Bush administration

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Immigration Reform Back On Bush Agenda

Even with Democrats more receptive, plan will be tough sell

(Newser) - President Bush is making another run at immigration reform, armed with the hope that the Democratic Congress will be more receptive than his own party was last year. In Arizona today Bush will reintroduce a package that sounds suspiciously like his earlier attempt: increased border security, better enforcement of immigration...

Third Gonzales Aide Resigns
Third Gonzales
Aide Resigns

Third Gonzales Aide Resigns

Monica Goodling resigns after declining to testify on dismissals of U.S. attorneys

(Newser) - Gonzales aide Monica Goodling resigned yesterday, a little more than a week after she plead the fifth rather than testify before a Senate committee about the Justice Department's firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the Times reports. Democrats had hoped Goodling, who was Justice's liaison to  the White House, would...

Pelosi Is Doing Bush's Job
Pelosi Is Doing Bush's Job

Pelosi Is Doing Bush's Job

Someone had to.

(Newser) - Taylor Marsh defends Pelosi's visit to Syria on the grounds that if Bush won't talk to Assad someone has to.  It turns out that all Syria wants is some R-E-S-P-E-C-T.  And Marsh makes the case that this is a good thing for America to be doing.

Swift Boater Gets Recess Appointment

Bush slips three controversial conservatives past Senate

(Newser) - President Bush doled out three major recess appointments yesterday to  conservatives Democrats found distasteful. Ambassador to Belgium went to Sam Fox, a top-tier donor to Republican causes including Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the 527 that sank John Kerry’s shot at the White House.

Support The Troops With A War Tax
Support The Troops With
A War Tax

Support The Troops With A War Tax

Dems should insist on paying, not borrowing, for war

(Newser) - If the Democrats want to support the troops but call the question on the war, they should pass a "war tax,"  writes Richard Hall in the Detroit Free Press. They could adopt the supplemental appropriations, but attach an income tax surcharge to finance it. Would the president...

Bush Staying the Course on Veto
Bush Staying the Course on Veto

Bush Staying the Course on Veto

President refuses to compromise on Iraq funding

(Newser) - Bush is staying the course in the war with Congress, ripping into "Democrat leaders" in a press conference today, and repeating his vow to veto any bills with troop withdrawal deadlines that crossed his desk. Congress, he said, is more clearly interested in fighting political battles than real ones.

Supreme Court Rejects Appeals From Gitmo Detainees

Win for Bush policy on terror suspects

(Newser) - The Supreme Court declined to hear the case of detainees at Guantanamo who challenged the constitutionality of  their confinement, the Washington Post  reports. The rejected appeal  questioned the validity of the military commissions law passed last year, and the legality of being held for more than five years with being...

Thompson Joins Race for 2008
Thompson Joins Race for 2008

Thompson Joins Race for 2008

Claims he's the only real conservative in the GOP field

(Newser) - Former governor and Bush cabinet member Tommy Thompson announced  for president yesterday, staking a claim to the territory to the right of the other GOP contenders. "I am the reliable conservative, my record shows that,"  said the one-time secretary of Health and Human Services and four-term governor...

Mink: He's Merely a Pawn
Mink: He's Merely a Pawn

Mink: He's Merely a Pawn

Gonzales was Irrelevant even before the attorneys mess

(Newser) - Who really cares if Alberto Gonzales resigns? Nobody but his family and friends, writes Eric Mink in the St. Louis Dispatch. Because Bush's embattled attorney general proved himself inconsequential long before the botched firings of the  insufficiently loyal U.S. attorneys. Congress learned how little clout the AG had when...

Saudi King Calls Iraq War Illegal
Saudi King Calls Iraq War Illegal

Saudi King Calls Iraq War Illegal

Latest evidence of breach with ally

(Newser) - King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia fired a warning shot at the Bush administration yesterday, calling Iraq “an illegal foreign occupation” and urging Arab leaders to unite to prevent U.S. domination of the region.  The Saudis "are telling the U.S. they need to listen to their...

Tony Snow's Cancer Recurs
Tony Snow's Cancer Recurs

Tony Snow's Cancer Recurs

(Newser) - White House press secretary Tony Snow has cancer again, and this time it's spread to his liver. Doctors discovered the recurrence when they removed a  growth from his lower abdomen yesterday. Snow, who's 51, underwent surgery and chemotherapy for colon cancer two years ago.

Bush Is Worse Than a Lame Duck
Bush Is Worse Than a Lame Duck

Bush Is Worse Than a Lame Duck

(Newser) - The FT catalogs a litany of the obstacles for President Bush achieving anything meaningful in his last 22 months in office. At the core of it all is the Iraq war, which has reduced Bush’s popularity to the point where he has no more political capital to spend.

Endangered Species May Get Bush Brush-Off

Internal memo reveals plan to reduce protection

(Newser) - The Bush administration is quietly rewriting the rules on enforcing the Endangered Species Act, drafting changes that some environmentalists say will fatally weaken protections for threatened wildlife. A 117-page internal proposal obtained by Salon would limit which animals could be effectively protected, cut back on the size of habitats preserved,...

Novak: Bush Is Alone On Gonzales
Novak: Bush
Is Alone On Gonzales

Novak: Bush Is Alone On Gonzales

"In half a century, I have not seen a president so isolated from his own party"

(Newser) - There is virtually no support on Capitol Hill for the president's wish to save Alberto Gonzales, who is even more disliked than Rumsfeld was, Robert Novak wrote today. "In half a century, I have not seen a president so isolated from his own party in Congress.  Not Jimmy...

Gates Pushed to Close Guantanamo
Gates Pushed
to Close Guantanamo

Gates Pushed to Close Guantanamo

New defense secretary butted heads with Cheney, Gonzales

(Newser) - Newly appointed Defense Secretary Robert Gates pushed hard for shutting down the controversial detention center at Guantanamo Bay, but  was blocked by Cheney and Gonzales, until Bush pulled the plug on the argument.  Gates at least succeeded in halting a $100 million expansion of the prison he felt had...

Lithwick: Nutty Legal Logic Used to Fire Attorneys

(Newser) - The same legal argument marshaled to justify mistreating prisoners is behind the Bush administration’s contention that the President can fire U.S. attorneys for any reason or no reason, according to Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick. It’s the theory that a greater power—like killing people in war—embodies...

House Vote: Make Rove Testify
House Vote: Make Rove Testify

House Vote: Make Rove Testify

Senate expected to approve subpoenas today in prosecutor firing flap

(Newser) - A House panel authorized subpoenas yesterday and the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to do so today in an effort to force Karl Rove and other top administration figures to testify about the firings of federal prosecutors. With the White House offering only private interviews, not under oath, the scene...

Dems Score With Subpoenas
Dems Score
With Subpoenas

Dems Score With Subpoenas

They can't pass bills, but they can sure hold hearings

(Newser) - Democrats haven't managed to score with a single one of the bills drafted in their giddy first 100 hours, but playing hardball with hearings has proved more fruitful. In cranking up the congressional oversight machinery, write Richard Simon and Noam Levey, they've dominated headlines and applied pressure to the administration.

Email Outs Politicized Attorney Firings

(Newser) - Emails the White House handed over to investigators today outline a systematic plan to fire U.S. attorneys who were too independent. D. Kyle Sampson, chief of staff to Alberto Gonzales, shot off a memo just after Bush's second inauguration suggesting Justice retain only attorneys who had "exhibited loyalty...

Guestworker Abuses Cited
Guestworker Abuses Cited

Guestworker Abuses Cited

(Newser) - American employers are systematically exploiting the 120,000 low-skilled guest workers they hire each year, from stealing passports and Social Security cards to consistently underpaying them. “I felt like an animal without claws—defenseless. It is the same as slavery,” says one worker, in a report published today...

Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>