
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Ann Romney: Let&#39;s &#39;Unzip Him&#39; and Find Out
Ann Romney: Let's 'Unzip Him' and Find Out
Mitt, 'stiff'?

Ann Romney: Let's 'Unzip Him' and Find Out

Plus: Rick Perry likes singing in the men's room. So there.

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, stiff? "I guess we better unzip him and let the real Mitt Romney out," Ann Romney quipped during a radio interview today. The candidate's good-humored wife laughed through her answer, after host Clarence Mitchell IV asked whether she wanted to contest the notion that Mitt...

Santorum: Calif. Schools Don't Teach US History

Republican candidate slams California universities

(Newser) - Rick Santorum continued his verbal assault on higher education today by accusing California universities of failing to "even teach an American history course." The GOP candidate slammed UC universities during a speech in Wisconsin, Mediaite reports, saying that "I think it's seven or eight" schools that...

&#39;Devious&#39; Obama Losing Credibility Fast

 Obama Losing  
 Credibility Fast 
peggy noonan

'Devious' Obama Losing Credibility Fast

Peggy Noonan says Republicans who once trusted him no longer do so

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan thinks a lot of Republicans who once liked President Obama personally, if not politically, are having serious second thoughts. "What is happening is that the president is coming across more and more as a trimmer, as an operator who's not operating in good faith," she...

RNC Slams 'Obama’s War on Women' in New Ad

Attack focuses on Bill Maher comments, White House 'boys' club'

(Newser) - Democrats often slam the GOP's "war on women," but now it's the Republicans who are hitting back at "Obama's war on women" in a new attack ad, Mediaite reports. The Republican National Committee ad focuses on controversial remarks Bill Maher—who is also a...

Boehner: House Has Smart Folks, 'Some of the Dumbest,' Too

It's just a 'slice of America,' he says in interview

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan's column in the Wall Street Journal this week is an interview with John Boehner in which the speaker talks about issues great and small. Some samples:
  • The House: "We got 435 members. It's just a slice of America, it really is. We got some of

George Will: Obama Is Probably Going to Win

Republicans should focus on controlling Congress, he writes

(Newser) - Conservative columnist George Will sizes up Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum's chances of winning the presidency and offers this up to Republicans: Hey, there's always 2016. Politico got a sneak peek at Will's Sunday column, in which he argues that Republicans are probably going to lose the...

Meet Hollywood&#39;s Republicans
 Meet Hollywood's Republicans 

Meet Hollywood's Republicans

Adam Sandler, Jessica Simpson, even 50 Cent make the list

(Newser) - Hollywood may be seemingly rife with outspoken liberals, but Chuck Norris (who is currently backing Newt Gingrich) is far from the only Republican celebrity. A sampling of those who lean right, courtesy of E! and the Atlantic :
  • Jessica Simpson: She endorsed George W. Bush in 2004, and her dad said

Why Even Liberals Should Root for Santorum

So he can lose to Obama, and GOP can return to normalcy: John Heilemann

(Newser) - John Heilemann assesses what he calls the "most volatile, unpredictable, and just plain wackadoodle Republican-nomination contest ever" in New York magazine and finds the GOP at the brink. Many Republicans already fear a loss in the general election, which will "unleash a GOP apocalypse on November 7—followed...

Cheer Up, GOP: Democrats Aren't Happy, Either

Jonah Goldberg: Waning enthusiasm for Obama could doom him

(Newser) - Republicans are grumpy these days because they don't much like their candidates, writes Jonah Goldberg at the National Review . But they shouldn't get too depressed because Democrats aren't all that jazzed about President Obama, he adds. Generally speaking, it's not that they don't like him...

'Radical' Girl Scouts Back Gays, Abortion: Indiana Rep.

Indiana's Bob Morris refusing to honor group on 100th anniversary

(Newser) - A Republican member of the Indiana House is refusing to honor the the Girl Scouts on its 100th birthday because the "radicalized" organization backs gays and abortions. Rep. Bob Morris ripped the Girl Scouts, which he considers the "tactical arm" of Planned Parenthood, for allowing transgendered children to...

GOP Can Learn From Jeremy Lin

 GOP Can Learn 
 From Jeremy Lin 

GOP Can Learn From Jeremy Lin

Marc Ambinder: Republicans are 'blowing it' on Asian-American vote

(Newser) - Republicans should pay attention to the rise of New York Knicks star Jeremy Lin , writes Marc Ambinder at GQ . Stories like his underscore the point that Asian-Americans could become a "true swing constituency" for the party, even though they now tend to vote Democratic. "On paper, Asians—culturally...

Obama Invites Fans to Join 'Truth Team'

President's website helps supporters spread the word

(Newser) - President Obama has admitted he forgets on occasion to stop and "persuade people." Now his re-election team has set up a website where grassroots supporters can read Obama's side of the story and spread it around, USA Today reports. Called Truth Team, the site asks visitors to...

Eastwood: I'm Not Politically Affiliated With Obama

Chrysler ad a political football

(Newser) - God bless America ... and the Chrysler bailout ... seemed to be the message that left football fans misty-eyed after Clint Eastwood's Super Bowl Chrysler ad. It's "halftime" in America, and we're all pulling together for a brighter economic future, says the gravelly-voiced star. But Eastwood was opposed...

Virginia Aims to Kill Gun-a-Month Purchase Cap

State Senate expected to do away with 19-year-old limit today

(Newser) - Today's big gun story comes not from Arizona , but Virginia: The Virginia Senate aims today to shoot down a 19-year-old cap limiting residents to buying just one gun a month. Earlier this week, the Senate also passed a bill prohibiting towns from requiring fingerprints from people seeking permits to...

In GOP Response, Daniels Blasts 'Pro-Poverty' Policy

Indiana governor says US must be 'pro-growth' instead

(Newser) - President Obama may be bullish about the state of the union, but he shouldn't be, said Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels in the GOP response. Obama was elected to fix the nation's financial problems, but he's only made them worse, said Daniels. "When President Obama claims that...

Hey GOP, You&#39;re Re-Electing Obama

 Hey GOP, You're 
 Re-Electing Obama 
Charles Krauthammer

Hey GOP, You're Re-Electing Obama

Candidates have given life to his class warfare spiel: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - President Obama just may find himself chuckling all the way to re-election, all because Republicans borrowed one of his weapons and turned it against themselves, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Obama and the Democrats had been trying without much luck to make a "class-war narrative" stick. Then...

Santorum Ad Inspired by ... Pop Up Video

GOP candidate channels VH1's late-'90s hit

(Newser) - GOP hopeful Rick Santorum's latest campaign ad doesn't exactly scream 2012. The video is seemingly inspired by VH1's cult classic TV show Pop Up Video, which was a huge hit after it debuted in 1996 (it was resurrected in October of this year ). In the 60-second...

Obama to GOP: Keep Your Word on Taxes

President chides Republicans on payroll taxes

(Newser) - President Obama continued his onslaught on congressional Republicans today, saying that Congress needs to extend a payroll tax cut in light of an economic recovery that's "still fragile" and middle class families who need the money. In a statement given from the White House this afternoon, Obama urged...

Peggy Noonan on GOP Debate: Hawkish Candidates Should Tone It Down
 GOP Hawks 
 Should Tone 
 It Down 
peggy noonan

GOP Hawks Should Tone It Down

Candidates might just scare off the electorate: Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - In the latest Republican debate, we saw the candidates showcase their hawkishness, each trying to play it tougher than the next. (Except for Ron Paul, of course.) That may work in “Republo-world,” where theoretical discussions on, say, bombing Iran, are commonplace, but it won’t play well...

We&#39;re Stuck With 2 Minority Parties
 We're Stuck With 
 2 Minority Parties 
David Brooks

We're Stuck With 2 Minority Parties

The public doesn't like either, but they get election wins anyway

(Newser) - Back in 1951, a political analyst came up with the theory that at any time in America there’s a Sun Party, which drives the agenda, and a minority Moon Party that shines by reflecting its rays. But these days, “we are living in the era of two moons...

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