Pat Toomey

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Dr. Oz: Is Fetterman 'Too Sick' to Debate?

Senate candidate making continued bid to get rival to debate in contentious Pennsylvania race

(Newser) - Dr. Mehmet Oz is continuing to use John Fetterman's stroke against him as the two battle it out for a Senate seat. After Fetterman declined to debate Oz this week , Oz—who's been pushing for five debates—told reporters Tuesday, "John Fetterman is either healthy and he’...

5th GOP Senator Says He'll Retire
5th GOP Senator
Says He'll Retire

5th GOP Senator Says He'll Retire

Roy Blunt of Missouri won't run for reelection in 2022

(Newser) - Roy Blunt on Monday became the fifth Republican senator to announce that he's calling it quits. The 71-year-old Missouri lawmaker said in a tweeted video that he will not seek reelection in 2022. Axios notes that Blunt is the fourth-ranking Republican in the Senate, and it ticks off the...

Republicans Back Home Don't Take 7 Votes Well

Louisiana GOP censures Cassidy

(Newser) - Republican senators who voted to convict former President Trump in his impeachment trial are hearing about it from party officials back home. Sen. Bill Cassidy was promptly censured by Louisiana party leaders, the Hill reports. The state party condemned Cassidy's vote in a tweet , adding, "Fortunately, clearer heads...

Toomey Calls Resignation 'a Very Good Outcome'

Republican senator says Trump's conduct is impeachable

(Newser) - President Trump has lost the support of another Republican senator in his struggle to remain in office after the mob attack on the Capitol last week. "I do think the president committed impeachable offenses," Sen. Pat Toomey said, the Hill reports. In an interview on Fox News, the...

Both Parties Push Trump to Sign Relief Bill
Sign the Bill,
Tell Trump

Sign the Bill, Lawmakers Tell Trump

Congress can approve more relief later, both parties say

(Newser) - Lawmakers of both parties pressed President Trump on Sunday to sign the COVID-19 relief and spending bill, after unemployment benefits for millions of Americans expired overnight. "What the president is doing right now is unbelievably cruel," said Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. "So many people are hurting....

Political Odd Couple May Have Paved Way for COVID Relief

Meanwhile, a government shutdown loomed

(Newser) - Top congressional lawmakers struck a late-night agreement on the last major obstacle to a COVID-19 economic relief package costing nearly $1 trillion, clearing the way for votes as early as Sunday. Per the AP , a Democratic aide said that an agreement had been reached late Saturday and that compromise language...

Your $600 Check Stalls Over 'Arcane' Argument

Sen. Pat Toomey wants to curb Federal Reserve powers

(Newser) - An arcane battle over emergency Federal Reserve powers is frustrating efforts to lock down an agreement on an almost $1 trillion COVID-19 economic relief package, the AP reports. Saturday's impasse is just the latest stumble in a partisan, monthslong fight, and feelings hardened as the Senate congregated for a...

GOP Senator Has Big News on His Political Future

Pennsylvania's Pat Toomey doesn't plan to run again in 2022, says he'll return to 'private sector'

(Newser) - Republican US Sen. Pat Toomey confirmed Monday he won't seek reelection in 2022 and plans to leave public service, a surprise move for the fiercely anti-tax and anti-regulation lawmaker who'd been seen as a favorite for GOP nominee for governor, the AP reports. Toomey's decision will force...

Trump Could Make Animal Cruelty a Federal Crime

Bill awaits his signature after unanimous House, Senate votes

(Newser) - Animal cruelty could become a federal felony if President Trump signs a bill headed for his desk. The Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan bill Tuesday making certain types of animal cruelty a federal crime. "Current federal law prohibits animal fighting and only criminalizes animal cruelty if the wrongdoers create...

Teacher Raises $60K to 'Buy' Senator's Vote on DeVos

Katherine Fritz says she's 'using satire' to make a point

(Newser) - When her repeated calls failed to convince Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania to vote against Betsy DeVos as secretary of Education when the vote is held Monday, Katherine Fritz decided to "buy" his vote instead. Aware that DeVos has donated about $55,800 to the Republican's campaign, the...

For Team Koch, Hustle for GOP Is All Down-Ballot
For Team Koch,
It's Trump Who?

For Team Koch, It's Trump Who?

Americans for Prosperity has given up presidential race, focuses on GOP's other battlegrounds

(Newser) - The RNC might be holding emergency conference calls as Donald Trump's campaign flounders, but the presidential race might as well be non-existent for David and Charles Koch, the GOP mega-donors who announced months ago that they were sitting on their wallets as far as Trump is concerned. They've...

There's a Senator in Charge of Stocking a Candy Desk

Pat Toomey hopes his Mars bars and Peeps will keep bipartisan battles at bay

(Newser) - It's said you can catch more flies with honey—or, in Capitol Hill's case, with a desk full of Twizzlers, Three Musketeers, and Milky Ways. Sen. Pat Toomey is the latest honcho to take the helm of the "Candy Desk," currently located in the back row...

7 GOP Senators Push Gay Rights Bill Over Hurdle

ENDA moves forward; faces tough fight in House

(Newser) - A bill banning workplace discrimination against gays and lesbians looks certain to pass the Senate after clearing a key hurdle last night with Republican help, Roll Call reports. The chamber voted 61-30 to move forward with the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, a move that lifts ENDA past filibuster and all but...

Manchin: I'm Not Done With Gun Control Yet

Says he wants to bring reworked legislation back to Senate floor

(Newser) - Joe Manchin wants to take another crack at gun control, telling Fox New Sunday that he's going to retool his failed proposal on background checks to bring it to the Senate floor. “We’re going to work this bill with all of our hearts," he said today....

Hope for Tighter Gun Laws Still Alive in Senate

Two different efforts 'quietly' underway, says NYT

(Newser) - The push for stricter gun laws might not be quite so dead after all in the Senate. The New York Times reports that efforts are "quietly" underway to get something done on background checks and illegal trafficking. Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey, the co-sponsors of the background-check bill that...

Reid Pulls Weakened Gun Control Legislation

Promises to reintroduce after an indefinite 'pause'

(Newser) - Given that the gun legislation moving through the Senate had been stripped of pretty much every reform advocates considered meaningful, Harry Reid today yanked what remained from consideration, reports the Hill . But he promised the Senate would revisit the proposal to tighten background checks after this indefinite "pause and...

Senate Rejects Tougher Background Checks

Parents of Sandy Hook victims watch proposal fail by 6 votes

(Newser) - As expected , the Senate today rejected a bipartisan effort to expand federal background checks on gun purchasers. An attempt to ban assault-style weapons and a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines were also rejected in a series of showdown votes four months after the Newtown rampage. The background check measure...

Toomey, Manchin Unveil Deal on Background Checks

Not quite universal, but checks would include gun shows, online sales

(Newser) - Sens. Pat Toomey and Joe Manchin this morning unveiled their bipartisan deal on background checks, anonymous sources tell NBC . “Background checks are not a cure-all, but they can be helpful," said Toomey, in announcing the deal. It wouldn't create truly universal background checks—some transactions, like those...

McConnell: I'll Filibuster Gun Control Bill

Plus, Senate Dems are scrambling to decide on which bill to push

(Newser) - A gun control bill—though it's not clear which one—is expected to hit the Senate floor this week , and the latest Republican to threaten it is Mitch McConnell. The minority leader joins a group of GOP colleagues, now numbering 13, who intend to filibuster any gun bill that...

If Gun Control Fails, Blame McCain, Not 'Extremists'

Alex Pareene thinks we're seeing a vivid illustration of why the Senate is broken

(Newser) - Washington elites are no doubt applauding Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey for attempting to forge a gun control deal . That such tense negotiations are necessary, even though most Americans and at least 51 senators support comprehensive background checks, "isn't considered particularly distressing or embarrassing," observes Alex Pareene...

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