alcohol abuse

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About 1 in 5 Young Women Binge Drink
 About 1 in 5 
 Young Women 
 Binge Drink 
in case you missed it

About 1 in 5 Young Women Binge Drink

CDC says problem is too often overlooked

(Newser) - The CDC today released new stats on binge drinking among women, calling it an under-appreciated problem that often begins in high school. For CDC purposes, binge drinking for females is defined as having more than four glasses in one sitting. Some stats passed along via USA Today , CNN , and Medscape...

Beer Now Officially 'Alcohol' in Russia

It's no longer a foodstuff, and you can't buy it after 11pm

(Newser) - Things just got a lot tougher for any Russian who selected "drink less alcohol" as his New Year's resolution: As of today, beer is officially classified as alcohol there. The Telegraph reports that the beverage, equated with soft drinks by many Russians and previously categorized as a foodstuff,...

Marines Face Random Alcohol Tests

And even a 0.1% result requires counseling

(Newser) - The Marines have adopted what sounds like a zero-tolerance approach to alcohol. Beginning next month, all members of the Corps must undergo random Breathalyzer tests twice a year, reports the Los Angeles Times . Those who blow a .01% or higher—that's possible after a single drink—get referred for...

Pills for Addicts? 12-Step Centers Don't Buy It

But drug treatment centers show little interest

(Newser) - Decades of 12-step programs have set the standard for addiction treatment, but now doctors and scientists are trying to give drug and alcohol addicts another option: medication. With some federal support, these experts are adding to drugs already in use—like methadone for heroin addiction—by telling doctors about medications...

Military Drinking a &#39;Public Health Crisis&#39;
 Military Drinking a 
 'Public Health Crisis' 
study says

Military Drinking a 'Public Health Crisis'

New study finds 20% of troops drank heavily in 2008

(Newser) - Substance abuse in the US military has escalated to the point that it is now a "public health crisis," according to a new report. The Defense Department requested the analysis by the Institute of Medicine, which found that:
  • Around 20% of active-duty troops said they drank heavily in

Drunk Guy Who Tied Kids to Car: I Thought They'd Like It

Because who wouldn't? Plus, other tales from the bottle...

(Newser) - An Indiana man who thought it was a good idea to drunkenly strap four kids to the hood of his car and go on a three-block joy ride has pleaded guilty to several charges. Aaron Stefanski, 29 of Fort Wayne, was arrested in May after a witness called 911. Stefanski...

LSD Helps Alcoholics Quit Booze
 LSD Helps 
 Quit Booze 
study says

LSD Helps Alcoholics Quit Booze

'Beneficial effect' found by researchers analyzing '60s studies

(Newser) - LSD's value as a treatment for alcoholism has been overlooked for decades, according to researchers revisiting old studies. A team that analyzed six separate studies from the '60s found that a single dose of the psychedelic drug had a "significant beneficial effect" on alcoholics that lasted for...

Sioux Tribe Sues Beer Makers for $500M

Sellers turning blind eye to smuggling, devastating problem: suit

(Newser) - The town of Whiteclay, Nebraska, has only 14 residents, but four beer stores which sell nearly 5 million cans a year. If you think those numbers sound strange, you're paying more attention than beer makers, a lawsuit from the Oglala Sioux Tribe charges. The Pine Ridge reservation—where alcohol...

Seniors Binge Drink the Most
 Seniors Binge Drink the Most  
CDC Report Says

Seniors Binge Drink the Most

Half of all alcohol consumed in America drunk in binges

(Newser) - More revelations from the new report by the CDC on binge drinking in America: Universities may be home to the biggest binge drinkers in America, but it turns out the most frequent bingers live in retirement homes, reports Discovery . The report defines a "binge" as five drinks in one...

1 in 6 Americans Is a Binge Drinker

Nation's heaviest boozers are in Wisconsin, study finds

(Newser) - Federal health officials have released their most detailed study yet of America's binge drinkers—and if you're a college-educated, high-earning young white man from Wisconsin, you may already be drunk by the time you read this. Researchers found that 38 million Americans, roughly a sixth of the adult...

Post-Holiday Detox Does 'More Harm Than Good'

'Janopause' leads to excessive drinking afterwards: doctors

(Newser) - Planning to go cold turkey after some heavy holiday boozing? British doctors warn it may do more harm than good, the Daily Mail reports. The so-called "Janopause"—a month of forced sobriety after New Year's—often leads to excessive drinking from February onward. "You’re better...

Christopher Hitchens Claimed Alcohol Improved His Writing

 Booze and 
 Writing: the 
 Ideal Combo? 

Booze and Writing: the Ideal Combo?

Christopher Hitchens defended his notorious drinking habit to the end

(Newser) - Christopher Hitchens defended his prolific smoking and drinking habits even though they probably killed him. "Whatever enhances and prolongs and deepens and sometimes intensifies argument and conversation," he once wrote, "is worth it to me." But does boozing really aid the creative process? Slate takes a...

Rod Blagojevich Seeks Prison Rehab
 Blago Seeks Prison Rehab 

Blago Seeks Prison Rehab

Ex-gov granted extra month of freedom

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich is seeking to join a substance abuse program in federal prison, but some suspect the disgraced former Illinois governor is trying to shave time off his sentence rather than deal with a genuine drug or alcohol problem. Under federal guidelines, Blagojevich is likely to serve just under 12...

Bad Hooch Kills 102 in Calcutta
 Bad Hooch Kills 102 in Calcutta 

Bad Hooch Kills 102 in Calcutta

Methanol-spiked booze blamed for villagers' deaths

(Newser) - A bad batch of illegal liquor has killed at least 102 people in villages that fringe Calcutta. Dozens more are critically ill with alcohol poisoning. Traces of highly toxic methanol were found in the victims, who were mostly poor day laborers and rickshaw-pullers who bought the hooch in pouches for...

DWI Among Women Jumps 29%
 DWI Among Women Jumps 29% 

DWI Among Women Jumps 29%

As of 2004, 20% of all arrests were of females

(Newser) - The career of ex-FAA chief Randy Babbitt might be the latest casualty of a drunken-driving arrest, but a new report shows that DWI has an increasingly female face. The number of women arrested on suspicion of DWI shot up 29% between 1998 and 2007—up from making up only...

Binge Boozers Cost Society $2 a Drink
 Binge Boozers 
 Cost Society 
 $2 a Drink 

study says

Binge Boozers Cost Society $2 a Drink

New CDC research tallies up impact of excessive drinking

(Newser) - Are you willing to pay an extra $2 for your beer? That’s the amount, per drink, that excessive drinking costs the US in medical expenses and other societal costs including lost work productivity, car crash-related property damage, and incarceration for alcohol-related crimes, according to a new CDC calculation. Such...

Groom Dies in Accident Just Hours After Wedding

A truly tragic ending to a joyous day

(Newser) - Just hours after celebrating his wedding, Nicholas Hoag was dead. The 25-year-old was the passenger on his brother’s ATV around 11:30pm Saturday night when it crashed into a tree, overturned, and pinned him to the ground. His wedding reception had been held that night at a nearby inn...

Medvedev: To Combat Alcoholism, Let's Drink Wine

'Alcohol abuse stem from other drinks,' he says

(Newser) - In order to combat alcoholism, Dmitry Medvedev would like Russia to push people to drink more wine. That is not a joke ... and neither is Russia's battle with alcoholism . Medvedev believes that encouraging people to put down the vodka bottle and pick up a nice chardonnay is one way...

Arizona Prof's Research: Getting Students Drunk

They're paid $60 for night at the 'bar'

(Newser) - An Arizona State professor wants his students to get smashed—and he’s willing to pay them to do it. That’s because William Corbin is researching the effects of alcohol on behavior, and ASU students are his subjects. Several nights a week, he converts his lab into a bar,...

Drunk Amy Winehouse Booed at Belgrade Concert
 Belgrade Boos 
 Tipsy Amy Winehouse 

Belgrade Boos Tipsy Amy Winehouse

Singer appears too drunk to perform on European tour kickoff

(Newser) - Amy Winehouse was in not-so-rare form last night, appearing a little too drunk to perform on the kickoff of her European tour in Belgrade. During the much-hyped 90-minute performance, Winehouse mumbled lyrics, struggled to keep up with her band, and wandered offstage twice as 20,000 fans booed. Tickets for...

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