
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Occupy Wall Street Almost Broke

With camp gone, so are donations

(Newser) - It turns out Occupy Wall Street isn't great with money. The protest movement raised $700,000 last fall, but now all but $170,000 of that is gone, the Wall Street Journal reports. And now that protesters been evicted from Zuccotti Park and aren't garnering media coverage anymore,...

Despite &#39;Hell,&#39; Cain Still Raising
 Despite 'Hell,' Cain Still Raising 

Despite 'Hell,' Cain Still Raising

Allegations haven't slowed donations, campaign says

(Newser) - The morass of sexual harassment allegations hasn't slowed Herman Cain's fundraising. The candidate has raised $9 million over the last six weeks, according to his campaign, with $2.25 million of that donated since the sexual harassment story first broke. If money keeps flowing to the Cain campaign...

Obama Is Fundraiser in Chief
 Obama Is Fundraiser in Chief 
study says

Obama Is Fundraiser in Chief

He's held more events than the last five guys

(Newser) - Barack Obama has held more fundraising events in his first term than any of the last five presidents—and it’s not terribly close. According to new research reported by USA Today , Obama has held a whopping 127 fundraising events so far, outpacing George W. Bush (88), Bill Clinton (76),...

RNC Chief: Obama Is Guilty of Fundraising Crime

Priebus wants White House video investigated

(Newser) - The chief of the Republican National Committee wants the Department of Justice to investigate an "apparent crime" committed when President Obama recorded a fundraising video in the White House. Reince Priebus says the video was recorded in the Map Room, violating a law against using any area of the...

Social Network Twitter Valued at $7B
 Twitter Valued at $7B 

Twitter Valued at $7B

That's almost twice the figure from 7 months ago

(Newser) - Twitter’s latest private fundraising effort values the firm at up to $7 billion, an insider tells the Wall Street Journal . Just seven months ago, a round of fundraising that brought in $200 million valued the firm at $3.7 billion. Twitter is hoping its ad system, begun last year,...

Obama Romancing 'Fat-Cat' Donors

And, simultaneously, not-so-rich ones

(Newser) - President Obama's 2012 machine is revving up early, and his campaign is using all its assets to pull in wealthy donors—while also courting the small Internet donors that fueled his grass-roots machine in 2008. The Washington Post takes a long look at the fundraising push, which has included...

Pledge Drives Muscle In on PBS Programming

Individuals are cash-strapped stations' biggest funding source

(Newser) - Between the recession and threats to its federal funding, PBS is facing tough times—so don’t be surprised if you see a lot more Les Miserables and self-help programming. PBS stations have upped the length of televised pledging periods by 9% since 2005, the company says, with some stations...

GOP Frosh: Screw Populism, Let's Throw Swank Party!

Furious John Boehner will not attend

(Newser) - John Boehner is not pleased with the kids: While the speaker-elect might prefer his caucus stick to the populist message that won them the House, on the eve of taking it over, a dozen freshman Republicans are throwing a lavish DC fundraiser headlined by LeAnn Rimes. For $2,500, Politico...

$2B House, Senate Races Smash Fundraising Record

Spending set to top $4M for each congressional seat

(Newser) - Fundraising records have been shattered as House and Senate candidates head toward the finish line, a Washington Post analysis of campaign finance data finds. House and Senate candidates have raised over $1.5 billion and total spending is on course to top $2 billion as hopefuls dig deep into their...

WikiLeaks: US Blacklisted Us, Screwed Up Funding

Assange says US waging financial war

(Newser) - WikiLeaks funding has been cut off thanks to what Julian Assange calls financial warfare by the US government. In an email to Assange, Moneybookers, the company that collected donations for WikiLeaks, said it was closing WikiLeaks' account “following the recent publicity and subsequent addition of the WikiLeaks entity to...

Rove's Fundraising Group Pulls In Just $200

No, we're not missing any zeros

(Newser) - Remember that big scary “shadow RNC” Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie cooked up to lure the big GOP donors scared off by Michael Steele? It’s not going so well. The group, dubbed American Crossroads, raised just $200 last month, according to a report filed with the IRS—and...

Rep. Grayson Raises $800K in First Quarter

People like 'congressmen with guts,' he explains

(Newser) - Florida congressman Alan Grayson's outspoken assault on Republicans is paying off: He raised a whopping $800,000 in the first quarter of 2010. Grayson, however, bristles at the notion that he's simply a lefty version of, say, Michele Bachmann, writes Greg Sargent at his Plum Line blog . "It’s...

ACORN Will Fold Due to Money Woes, Scandal

Activist group had already splintered following video sting

(Newser) - The once mighty community activist group ACORN announced yesterday it is folding, six months after video footage emerged showing some of its workers giving tax tips to conservative activists posing as a pimp and prostitute. "It's really declining revenue in the face of a series of attacks from partisan...

Money Dries Up for GOP's Only Supporter of Health Reform

Louisiana Rep. Cao's fundraising down 40%

(Newser) - The lone Republican lawmaker to support Democratic health care legislation has seen his fundraising drop by nearly 40% since his vote, forcing him to resort to a costly national fundraising operation as he burns through a dwindling bank account. Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao, the unlikely congressman from New Orleans,...

Top GOP Fundraiser Mosbacher Dead at 82

Bush 41's commerce secretary helped grease the skids for NAFTA

(Newser) - Robert Mosbacher, a legendary GOP fundraiser who served as George HW Bush's commerce secretary, died of cancer today in Houston. The multimillionaire oilman was 82. Mosbacher, an influential NAFTA proponent, was "the shrewdest dealmaker I ever knew," Bush, a friend of half a century, said in a statement....

Rick Warren Asks Followers for $900K, Pronto

Unexpected deficit sparks 'urgent' call for donations by tomorrow

(Newser) - Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church has hit a major fundraising speedbump and has asked members to help out with almost $1 million by tomorrow. Warren described the situation yesterday in an “urgent letter unlike any I've written in 30 years.” Last weekend, “our total offerings were less...

White House Denies Giving Perks to Donors

GOP wants an investigation after newspaper report

(Newser) - White House officials are engaging in damage control after GOP Chairman Michael Steele accused the Obama administration of offering selected donors perks in exchange for big contributions. Steele’s charges stem from a Washington Times report today claiming that DNC contributors who give $30,400 or bundle $300,000 get...

Don't Fight Reform, Obama Warns Wall St. at NYC Dinner

Still, president reminds finance industry, 'we're in this together'

(Newser) - At a fundraising dinner tonight in New York attended by (among others) the sorts of financial types who could afford the $30,400-per-couple entry fee, President Obama wagged a finger at Wall Street. “I would ask that you join us in passing what are necessary reforms,” he said...

Wall Street Cools to Dems Despite Bailout

Financial regulation tough talk hurting donations

(Newser) - Some gratitude: Wall Street’s top firms will largely sit out Barack Obama’s lavish Democratic Party fundraiser in New York tonight, with Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and Citigroup sending a scant half-dozen representatives or fewer. Some Democratic fundraisers and executives tell the New York Times that bailout banks are afraid...

Public Enemy Hooks Up With 'Crowdfunding' Site

Hip-hop innovators will raise $250K through Dutch site Sellaband

(Newser) - Hip-hoppers Public Enemy, one of the first groups to release on mp3, is entering the brave new world of crowdfunding. The group has partnered with Dutch site SellABand to raise the $250,000 necessary to record a new album entirely through $25 donations from fans. The payout? Donors—or “...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>