Bush administration

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Bickering Among Agencies Undermines Iraq Rebuilding

State fights Commerce over how to win peace

(Newser) - Squabbles among agencies in the Bush administration have wasted countless hours and undermined initiatives to stabilize Iraq, the Post reports. The White House wants the whole cabinet involved, but State shuns other departments' initiatives. One battle between State and Commerce, over a proposal to end food rations, became so bitter...

Vermonters Vote to Impeach President

Over 35 towns pass resolutions charging Bush with lawbreaking

(Newser) - Vermont, the state with civil unions, Ben and Jerry's, and a socialist senator, has taken the "think globally, act locally" motto to heart with a call for President Bush's impeachment—town by town. In a series of local meetings initiated by activists, residents introduced a resolution charging the administration...

Walter Reed Exposes Weakened Top Brass

Retired general blames military for acquiescing to misguided civilian moves

(Newser) - Blame the Walter Reed scandal on "the silence of our top officers," writes a retired Army general. Paul Eaton, who spent a year in Baghdad rebuilding the Iraqi army, says the administration and Congress "pointedly failed to provide the money and resources for our returned troops,"...

Prisoner Sheds Harsh Light on "Black Sites"

Testimony undercuts Bush claims about CIA secret facilities for terror suspects

(Newser) - Details about "black sites"--the network of secret internment facilities for terror suspects the CIA ran until last summer—are emerging as former prisoners tell their stories. The Washington Post interviews Marwan Jabour, an accused al-Qaeda paymaster who spent 28 months in two facilities—where he was drugged, burned,...

CIA Finds No Escape From Secret Prisons

New report places 'black sites' first exposed in 2005 in Poland, Romania

(Newser) - The secret CIA prisons are back. The US cashed in on military alliances with an eager Poland and Romania to skirt civilian regulations on torture and tk, says a report by Europe's central human rights council released today. The report sheds new light on the so-called 'black sites,' which...

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