrees that Iran closed down its major research facility in 2003, says...

Angry Iran Blasts US for 'Espionage'

Minister attack US intel, denies past weapons program

(Newser) - Iran has blasted the US for spying and demanded “explanations for US espionage" in a letter sent to Washington, the BBC reports.  Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said today that a recent US intelligence report—which claims Iran's nuclear weapons program ended four years ago—was full of “...

Merkel, Sarko Keep Heat on Iran
Merkel, Sarko Keep Heat on Iran

Merkel, Sarko Keep Heat on Iran

Partners insist sanctions are still possible despite new intelligence

(Newser) - Angela Merkel joined Nicolas Sarkozy yesterday in reaffirming their hard line on Iran's nuclear program despite the new American intelligence assessment that weapons development was halted in 2003. "I don't see why we should renounce sanctions," said the French president at a joint press conference in Paris, with...

Iran Defends Nuke Program in Letter to the World

Tehran insists it's making electricity

(Newser) - Iran has written a letter to world diplomats insisting that the nation's nuclear program is not a threat. "I would like to emphasize that Iran's nuclear program is completely peaceful," the foreign minister writes, adding that Iran has worked with the IAEA "even beyond its legal commitments....

Korean PMs Get Down to Business
Korean PMs Get Down to Business

Korean PMs Get Down to Business

After summit, premiers meet in Seoul to discuss economic development

(Newser) - North Korea's prime minister  is in Seoul today for the start of a 3-day summit with his South Korean counterpart. The leaders are discussing how to implement peace agreements from last month's landmark meeting of the two Korean top leaders. But in the first visit by a northern leader to...

Siemens, Banks Bow to US Pressure to End Iran Biz

Firms falling in line with anti-nuke arm-twisting

(Newser) - The Siemens company in Germany, one of the world's largest engineering operations, and the country's three largest banks are cutting business ties with Iran under White House pressure to get out or risk US interests. It's a sign that major European corporations are beginning to line up behind American economic...

Iran Nuke Claim Raises Fears of Israeli Strike

Tehran's alleged 3K enrichment centrifuges heightens tensions

(Newser) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced yesterday that Iran has 3,000 working centrifuges for uranium enrichment—enough, experts say, to make a nuclear bomb within a year. But what worries Washington more, the Times of London reports, is whether Israel will launch a preemptive airstrike. US military sources say Tehran's announcement...

Kucinich Questions 'Mental Health' of President

Says Iran remarks raise doubts about stability

(Newser) - White House hopeful Dennis Kucinich yesterday said recent remarks by President Bush about Iran causing World War III suggest there is "a very serious question" about his mental stability. "I seriously believe we have to start asking questions about his mental health," the Ohio Democrat told the...

Iran Looms Large in Campaign
Iran Looms Large in Campaign

Iran Looms Large in Campaign

Iran is the new Iraq on the stump

(Newser) - Iran is beginning to dominate the campaign rhetoric of White house hopefuls of both parties as Iraq once did, reports CNN. Tough US sanctions against Tehran and growing indications of some kind of military intervention to halt the development of nuclear weapons are being compared with the steps taken in...

South Korean Prez Meets Grim Kim in Historic Summit

Chilly Kim greets Roh in second summit ever

(Newser) - South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun crossed the border to be met by cheering crowds and grim-faced North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il in Pyongyang today for the second summit ever between the two countries. Roh hopes to make progress toward a permanent truce between the nations but won't broach the touchy...

Iran to West: Don't Even Think About It

Tehran says attackers will rue aggression "as they regret it in Iraq"

(Newser) - In a parade flanked by missiles and homegrown fighter jets, Iran unequivocally responded to the West's indirect threats of force against the Islamic nation's nuclear ambitions: "Our message to the enemies is: Do not do it," said the head of Iran's Revolutionary Guard. "They will regret it,...

US Knew About Israel's Raid on Syria in Advance

Shared intelligence on suspected nukes led to mysterious airstrike

(Newser) - Israeli intelligence provided President Bush with indications that North Korean nuclear officials had arrived in Syria before Israel stealthily bombed an alleged nuclear facility there. Although the US was reluctant to upset progress on North Korean nonproliferation, it nevertheless tacitly supported Israel's raid—and likely corroborated the facts before Israel...

French Minister Backs Off Iran War Threat

"Negotiate, negotiate," Kouchner now says after storm of criticism

(Newser) - French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner yesterday backpedaled on comments he'd made threatening war with Iran if it didn't drop development of its nuclear program. "The worst situation would be war, and to avoid the worst, the French position is very clear: negotiate, negotiate, negotiate," he said after criticism...

North Korea Off Terror List
North Korea
Off Terror List

North Korea Off Terror List

Rogue state claims US removed from blacklist after bilateral talks, nuke agreements

(Newser) - The US has agreed to remove North Korea from an official list of state sponsors of terror, according to the authoritarian country's foreign ministry. The BBC reports that the move followed bilateral talks last week, and was one of many provisions traded for a dismantling of Kim Jong-Il's nuclear program.

Two Koreas Set Summit
Two Koreas
Set Summit

Two Koreas Set Summit

Leaders of divided peninsula will meet for first time since 2000

(Newser) - The leaders of North and South Korea will meet for a three-day summit at the end of the month for the first time in 7 years, Reuters reports. The summit in Pyongyang is expected to have little impact on the six-party negotiations that succeeded in inducing the North Koreans to...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>